Thursday, August 22, 2024



The term "ego" is often defined simply as a person's sense of self-esteem or self-importance. At a basic level, having a sense of self-worth is healthy and necessary. However, when this sense of self-importance becomes inflated—leading to excessive pride or conceit—it indicates that the individual has ventured into the unstable grounds of intellectual reasoning and has become trapped there.

When someone becomes a slave to the intellect, nothing remains sacred. Interactions with others are dominated by self-interest, and even matters of spiritual importance, such as the Word of the Lord, are rationalized to fit personal weaknesses, earthly desires, and exaggerated self-importance. This intellectualization can lead to misunderstandings of spiritual truths, such as the notion that the Son of the Almighty could be sacrificed for sinful humanity.

However, there is a deeper, more profound meaning of "ego" that transcends this superficial understanding. In this higher sense, the "ego" represents the true essence of who we are—the real spiritual self.

To understand this spiritual ego, we must trace its origins. Human beings originate in the lowest part of the Spiritual Realm as spirit germs, existing in a state of unconsciousness and in need of development. This Spiritual Realm is higher than the Substantiate Realm, where the core of animals originates, and the World of Matter which is now visible to us in turn comes below the Substantiate Realm.

When a longing for personal ego-consciousness awakens in the spirit germ, it must descend into the World of Matter. It is only through experiences in this material world that the spirit germ can evolve into the human ego. This evolution occurs through the exercise of the spirit's intuitive capacities, leading to the recognition of God's Laws and the development of spiritual abilities. As the intuition is strengthened, the spirit germ matures, becoming a self-conscious, living ego.

A fully matured spirit germ, having completed its journey and development, is welcomed back to Paradise, its original home, as a living ego that has become useful in Creation. Conversely, a spirit germ that fails to achieve the necessary maturity will still return to its origin but as a dead ego, one that has not fulfilled its potential.

This understanding of the ego as the real spiritual man sheds light on our purpose and journey in life, emphasizing the importance of spiritual growth and the development of true self-consciousness.

And I shall dwell in the House of the Lord Forever.


Monday, August 19, 2024

Open Yourself to Purity: The Ultimate Gift You Can Give Yourself This Christmas


As the Christmas season approaches, we often find ourselves in search of the perfect gift—something that will bring joy and meaning to those we love. But have you ever considered giving a gift to yourself? This year, I encourage you to think beyond the material and embrace a gift that will resonate deeply within your soul: the gift of opening yourself to Purity.

Purity is high and Divine. We, humans, can strive to embrace the spiritual representation of Purity in our earthly conduct and this transcends mere physical cleanliness. It is about cultivating an inner life that reflects the highest ideals—being truly chaste in all we do, nurturing only good thoughts, and fostering a sense of beauty and childlikeness in our daily lives. This opening of oneself to Purity is a gift that, when embraced, can transform not just your Christmas celebration but your entire life.

Chastity, childlikeness, and our sense of beauty must not only be reflected in our visible actions but it must be reflected even in our intentions which no one else can see. It means living in a way free from deceit, hidden motives, and anything that taints our inner self. In a world where we are constantly bombarded with distractions and temptations, cultivating purity can seem like a daunting task. However, it is precisely because of these challenges that purity becomes all the more valuable.

One of the most beautiful expressions of purity is the cultivation of a sense of beauty. This does not refer merely to an appreciation of the aesthetic but to recognizing through our intuition the inherent goodness and true path to take in all things. When we engage only in good thoughts, we shall be guided to the right path in our activities.

Faithfulness is one other manifestation of Purity. In this context, it goes beyond simply being reliable and committed to our earthly relationships and responsibilities. It's about being true to our highest purpose as a human spirit. It's about breaking free from complacency and embracing our true nature, which is to be genuine human beings, inwardly upright, filled with love, a force for the good, and one who is committed to furthering Creation and mediating Light to all creatures!

Lastly, to be pure is to be childlike, not naively childish, but in a manner that reflects the innocence, warmth, and openness of a child. A childlike spirit is refreshing, without guile, vitalizing, and inspires confidence in others. It is the development of our inner qualities and embracing virtues such as modesty and humility that allows us to connect with the Divine Laws profoundly and to receive the blessings that come with obedience to them.  

Where there is true purity, genuine love can also enter. Divine Love works in the Ray of Purity, and it is through this purity that we can truly experience the fullness of love. The Ray of Divine Love which is connected with the Christmas Festival can never find its way to those who have not absorbed the Ray of Purity. This is a profound truth that we should all reflect upon as we prepare for the Christmas season which is about the Love of our Creator!

Ahead of the forthcoming Christmas, give yourself the gift of becoming a servant of Purity. It will not only deepen your celebration but also fill you with genuine gratitude for the boundless Grace that God offers us through the Holy Night! In doing so, you align with God’s Will, celebrate Christmas as it is meant to be, and invite Divine Love into your life. Jesus is the embodiment of God’s Love!