Saturday, June 02, 2007

Another Week

It is another week! Shall it be days spent chasing shadows? Days wasted on trivialities or vanity? Or will it be used to hunt for honours, fame and position? How about concerns for our earthly welfare? The need to pass that exam, the need to provide for dependants and the need to impress those that see us as leaders or able leuitenants? It could then be just another week of endless rush and restlessness.Days that roll into days bringing little happiness...

But the days can also be used in the inner experiencing of every moment, in deriving from them what is of real benefit to our spirits. Days dedicated to our Maker. Moments employed in the development of ourselves and our fellow travellers. Hours of pure thoughts, careful and brief words and noble deeds.

May we be able to choose rightly the way to go. May the days and weeks ahead bring us rich experiences we can truly call our own, experiences that will make us better human beings who stand bright and alert and ready always to serve in the wonderful vineyard of our Lord.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice thoughts. Please keep it up.