Wednesday, September 26, 2012


Generally speaking an outcast is a person who is rejected or cast out from home or society, or in some way excluded, looked down upon, isolated, rejected, or ignored.

Aside this general description, there are various caste systems world over under which some people in a particular society are regarded as freeborn and another group of people are considered inferior. In certain extreme cases some people in the same society are regarded as outcasts or untouchables. These systems can be borne out of a religious belief in which case, the caste system remains despite all modernization. In other cases the system operates to create societal divisions based on occupation and ethnic ties.

All of these forms of discrimination cannot be supported by the Laws of God which only promote love and justice and regards all men as equals! Where such tyrannical caste or social structures are found, there you have on display the reign of terror devised by the calculations of man.

To regard a fellow human soul as an outcast just because he is born to a certain class of society is an evidence of a lack of love. If such attitude is based on religious beliefs then its followers cannot make a valid claim to recognize the Almighty Who is Love.

And where a society is divided into classes, it is better not to have one class above the other. Such oppressive social structures that places one group of society above another only brings about disharmony and unrest. The so called high class people will be arrogant and the lower classes will be discontented and even bitter. Social tensions, crime and general insecurity are some of the results of this unsustainable structure.
Where man adheres to the Laws of his Maker, then there will be sincere love amongst the peoples and no one will be discriminated against by virtue of the circumstance of his birth. And where there has to be a class structure, then each class will stand side by side, giving and receiving from each other in an atmosphere of mutual respect.

When all is said and done, the real outcasts are those creatures who out of stubbornness continuously disobey the Laws of God. They indulge in sin and revel in harming their fellow men. It does not matter if these people adhere to a religion believing that they can ask for forgiveness at the last moment. Unless they repent now, and continually do the Will of the Almighty, they shall be considered by the Laws of God as outcasts belonging to the Darkness who shall be cast out from the Light and denied the grace of eternal life!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Does a prayer offered by the living on the dead have any effect?

The departed are still living human spirits like us on earth! The main difference between them and those on earth is that they have discarded their physical bodies.

On leaving the flesh, the departed one simply changes his location from one part of Creation to another part. The departed is held fast to the environment in the beyond which corresponds with the way he has lived his life while on earth. So, there are communities in the beyond for those who relish bearing false witness, for those who are robbers, hoodlums and so on. These areas are dark and each one tries to inflict harm on the other thus creating for themselves spheres of great suffering! These are the regions of the beyond which have come to be recognized as hell.

Those who are noble minded will however find themselves in the regions of Light in the beyond and they continue to work with those of like nature for the further maturity of their spirits.

Where then does the prayer for the departed come in? Since the departed are still in Creation, and have not ceased to exist, those on earth can still pray or intercede for them. One can pray so that help may reach them to point them in the direction leading to spiritual ascent. For it is possible that after much suffering a soul in the dark regions might still change and in its agony plead for help. This can lead him out of the dark regions and suffering.

Even for the departed who while on earth was already striving towards spiritual ascent, prayers will still have the effect of strengthening him as he makes his way upwards to the Eternal Gardens above.

We should strive to recognize that Creation is one. The different spheres of existence in Creation can be visualized as different countries belonging to one continent. Therefore, those who depart this earth do not simply cease to exist but have relocated to another part of Creation. The effects of man's thoughts and prayers are able to reach farther than this earth and therefore his prayers and thoughts can be of benefit to those who have departed this life.

However, as indicated above, what is decisive for the departed is the way they have lived here on earth. Those who abide by the Laws of God will ascend to higher regions of Creation; while those who stubbornly cling to their evil propensities will fall into the regions of darkness and damnation!