Monday, January 31, 2011

How do we explain the presence of a black sheep in a family?

It is a puzzle when we notice that some good parents have among their similarly good children one who strangely turns out to be utterly different from the rest. This offspring will be the one to give the family many sleepless nights and they are often referred to as the black sheep of the family.

There is a Law that the Almighty has placed in His Creation called the Law of Attraction of similar things. This Law ensures that every human spirit is brought to the place where he belongs without mistakes. So, the popular proverbs “Birds of the same feather flock together” and “like father, like son” appears to have been sensed from this Primordial Law. Following from this, one can observe in ones surroundings that people who have similar interests for example a particular sport, lifestyle or social status tend to come together as friends. In families we also see that similar natural talents such as the ability to make music or similar choice of profession are noticeable. It is not the case that these similar characteristics are inherited by children from their parents, but the operation of the aforementioned Law of Attraction brings about the possibility that human spirits who desire to be incarnated on earth are automatically attracted to parents of a similar nature.

Going by what has been said so far, it is to be expected that good parents should naturally attract good children. Yes, this is how it should be. But already for thousands of years mankind by living in the wrong way and in disobedience to God's Commandments have extended their hands to dark spheres where dark human spirits live, making it possible for these fallen ones to incarnate on earth! The effect of this is such that presently, more than half of all men living on earth now do not belong here at all!

Now, when it comes to incarnations, it may well happen that a darker soul can easily take the place which rightly belongs to a good soul since luminous souls must retreat from where the Darkness has gained a firm foothold. In such a case the dark soul has found a link through somebody near the prospective mother, enabling it to push aside the light soul even when mother or father are good. This is the solution to the riddle of the presence of the black sheep sometimes found in good families.

In order to avoid this however, a mother to be needs to be watch and pray, paying careful attention to her thoughts and her immediate surroundings and those with whom she associates. If she acts in this way, a black sheep cannot be attracted.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Can destiny be changed?

Please read this revised version of an earlier post.

Destiny can be changed.

Our activities form our destiny and these include our thoughts words and deeds. Each of these are seeds that we plant every moment and they are nurtured through the workings of the Laws of Creation such that at a definite time we will have to reap what we have sown earlier on as seeds. As an example, a person who nurtures envy in a relationship may not expect to reap happiness from that interaction. On the other hand acts of kindness will bring us a harvest of peace. So, we can only expect results that are similar to the earlier seed. The Law that brings these about is the unchangeable Law of Sowing and Reaping, the Law of Reciprocal Action. This Law speaks of the Justice and Love of the Creator and makes man the architect of his own fate or destiny.

So, good decisions will lead to a good destiny and we can safely conclude that evil deeds will likewise lead to a destiny of similar nature. What then is the way out especially for many who have spent more time sowing seeds that can only bring them multiple harvests of bitter fruits? Repentance and the firm volition for what is good will lead to redemption! First of all, a complete inner change has the effect of putting a stop to the unwholesome habit of acquiring further debts.
The repentant one must not stop at that but must continuously engage only in planting good seeds in thought, word and deed as a sure way of attracting help to strengthen him in his new way of life. A simple way to start is by keeping our thoughts pure. This is a huge task but the rewards are that we will reap peace and be happy. Pure thoughts will naturally lead to pure words and deeds which in turn will lead to bountiful harvest of forgiveness of our past negative actions. The result or harvest of our past activities will come no doubt due to the effect of the Law of Sowing and Reaping, but the sustained resolve to be good also forms a formidable covering and protection for us that prevents the onrushing reciprocal action from having full effect or any effect at all depending on the level of the inner change. This is the way to obtaining forgiveness and attaining to a change of destiny! It goes without saying also that a person who has initially set out on the right road can through willful change to a wrong course alter his destiny negatively.

In conclusion, it is clear that through the working of the Laws of God, man is made the absolute master of his destiny.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

How true is the saying: With God all things are possible?

We have treated this topic before, but please read this revised version.

The Almighty is Omnipotent, being the Source of all Power. This Power created, maintains, sustains, heals and develops Creation. In addition, the Lord God is omnipresent and omniscient.

The all powerful and ever living God in His Power and Wisdom also created the Laws that maintain His Creation. These Laws are the expression of His Will. He speaks and manifests to His creatures through these Laws which are perfect and do not change!
Some believers think that the Almighty can do everything and that with His omnipotence He can act arbitrarily. This is not so. Arbitrariness is only an attribute of humans who in their weakness and foolishness try to show off their abilities in this way. The Lord is however perfect and His Laws are the same yesterday, today and forever. They do not change. So the Lord will not for example go contrary to His Laws, or do anything impure, unjust or act out of hatred. Neither will He demand of His creatures abominable practices such as human sacrifice or self punishment.

Many will here mention miracles as proof that God can do anything. They think that miracles are happenings which are impossible and are only brought about by arbitrary acts of the Almighty. This is not so. The fact that they happen shows that miracles are indeed possible and it is only men in their narrow mindedness who think they are not. However miracles such as many believers imagine do not exist. Such people only see the hand of God in things which are outside of the Natural Laws. Such happenings cannot be attributed to the Creator and are impossible anyway. Miracles therefore are natural happenings but the difference with a miracle is that the process which according to earthly or human conceptions should take a longer time occurs with immense rapidity and so appears miraculous by reason of its extraordinary speed.
When during the life of Christ on earth events were recorded which are miraculous, it reveals to us that He acted with Divine Power but still within the Laws of Nature which Jesus proclaimed He had come to fulfill. The fact that Jesus will not do anything contrary to these Laws was displayed when He firmly refused the temptations to turn stones to bread or to jump down from the pinnacle of the Temple. We should not forget that the suggestions to do these arbitrary things came from Lucifer who will not suggest anything which accords with the Will of God.

So, instead of saying “With God all things are possible”, we can safely assert: “With God all things are possible which are in accordance with His irrevocable Laws.”

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Why do bad things happen to good people?

This question is usually asked because majority of people will never want to accept that they bear the responsibility for whatever happens to them. Some believe that time and chance determines everything. Clever religious ones will hide under the erroneous belief that the Almighty acts as He wishes, His ways being unexplainable! Easy going ones embrace such beliefs as these require nothing more but blind faith which of course is unsound and wrong.

In answering this question in the Light of Truth, we come face to face with the adamantine Law: “What a man sows he will reap many times over!” Man bears spiritually the responsibility for everything he says and does and this includes his thoughts which ordinarily no other human being can see. It is therefore an erroneous presumption to conclude that a person is good just because we see the activities he shows to the world whereas his innermost thoughts remain hidden from us.

This Law of Sowing and Reaping ensures that each person gets what he deserves without preference or prejudice and any injustice is totally ruled out. However, one of the mistakes so many people make is to believe that all happenings can be accounted for in only one earth-life. If this were true then Justice would naturally require that the combined causes, effects and reactions must occur during the span of one earth-life. When we turn away from this error, we will discover the logic and justice in everything that happens.

What we experience now can be a reaction from former debts and if we go through it with the right attitude, we are released from the debt. Apart from this, obstacles can be put in man’s way to teach and develop him in which case he adds to the means of his spiritual progress or ascent. In either case, these experiences help man to advance and works for his good. Furthermore, some can be born into families with hereditary diseases because through the Law aforementioned, they need such diseases for redemption, for purification or for advancement. In some cases a soul may have volunteered to come to this world for a specific mission to help some particular persons or to engage with some others in some beneficial work for all mankind. Out of his free will the soul accepts in advance all that will happen to it on earth, so there is no question of injustice.

Finally, since the Laws of the Almighty Creator works only in Love and Justice then the answer to this question which is often asked is this: what we see as the adversity of the obviously good people are in fact the reciprocal effects of former decisions which must now strike them!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

What is the meaning of the parable of the prodigal son?

The parable of the prodigal son can be summarized as follows: A certain man had two sons. The younger of them asked his father to give him his inheritance which he later wasted through riotous living during his stay in a distant country. He soon became poor and had to work as a caretaker of pigs! After much suffering and nearly perishing with hunger, he came to his senses and decided to go back to his father who subsequently accepted the son back amid great rejoicing!
This Parable like all the other Parables of Jesus the Son of God must be understood not in the earthly but in the spiritual sense.
The prodigal son in this parable represents mankind. Man has his origin in Paradise the Spiritual Realm where he starts as a spirit seed. Paradise is symbolized by the father’s house in the parable. The young man’s journey to a distant country in the parable can be likened to the journey of man as spirit seed from Paradise to the earthly school where he is meant to mature and subsequently go back home to Paradise as a fully matured human spirit.
However, for most spirit seeds the time granted for this necessary schooling is frittered away in vanity, immorality and running after earthly things like the riotous living of the prodigal son. The result of such a way of life is unhappiness, lack of fulfillment and lack of contentment just like the poverty and hunger suffered by the prodigal son in the parable.
It was only after his repentance that the prodigal son’s journey back to his father’s house began. The lesson here is obvious. The parable shows that contrary to the erroneous belief that the guilt of men can be heaped upon the Son of God; the only way mercifully provided by God’s Love for man to obtain the forgiveness of his sins is repentance.
The way of repentance and continuous obedience leads back to the Kingdom of Heaven from where we came to the earth. This time however, we will through the experiences gained on our way, go back fully matured to participate in the joyful activity of other blessed human spirits who already live in Paradise.
Therefore, one of the admonitions in the Grail Message is that we should strive for the ability to enter the Spiritual Realm so that there will be joy over us as already indicated in the parable about the prodigal son!