To kick-start a meeting with the Managing
Director(MD) of a government Agency who was really being oppressive to him and
his firm with regards to an assignment they were handling for the MD’s
organisation, a learned gentleman spoke to the effect that he was not at that
meeting as a lawyer but as a simple human being and suggested that both parties
should consider the matter at hand as human beings subject to the Creator of
all. The MD countered that he would rather take a “legal stance”! Of course, that was just to retain his earlier
oppressive and rather unfair stance. At that instant our lawyer knew inside of
him that the battle had been won! The lawyer had tried to speak to the spirit
of the MD but going by his response, the MD had most probably chosen instead to
take matters intellectually. He hardened his heart as most people who have
succumbed to the influence of the darkness do. A few months later he was removed,
and a new MD solved the matter swiftly, fairly and amicably.
Most likely, you too have
encountered people who shamelessly put their wicked ways on display. It may
also happen that ill health, adversity or conflicts stare us in the face, and
we feel certain that we are under the attack of evil people who hate us, who
are strong and are connected to “principalities and powers”! Certainly, there
are humans who have become minions of the evil one and operate as servants of
darkness. Lucifer needs these people to work as his operatives as he himself
cannot work directly in this world. We therefore come face to face with these
numerous minions of Lucifer in all places, in families, in the professions, in
society both religious and social, and in every walk of life. How are we to
live with this reality?
I have good news! These dark and
wicked slaves of Lucifer are inferior to any man who is striving upwards! Your
strong, constant and unchanging decision to stand for the Truth and to be pure
will activate a strong shield and armor which can be employed such that with
your single act of will, an army of them will disappear without trace! They
cannot withstand one who stands in the Light! So, the saving grace is to live
by the Laws of the Lord Almighty. His Power that flows through us remains pure
and potent once it is not passed through impure channels of impure thoughts,
words and deeds. These three forms of our actions (thoughts, words and deeds) can
be strong and impenetrable shield for us as well as spears to ward off attacks.
Therefore, let us live our lives
with childlike and calm confidence in God our Heavenly Father and His Commands.
The war we really need to wage is not with our perceived enemies but a war to
conquer ourselves, our vanity, our own faults and adhere solely to the Laws of
God. We should also avoid relying on astrologists, occultists, medicine men,
and all kinds of “men of god” who give their clienteles nothing but disquiet
which is the soul’s most dangerous enemy. No matter the outward storm, we
should never allow such to cause us internal instability. Rather, we need to
remain calm, prayerfully seek for guidance and clarity on the right steps and
that it be given to us to act aright.
Our greatest shield and weapon remain:
keeping our thoughts pure. This leads
to pure words and deeds. That way, we will be victorious and bring to ourselves nothing but everlasting peace
and happiness!