Thursday, January 30, 2014

In view of the effect of the law of sowing and reaping - is it necessary to pray for forgiveness of our sins? Are hard times always a result of former bad deeds?

It is true that the workings of the Law of Sowing and Reaping bring to each one what they deserve. This does not however imply that we are not to pray. We can give thanks to the Creator Who mercifully permits us through the operation of this Law to reap in multiples that which we have sown. For if we have sown goodness we receive back goodness in multiples just as we observe in nature where a single seed yields multiples of fruits at the harvest! On the other hand if we have sown that which is not good and we come to a sober realization of this in time, we can repent and reinforce this with a prayerful plea for mercy. This way, we will be forgiven but surely only to the extent of our inner change and our firm resolution to forsake our wrongdoing. The Laws will still be fulfilled but with the inner change and sustained volition for what is good, the retuning dark fruits are unable to bring harm to the person concerned because of his more luminous surroundings. The Laws therefore provide for mercy and forgiveness!
The so called ‘hard times’ are not always as a result of the fruits of the past. Indeed obstacles may be put in a person’s way to teach and develop the person or prepare him for a task ahead. If the person going through the difficulties shows good faith and welcomes them joyfully he will pass through and he makes progress thereby. If on the other hand such ‘hard times’ comes as a result of past debts then the hard times leads him to full payment of the past debts and he becomes free. Therefore, whatever be the case, the difficulties leads to advancement and gain for a man of goodwill. So one needs to face all circumstances courageously and consider them as beneficial gifts. With the right attitude, ‘hard times’ ultimately lead to ascent and spiritual benefits.

Monday, January 20, 2014

Why does the Almighty test us if He already knows what we shall become?

It is said, before we are born, the Almighty Creator already know what we will become. The question is this: why are we sometimes tested since He already knows the result?

The answer to this riddle lies in the fact that man is endowed with free will as a natural quality! He may think freely, speak as he desires and act in accordance with his own plans. However, the human spirit is subject to the consequences of each and every one of his thoughts, words and deeds.

The Almighty neither tests nor tempts anyone! We are the ones who judge or redeem ourselves through our attitude to His unchangeable Laws. The Almighty in His Love gave us the Commandments and the Laws to help and to guide us unto paths that lead to our welfare. Obedience to these Laws leads to our happiness and makes us to become pleasing to our Creator. The Lord has provided all that works for our salvation and setting of snares for man is definitely not a part of His Works.

Referring again to the Free-Will of man, let us picture a man holding a stone in his hand. He can decide to throw it or not to throw it. But once he throws it, he has no control over what the stone can hit or destroy. Yet the stone thrower remains responsible for any damage caused by the stone. Similarly, we freely choose what we do, but we are then bound to the consequences of our actions. These consequences are worked out in the Laws that govern the whole of Creation one of which is the Law of Sowing and Reaping which ensures that we reap what we have sown previously through our words, thoughts and deeds.

These Laws of Creation work automatically on us and all we produce and the Almighty does not need to know in advance how and what each and every one of us will decide to do. However, what can be foreseen from Above are the consequences of our decisions which are brought about through the operation of the aforementioned Laws of Creation.

To sum up, let us always be mindful that we are responsible for all of our free decisions. This immense responsibility cannot be cast on any other person. We are not just robots playing out a pre-determined script for which we have no control and for which we are therefore not responsible. Furthermore, the Almighty does not tempt us. Temptations only come out of the darkness and even then, the decision to resist or fall for such temptations lies squarely in the hands of man himself. Therefore, even in the case of temptations, man is still responsible for his subsequent actions because his freedom to make decisions always remains in full force and effect!