Friday, June 20, 2008

Understanding Our Neighbours

Our neighbours include those around us as spouse, parent, child, sibling, relative or friend.Many are quite happy with their neighbours but quite a number also have many concerns. There could be disharmony, lack of respect and at times deep resentment between neighbours.

So how are we to navigate the waters of these relationships? Most of these neighbours we may not be able to easily avoid.Can we really understand them? Why are we placed in a relationship with these people? Is it by accident?

In Nature we decipher that like attracts like! Birds of the same feather flock together.Particular types of vegetation congregate in different regions of the world.Amongst humans we notice that families have particular traits and people with similar behavioural types or habits tend to get along. Can we not take this further and realise that what holds true in these cases also hold true for the special relationships we have?

There is indeed a Law that governs all of these: the Law of the Attraction of homogeneous species. It ensures that like attracts like. Therefore, in all simplicity, our neighbours are just like us and only a reflection of what we are deep inside.Those traits we find most disturbing in the other person,is within us, yes, even to a higher degree!

Let us take this as a hint, so that in every conflict we do not seek to blame the other person but first of all look inwards to make amends starting with our self. When we change ourselves for the better, we will also be able to change our surroundings! We will also have gained one other useful thing, a deep understanding of our neighbour and a willingness to love them just the way they are, which is a sure way of helping them to also make a change and improve themselves.

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