Monday, December 30, 2013


Many have come to make it a point of duty to make New Year resolutions as one year rolls into another. The reasons behind this practise are numerous. A person might make a resolution to set clear goals for the New Year; it could be a decision to kick an undesirable habit, or a general guide as to how the next 12 months is to be spent.

If the reason behind this effort is genuine and focussed on what is noble, uplifting, pure, and not meant to harm our fellow men, then certainly it is a well meant practise and should be encouraged.

One must add quickly that in setting our goals, we need to ensure that we do not focus solely on setting earthly goals. No doubt we may not forget or disregard earthly ne­cessities with impunity but at the same time they must not become the principal aim of our thoughts and actions.

Furthermore, in setting our earthly goals let us steer clear of self aggrandisement, crass materialistic ambition and vanity. It is no gain in the true sense of it for any person just because he or she has been proclaimed by some beauty pageant judges as the most beautiful person in the world, or that he led or was part of the football team that won the world cup or that his own private jet is the most expensive one as of this year! Such “achievements” brings no blessing to humanity, no progress, and no gain for anyone’s existence in this Creation, but only encourages such goal getters to fritter away their time upon earth.

Instead, our priority should be to consider that which helps in our spiritual ascent, furthers Creation in which we are permitted to live and improves the lives of our fellow men. Thus the Grail Message says: “One goal must henceforth dominate every man – to recognise and also to fulfil the place he, as a human being, must occupy in Creation!”

We are constantly advised in the Message to have goals which are high, noble, good and ideal. We are to have a spiritual aim, high goals for eternity, to look upwards and ascend. Also, an ideal aim and prayer is to plead for strength finally to pull ourselves together for permanent improve­ment, humbly strive to throw off all former stubbornness, and joyfully greet the Word of Truth from the Light as redemption!

Our resolution or firm decision will be well directed therefore if it is focussed on the observance of the Laws of God. Our lives and the years ahead will be blissful provided that we think upon God and His Will at all times!

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

CHRISTMAS- December 25, 2013

 It is Christmas! My thoughts dwell on the Love that made it possible for Jesus to come unto this lowly earth from His Home Above. The Love I speak of here is the Love of the Most High which is incomprehensible to man.

Ever since the advent of man on earth, the Almighty has been sending helpers to inform him on what he has to do in order to attain maturity. The attainment of spiritual maturity through experiencing is the real purpose of life on earth. Man has his origin in the Spiritual Part of Creation and he has been permitted to descend here so as to learn the Laws of God, experience their workings, align himself with these Laws and through this become mature. However, man wilfully turned against this plan and chose to go his own way which in one word is an attempt to make this earth his permanent home or acting as if everything starts and ends here. For this man can do just about anything to gain material wealth, fame and fortune. All entreaties by prophets and other helpers fell on deaf ears. The prophets had little or no effect!

The way man was going can only lead to one destination: eternal damnation. However, a few still carried within them the love for the Lord and a willingness to follow His Will. So that these ones will not fall to perdition along with the rest, the Love of God made it possible for a Part of Himself to be severed and incarnated here on earth in flesh and blood as Jesus of Nazareth!

He came to show man the way back to God, to remind us of the purpose of living on earth, to repent from our stupid wilfulness and turn to God and thereby be redeemed unto salvation. He came to proclaim the Truth which is encapsulated in the Commandments of God. He proclaimed the Word of His Father the acceptance of which is the way to salvation and redemption. He did not come however for the scornful, the arrogant and those who think they already are on the right road. He also did not come as a slave of humanity to carry their load of sin. But He came to set free all who will walk faithfully on the Way that He has proclaimed because He is the Way the Truth and the Life!

My Christmas wish is that we all make a firm decision to live solely in accordance with the Will of God which Christ has brought to us in Love and at a very great price!