Saturday, October 21, 2017


One person says he believes in God, but believes in a supreme being who is there as his automated teller machine,(ATM), who always gives him unmerited favors, who is very big and yet always on his side to do whatever he the poor creature wants him to do at any time! Another person sees through the folly and arrogance of the first person and says to himself that there can be no supreme being at all just because he finds the belief of the aforementioned religionist unbelievable.

The two types mentioned above are of are of the same tribe. They belong to the class of the spiritually indolent. The indolent religionist believes the impossible about the Almighty and His Will, while the atheist deny and scorn based on the shaky philosophy of the religionists instead of engaging in his own serious seeking to find the Truth. He demands physical proofs for the Godhead.

Now, all those who believe in things which are not in conformity with the Will of God and who will have their God in the way of their own imaginings are no doubt engaging in the dangerous game of hypocrisy and blasphemy. Their so called worship based on these false beliefs are empty and tantamount to continuously attempting to deceive God with something which does not exist. Theirs is no true faith.

For the outright unbelievers, their scoffing is a sign of a careless indifference to a very serious issue and for the simple reason that they have chosen to remain on the material level only, they paralyse themselves and cannot ascend spiritually.

May we all strive seriously to concern ourselves solely with the Truth which alone brings clarity, sets free, redeems and saves!

Sunday, October 15, 2017


Eschatology is a study concerned with what are believed to be the final events of history, the ultimate destiny of humanity — commonly referred to as the end of the world. Let us go into some of them.

Baha’i Faith

Some teachings like the Baha’i Faith hold that human time is marked by a series of progressive revelations in which successive messengers or prophets come from God. The coming of each of these messengers is seen as the day of judgment to the adherents of the previous religion, who may choose to accept the new messenger and enter the 'heaven' of belief, or denounce the new messenger and enter the 'hell' of denial.


Followers of Islam are taught that on judgment day, the works of man will be judged on the scales of Justice and believers whose good works outweighs the bad receives eternal life!

Some of these teachings are useful because when we look carefully there are elements of the truth in them.

Prophecy by Jesus

We obtain clarity about the events of these times from the prophecies of Jesus the Son of God. And so as was recorded in the Bible (Mathew 24, Mark 13, Luke 21) when Jesus was asked about the close of the age, He warned the disciples to be careful as many false prophets will come in His name to lead human beings astray. We will hear of wars and rumors of wars and there will be famines and earthquakes. Then a period of great tribulation was predicted such as has not been from the beginning of the world until now, and never will be! At this same period however is the time when the true teachings of Christ will be preached to the entire world as a testimony to all nations.

We need to note that the End-Time does not mean the end of the world as many often assume, but the end of a great epoch. The Biblical accounts speak of the “close of the age”.  After this close of the age begins a New Time, in which the Kingdom of God is to be established on earth: the Thousand-year kingdom of Peace. The transition from the Old to the New Time is formed by the period of the World Judgment also called the Last or Final Judgment.

Without the World Judgment the New Time cannot begin, because there must first be a thorough cleansing from all evil, so that the foundation for the new Kingdom will be pure and clear.

From all indications and recent severe happenings we can sense that we are at the period that had been foreseen. We stand in the Judgement, the time of reckoning! There is so much to say on this subject but I wish to pause here for now.


One of the greatest prayers of intercession ever spoken was uttered by non-other than Jesus of Nazareth from the cross with the words: FATHER, FORGIVE THEM, FOR THEY KNOW NOT WHAT THEY DO!

One may ask: why did Jesus utter this intercessory prayer? A plea for forgiveness earnestly directed to the Almighty is only relevant where a sin has been committed. Of course the execution of the sinless Son of God was what was happening at the time the prayer was uttered. Since there will be absolutely no need to forgive a deed that is ordained by God, therefore the statement is a prayer to intercede for the shedding of the blood of the Son of God! Being the Personification of Love, Jesus did not wish to hold this crime against the blind and wicked agitators. So He prayed for their forgiveness. We are also beneficiaries of this intercession because this is what has kept this earth and made it available for you and I to still be permitted the experiences of today. That also is a possible reason why the day this prayer was uttered is known as Good Friday.

Friday, October 13, 2017


Christ gave us an immeasurable lot when it comes to prayer. Just like He taught us to keep our speech simple He made it clear that this commandment applied to prayer as well. Jesus also gave us The Lord’s Prayer. This prayer alone provides everything for the seeker if he pene­trates into it deeply and grasps it aright. The Grail Message makes it clear to us that the Lord’s Prayer is the very essence of Christ’s Message. It says further that the Lord’s Prayer shows man the whole gospel in concentrated form and is the key to heaven for him who knows how to experience it rightly. It can be both a staff and a torch for the advance and ascent of everyone! This is also the reason why we are not meant to rattle it off as if we are rendering a nursery rhyme.

Unlike the usual begging list men are used to, the Lord’s Prayer contains mainly promises man makes to his Creator. These sentences: “Our Father Who art in Heaven!”, “Hallowed be Thy Name”, “Thy Kingdom come”, “Thy Will be done on earth as it is in Heaven” – are actual promises to the Almighty which we should not make with levity as such carelessness have dire consequences.

The very first petition “Give us this day our daily bread!”  comes only after the vows.   And the Grail Message gave the true meaning of this petition thus:

“When I have fulfilled what I promised, let Thy Blessing rest upon my earthly work so that, in attending to my physi­cal needs, I may always retain the time to live according to Thy Will!”

Also, see the workings of the Law of Sowing and Reaping in the petition: “And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive them that trespass against us!” When you pray this way you express your confidence in the law of sowing and reaping ordained by the Will of God. You are agreeing that the forgiveness of your own sins is conditional upon your having previously forgiven all the wrongs inflicted upon you by your fellow-men. 

Jesus also instructed that we avoid the public and pray in privacy. And we find a good example of this in Mohammed the Lord’s servant sent to the people of Arabia who in preparation for his task went to a lonely spot not far from Medina and there he fasted and prayed for seven days.

Under Mohammed’s spiritual leadership, five prayers a day was decreed in order to be able at all times to live in God’s Will and His Holy Presence. Furthermore, when praying the people were to turn their faces towards the East. Mohammed explained: “The Light comes from the East, you see it with the earthly sun. Open yourselves to the Light that would enlighten you, and look towards it.” Even the prescribed ablutions of the body were meant to remind the people that purity of soul is the indispensable condition for fulfilling the Will of God.

There is a lot to be learnt from a prayer sent up by Lao-Tse another servant of God who was sent to the people of China many centuries ago. One day, he perceived with gratitude how he had been guided from above and sought to show appreciation. So moving were the words in which his prayer was cloaked: “Sublime, Almighty God, I no longer wish to be anything myself. Make me into an ever better instrument of Thine, into Thy servant!”

I hope from all the forgoing we have noticed that prayer is not just about asking and begging for only earthly things. Our core as man is spirit. As such we need to pay more attention to spiritual things and this ought to be the priority as we approach the Throne of our Heavenly Father.


Monday, October 09, 2017


An essay claims that Finland with less than 20 churches, Switzerland with less than 30 churches and Denmark with about 23 churches have the most stable economies in the world. The essay went further to say that these 3 countries are considered largely atheistic in nature while many of the countries that profess belief in the Almighty are reeking in corruption, hate, poverty and greed. Let me first of all add a disclaimer that I cannot confirm the veracity of the statistics of the essay under reference neither can I judge whether a nation can be labelled as atheistic. So I will just address the issue of explaining the material prosperity of believers and unbelievers.

First of all, we have been told that the Lord causes His sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. Furthermore, the Power of the Almighty is available to all men to use as they choose. Man can achieve outstanding feats with this pure Power whether he acknowledges this Power or not. However, man is held responsible for how he uses this mighty Power.

Certainly, an unbeliever can be rich! If he works in that direction, the Laws of God will permit him the wealth he has worked for no matter his form of religion and it would not matter even if he has no religion at all.

Let us realise that peoples who are atheistic are already in the warm embrace of Lucifer and we may not envy their material wellbeing because that is not all of our purpose on earth!  Their economic progress belongs to this passing world of matter. On the other hand, the darkness will strike harder at those places where there is still a yearning for the Truth hence the paradox of the hardships that is sometimes evident in the places where the people believe in the Almighty.  Again, the economic well-being of the believers too will depend on how they live their lives. They will not be spared if they are careless or live unscrupulous lives. If they work towards poverty so shall it be for them even if they spend all their hours on earth on their knees praying. What they sow, they will reap!

Of course, believers need to continue to work relentlessly on themselves so as to be really worthy of the knowledge of the Most High mercifully granted them. But definitely, those people who are unbelievers would be able to achieve a million times more than their present achievements if they added the intuitive understanding of the Laws of the Lord to their lives.

Sunday, October 08, 2017

“With God all things are possible”

The Almighty is Omnipotent, being the Source of all Power. This Power created, maintains, sustains, heals and develops Creation. In addition, the Lord God is omnipresent and omniscient.

The all-powerful and ever living God in His Power and Wisdom also created the Laws that maintain His Creation. These Laws are the expression of His Will. He speaks and manifests to His creatures through these Laws which are perfect and do not change!

Some believers think that the Almighty can do everything and that with His omnipotence He can act arbitrarily. This is not so. Arbitrariness is only an attribute of humans who in their weakness and foolishness try to show off their abilities in this way. The Lord is however perfect and His Laws are the same yesterday, today and forever. They do not change. So the Lord will not for example go contrary to His Laws, or do anything impure, unjust or act out of hatred. Neither will He demand of His creatures abominable practices such as human sacrifice or self-punishment.

Many will here mention miracles as proof that God can do anything. They think that miracles are happenings which are impossible and are only brought about by arbitrary acts of the Almighty. This is not so. The fact that they happen shows that miracles are indeed possible and it is only men in their narrow mindedness who think they are not. However miracles such as many believers imagine do not exist. Such people only see the hand of God in things which are outside of the Natural Laws. Such happenings cannot be attributed to the Creator and are impossible anyway. Miracles therefore are natural happenings but the difference with a miracle is that the process which according to earthly or human conceptions should take a longer time occurs with immense rapidity and so appears miraculous by reason of its extraordinary speed.

When during the life of Christ on earth events were recorded which are miraculous, it reveals to us that He acted with Divine Power but still within the Laws of Nature which Jesus proclaimed He had come to fulfill. The fact that Jesus will not do anything contrary to these Laws was displayed when He firmly refused the temptations to turn stones to bread or to jump down from the pinnacle of the Temple. We should not forget that the suggestions to do these arbitrary things came from Lucifer who will not suggest anything which accords with the Will of God. 

I wish to conclude by pointing out that the popular meaning which today has been given to the words “With God all things are possible”, do not belong to these words at all! The true meaning and the background of these words can be found in Scripture (Mark 10:26, 27). It happened that Jesus was talking of the high demands of the Kingdom of God on any man who wishes to tread the path leading upwards to Heaven. The disciples on learning of the Lord’s strict demands were amazed, and said to each other, “Who then can be saved?” We are then told that Jesus looked at them and said, “With men it is impossible, but not with God: for with God all things are possible”. In effect the words mean that the way of salvation though difficult for man, is possible to tread with the help of the Most High. Provided, of course that the man has first decided firmly to follow the Holy Word of Truth!

Saturday, October 07, 2017


The man of the future will have normal brains which will work uni­formly and thus support each other harmoniously. The cerebellum, called the small brain because it is stunted in its growth, will now grow in strength as it attains to its proper field of activity until it is in the right proportion to the frontal brain. This way man will be able to receive impressions from above through his intuitive brain the cerebellum and pass it on to the frontal brain for visible implementation. Of course only the good can ensue thereby. On the other hand all the impressions from the outside which the frontal brain can gather from day to day experiences can be passed on to the back brain and experienced in a deeper way and kept for future guidance. Man will learn how to keep the Sabbath day holy. He will use his day of rest such that he looks intuitively at all his experiences of the past 6 days and draws lesson from it for his future. This way he will gradually mature inwardly as he lives soberly yet in deep gratitude.


The Creator in His Wisdom has endowed womanhood with higher intuitive abilities so that she can spread to her surroundings the longing for the Luminous Heights. She is to be a source of hope and strength for man as we wander on earth in pursuit of our maturity. Today this has been distorted to a level of just pushing men toward ridiculous materialism. In the future Kingdom of Peace womanhood will take the lead in chastity, nobility and faithfulness all these being the manifestation of Purity here on earth. Therefore the Author of the Grail Message called out: See your task before you, you women and girls, as the future priest­esses of Divine Purity here on earth, and do not rest until you have acquired what you are lacking towards it!


There's now a separation between those who are for Him and those who are still stubborn and conceited. Make sure that in the ongoing separation you are not found too light!

In the context here, reference is made to the chaff, who are not stable but can be blown away with the temptations of this world! Being too light in this short post therefore refers to when you conduct a separation by winnowing. Wind winnowing is an agricultural method developed by ancient cultures for separating grain from chaff. The chaff gets removed by the air and the real grains remain. What is ongoing in the world today is a winnowing! Consider the various natural catastrophes, the confusion in states, churches and even in the individual. See the mind boggling deeds of madness!  

We should therefore endeavor through our activities to be numbered among the useful grains and not be blown away as chaff! 


The Law of Sowing and Reaping: This Law stipulates that we will reap what we have sown unconditionally and in multiples. As this Law manifests in nature it also applies to our words thoughts and deeds. These are seeds which in the workings of Creation bring back to us fruits of a similar kind.

The Law of like Attracts like: This Law maintains order in Creation. For the human spirit, there is an inherent ability to attract things just as a magnet will attract metals. This Law of Nature ensures that man will not attract all sorts of things to itself in a wild confusion. To maintain strict order, this Law ensures that only what is similar to the nature of the human spirit is attracted to it.

The Law of Spiritual Gravitation: This Law ensures that the inner attitude of man determines his spiritual weight. So the less pure a person is, the heavier he will become spiritually. So if a person has an unhealthy attachment to material things like money, power and all kinds of immorality, on earth, he will be a sad man, feeling weighed down by his invisible and sometimes visible load of sin! Through his heaviness the base soul remains chained to the World of Matter even after his earthly death since by his attitude he has declared that only material things are of value. The danger in this is that the World of Matter is transient and moves in a cycle of coming into existence, ripening and then disintegrating and reforming. Therefore such a soul that stubbornly clings to earthly things will perish with it when the World of Matter disintegrates. This is spiritual death!

On the other hand, the purer the human being is, the lighter it is. Such a soul strives for spiritual maturity and obeys the Laws of God joyfully. On earth, such a man will be blessed with true joy and happiness, and when he leaves the flesh, he rises high and higher in the beyond because of the lightness of his spirit. This will ultimately lead him to Paradise the Abode of the blessed spirits who are saved from the danger of being destroyed along with the world.

Tuesday, October 03, 2017


"Go to the ant, you sluggard; consider its ways and be wise!"  So says Proverbs 6:6. And in Matthew 10:16 we read: “Behold, I am sending you out as sheep in the midst of wolves, so be wise as serpents and innocent as doves." I can tell you that we perceive amazing beauty when we sight a passing butterfly as it wafts pass us, just as we learn a lot about being bright, vigilant and alert when we take a look at most birds as they look right, left, up and down even when perched on a tree. Without the mosquitoes we probably will be dirtier than we are already but the fear of malaria compels some level of sanitation! One can go on. 

Animals being part of nature speak to the glory of the Almighty and show His numerous wondrous works just by being themselves. A very good friend of mine said recently that it is actually unfair to animals when we speak of a degenerate human and say that such a man acts like an animal. I agree completely with him because a man who puts himself on the same level with the animal acts wantonly, cannot claim innocence and this fact actually puts him below the animal simply because the animal acts according to the level it occupies in Creation and such man falls short of this!

In their answer to the question of whether animals really have a sixth sense, Readers Digest informs us that a box jellyfish has 24 eyes, an earthworm’s entire body is covered with taste receptors, a cockroach can detect movement 2,000 times the diameter of a hydrogen atom — and your dog’s sense of smell is up to 100,000 times greater than yours (some dogs have been known to smell human cancers). It’s safe to say that animals experience a much different world than we do.

And very importantly, paying attention to, and learning to understand animals may even save man sometimes from earthly dangers. Have you heard of animals leaving an area just before the occurrence of what we describe as natural disasters? When you inquire further perhaps you too will come to realise that apart from the enormous physical gifts mentioned earlier, animals have a similar origin as that of the servants of our Creator that work with Nature. When occurrences such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and floods are imminent, these servants warn and the animals more easily perceive these warnings and act accordingly. However, man runs into the danger and thereby suffers great harm or even perish.

We should therefore pay closer attention to animals and learn to understand them. We will then thankfully recognise that animals are our friends and form a useful link in the chain of helpers that always surround us!