Monday, January 20, 2025




I came across a lady on social media who identifies as intersex. [Intersex is a term used to describe individuals who may have both male and female reproductive organs, atypical genitalia, or internal organs and hormones that do not align strictly with male or female characteristics.] This got me thinking deeply—what are the spiritual connotations of such a condition?


The existence of intersex individuals, those who embody physical characteristics of both male and female, offers an opportunity to reflect on the spiritual dimensions of life and the workings of creation. The physical body serves as the outward expression of the spirit's activity and choices. When it incarnates, each human spirit takes on a body that reflects its inner nature and the activity it has chosen to pursue. Male and female forms are meant to harmonise with the specific spiritual orientation of positive and negative forms of activity respectively. Each one is responsible for remaining faithful to the nature of activity chosen at one’s initial incarnation. However, distortions can occur when the spirit deviates from its natural path.

In the case of intersex individuals, we must view their existence as part of the broader tapestry of Creation. There may be spiritual reasons, rooted in previous earthlifes, for why such a physical form manifests. For instance, a spirit that has wavered between the distinct masculine and feminine activities across incarnations may find itself with a physical body that reflects this inner ambiguity. This serves as both a challenge and an opportunity for redemption and  growth.

It’s important to remember that Creation is governed by perfect laws that work toward balance and harmony. Any deviation, whether through the willful choices of the spirit or through distortions in previous lives, eventually leads to experiences that guide the spirit back toward its rightful path. For intersex individuals, their experiences can act as powerful tools of learning—not only for them but also for those around them, encouraging compassion, understanding, and reflection on the deeper truths of existence. The lessons if properly approached can lead them to a firm resolution to remain faithful to the nature of their inner core be it male or female so as to avoid any distortion in future.

Ultimately, every spirit, irrespective of its physical form, has the same goal: to strive toward spiritual maturity and alignment with the Will of the Almighty. This path involves recognising and correcting distortions, whether they manifest in thoughts, actions, or even the form of the body. Intersex individuals, like all of us, are here to fulfill their unique purpose and to contribute to the upliftment of humanity.

Our role is not to judge but to support and encourage all souls on their journey. Through love, understanding, respect and adherence to the natural laws, every spirit is given the chance to find its way back to the peace, joy, harmony and beauty intended for it.




Could you kindly share your perspective on recent robot innovations, particularly the concept of a baby-carrying robot or related developments?


The idea of robots carrying human babies through pregnancy, as some rumours suggest, remains purely speculative and unsupported by credible evidence. While technological advancements, such as Tesla's Optimus robot, are making strides in performing household chores and providing childcare assistance, the concept of replacing the natural process of human birth with machines oversimplifies the profound intricacies of life, both scientifically and spiritually.

From a scientific perspective, In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF) is a process where eggs are fertilised by sperm outside the body, and the resulting embryos are implanted into a woman’s uterus for gestation. Despite advancements in reproductive technology, the human mother remains essential for nurturing the growing fetus. The uterus provides a uniquely intricate environment that no machine has been able to replicate, supporting the development of the fetus through a delicate balance of physical, hormonal, and emotional factors.

On a deeper level, the act of bringing life into the world is not merely a physical process. Womanhood possesses a unique bridge that allows a soul to incarnate into earthly existence. This bridge is composed of delicate Substantiality—a spiritual quality that men do not possess. It is through this connection that a soul can join with the developing body during gestation. Even if science were to create artificial environments capable of sustaining biological life, the spiritual bridge that facilitates true incarnation cannot be replicated.

Furthermore, in some cases, even natural conception and gestation are interrupted when this bridge is weakened or damaged, such as when women develop overly masculine traits that suppress their innate qualities of womanhood. This delicate balance underscores the sacred role of womanhood in the process of life and the limitations of technology in replacing what is inherently spiritual. 

In conclusion, while innovation can assist and enhance human life in many ways, the profound mysteries of creation, incarnation, and the role of womanhood remind us of the sacred nature of life. These aspects cannot be fully captured or replaced by machines, no matter how advanced our technology becomes.




How can someone with both masculine and feminine physical characteristics, such as a muscular build, angular shoulders, lack of curves, and yet being busty, navigate feelings of insecurity and questions about their true identity? How can they determine whether they are meant to live as a man or woman, especially when they experience monthly periods, identify as female, and are influenced by societal expectations, and personal responsibilities like being a family breadwinner? In short, how can they navigate issues of identity and self compassion amidst physical and emotional challenges?

The story of this young lady resonates deeply with the universal human quest for self-understanding and acceptance. Her challenges are not merely physical but touch on profound questions of identity, purpose, and spirituality. Here are some points for our consideration and for our reflections.

First, it is essential to approach such situations with empathy and compassion, both for oneself and for others. The physical form, though significant, is not the definitive marker of identity. What truly defines a person is their spirit—their goodness, love, and faithfulness to what is noble and true. It is also important to be faithful to the true nature of the spirit given its initial choice when setting out on the journey of spiritual development. Whether a spirit expresses active, positive masculinity or nurturing, finer femininity, both are valid and beautiful expressions of life when lived with integrity.

This young lady’s desire to know "who she really is" is a noble pursuit. Her questioning reflects a deep yearning to align her life with her true essence, which transcends physical appearance.
Her physical form may reflect the life she has lived, the responsibilities she has borne, and possibly lessons her soul is learning presently. However, it is vital to recognise that the external is only a part of the picture. Her worth and identity are rooted in her choices, actions, and inner core—not in societal comparisons or physical attributes.

If she feels a sense of distortion or incongruence, it is an opportunity for growth and understanding, not despair. Life is a journey, and self-awareness often unfolds gradually. By seeking understanding through introspection, and true spiritual guidance, she can move closer to clarity. Her efforts to understand herself are already steps toward healing and alignment. She and all of us need to seek out the Will of the Almighty which are expressed in the Laws of Creation well explained in the word of the Grail Message!
Moreover, insecurity is a natural response to comparison and societal pressures. However, it is also a call to shift focus inward—to recognise and embrace the beauty of one’s spirit. True confidence grows not from altering outward appearances but from nurturing inner strength and authenticity.
To this young lady and others who may feel the same way, know this: you are not alone. Many have faced such struggles and found peace by embracing the truth of their being. Trust the voice within you that calls you to goodness, authenticity and naturalness. Be kind to yourself, and let your spirit, rather than your form, define you.

In time, with courage and persistence, you will find the strength to embrace your unique journey, radiating the beauty of your spirit outward, regardless of physical appearance. May your quest lead to the peace, purpose, and fulfillment you seek. This is also my wish for us all!

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Chukwu Emeka, Ikechukwu Uchenna Unegbe and 8 others

Monday, January 13, 2025



Christmas is celebrated by all on December 25th as the day Jesus was born. But some maintain that December 25th is not the actual date that Jesus was born. Could you please help to lighten up why we celebrate by having Hours of Worship on the same day?


It seems we have retained the traditional designations for certain days within the Christian calendar, including Good Friday, Easter Sunday, Easter Monday, Whitsun, Whit Monday, and the 1st and 2nd Christmas Days. These names and their corresponding observances have been passed down through centuries, deeply embedded in Christian tradition. While I cannot provide a definitive explanation for why these particular names and dates have persisted, they serve as a collective rhythm of worship and remembrance for Christians around the world.

What truly matters, however, is not the historical accuracy of these dates or the traditions surrounding them, but rather our inward understanding of their spiritual significance. The essential question is how we perceive these occasions intuitively, in our hearts and the meaning we attach to them. In this regard, the Grail Message offers profound insight, calling us to reflect on the nature and depth of our beliefs:

“The believers! All you who count yourselves among the believers in God, just examine yourselves to ascertain whether the belief you carry within yourselves is really the right one! By that I do not mean the form your belief takes, whether Catholic or Protestant, Buddhist or Mohammedan, or any other form, but I mean the nature of your belief, to what extent it is living!

For God is God! And how you approach Him in your inmost self, that alone is decisive for the strength and genuineness of your belief!”


These words remind us that the essence of our belief and conviction lies in the sincerity and vitality of our inner recognition of God, rather than in external traditions or designations. 

Celebrating Christmas or any other sacred occasion with Hours of Worship is an opportunity to deepen our inward recognitions of the particular festival or commemoration and give thanks for the spiritual gifts we have received which has brought us enlightenment as to the true significance of the happenings. 

Thus, the outward forms—whether a date, a name, or a tradition—become secondary to the  truth of our recognition and devotion. Each festival or commemoration is a beautiful opportunity to venerate the Lord,  align ourselves more fully with the Light and to reflect on how our conviction is living and genuine in every aspect of our lives.

Natural Catastrophes



After watching a video on the impact of the Los Angeles fires, I pose this question: Where lies the power of man in relation to the forces of nature, which remain steadfast and obedient to the Will of the Almighty?

This question about the power of man in relation to the forces of nature is both profound and timely, especially as we witness severe events like the Los Angeles fires and the devastating losses that accompany them.

Man, through thought, word, and deed, exerts an influence that shapes the activities of the elemental beings who administer the workings of nature.

When man aligns his will with what is good, pure, and in harmony with Natural Law, the elementals work to create conditions that promote peace, balance, and well-being. Through their serving, the Will of the Almighty manifests in a peaceful and nurturing environment. Conversely, when man's actions are destructive—driven by greed, negligence, wilful disobedience, mocking the Lord, or disregard for the sanctity of Creation —the elementals mirror these imbalances, often resulting in natural upheavals.

It is essential to recognise that the elementals are not in man's service. They serve the Almighty and operate in obedience to His divine laws. Their purpose is not to punish but to enact the consequences of humanity's collective actions.

The elementals, therefore, do not yield to man's will but remain subject to the immutable laws of the Almighty. Among these laws is the Law of Sowing and Reaping—a divine law that ensures every thought, word, or deed bears corresponding consequences.

Even when immense environmental change becomes inevitable, the elementals offer warnings—sometimes subtle, other times overt—so man might prepare and mitigate its impact. Yet, such guidance can only be heeded by those attuned to the workings of divine laws.

The natural disasters we witness, such as fires, floods, and other calamities, are not arbitrary acts of chaos but profound reminders of the interconnectedness between humanity and the natural world. They compel us to reflect on our actions and take responsibility for the state of our environment.

In conclusion, man plays a pivotal role in determining the outcomes for himself and his material environment. He has been entrusted with the capacity to work with the neutral power of Creation through his inner will and thoughts. However, he remains accountable for the outcomes of his free volition.

By intuiting and thinking of only what is good, living in harmony with creation, and especially acting positively with the law of Sowing and Reaping, humanity can cultivate a future where peace and balance prevail. The elementals, steadfast in their obedience to the Almighty, will then foster conditions that reflect the harmonious state of man's inner will and alignment with Natural Law.

Wednesday, January 08, 2025

I want to be able to see beyond the physical world. Would it not be interesting to see into the world beyond?


I want to be able to see beyond the physical world.  Would it not be interesting to see into the world beyond?

If we are to focus on the true ascent of mankind, we must prioritize the growth and refinement of the spirit rather than the pursuit of abilities such as clairvoyance, clairaudience, or clairsentience.  While these may appear fascinating or even indicative of progress, they are bound by the constraints of this earthly existence and cannot transcend the limits of our material plane.

True spiritual progress lies in cultivating virtues such as love, understanding, humility, and integrity, which uplift humanity as a whole rather than providing momentary personal intrigue. What about the virtues? Those should be our aspirations! Grace, gentlemanliness, Truthfulness,  Productivity to name a few of the virtues which should be our focus.

The so-called spiritual "arts" are like minor parlor tricks in the grand scheme of spiritual development—interesting, perhaps, but ultimately lacking in depth or lasting value for the greater purpose of life.

Therefore, instead of aspiring to "see and hear" ethereal phenomena on the same level as our earthly existence, let us direct our efforts toward the deeper work of spirit, which elevates us and connects us to higher, enduring truths. Only then can we contribute meaningfully to the true progress for ourselves and of mankind.

Olusola Adeyegbe

Tuesday, January 07, 2025


 Do you recall the three wise men who journeyed to Bethlehem over 2,000 years ago? Their mission was not merely to discover the birthplace of the Lord Jesus and present Him with gifts. It was far more profound, rooted in divine purpose and orchestration.


These men were specially guided and guarded by the Hand of Providence, prepared for a sacred earthly task. Yet, by simply visiting the stable, offering gifts, and vanishing from history, they fell short of their spiritual mandate.


New knowledge reveal that these men were earthly kings, chosen to support Christ’s mission with their wealth and power. Their role was to shield Him from harm and ensure the fulfilment of His divine purpose. The brutality of King Herod, who ordered the massacre of infants upon learning of Jesus’ birth, highlights the tenacity of darkness in opposing the Light. The leaders of Israel, specially chosen to host and serve the Lord, rejected Him. Their relentless opposition culminated in the crucifixion—a foretold yet preventable tragedy. These events alone reflect the dangers these kings were meant to mitigate, equipped as they were with earthly endowments to provide protection for the Bringer of Truth, Christ Jesus.


These kings, enlightened and led to the Holy Child at birth, symbolised humanity's responsibility to uphold the mission of salvation. Christ Himself warned of the grave consequences of His rejection. Even Pontius Pilate, prepared as a potential last protector, failed to rise to his pivotal role. Despite his wife's  inspired dream and her urgent warning, Pilate chose the path of indecision, washing his hands of a sacred responsibility.


The failures of these key figures underscore a timeless truth: when humanity falters in recognising its ordained tasks, it risks derailing the purpose for which it was allowed to be on earth. Yet, through the ultimate sacrifice of Jesus Christ, a path to redemption was forged—a path we are called to tread with gratitude and unwavering commitment. Jesus gave us the Word of Truth, which redeems and saves all who abide by it.


We are called to embrace His Word, the sole path to salvation. His teachings, brought to us at an immeasurable cost, demand our dedication and our lives lived in reverence. In gratitude for the unfathomable love of the Almighty, who sent His Son to redeem us, we must strive to align our lives with His will.


May we prove ourselves worthy of this grace. May we prayerfully discern our own missions and fulfil them with steadfast devotion.