Thursday, November 17, 2011

How do I recognise the true voice of the spirit when it speaks? Is the voice the same as that of the Guardian Angel?

In order to recognise the voice of the spirit, you need to understand how the human spirit speaks. The spirit speaks in pictures! When it speaks, the spirit makes an impression on the back brain. The back brain takes these impressions like a photographic plate and forms with it a picture without words. This picture is then passed on to the frontal brain which then condenses the pictures into thoughts, words and deeds. This is the normal way, but through the fall of man, this correct process has been reversed by man. Instead of the frontal brain taking directions from the back brain as directed by the spirit, the frontal brain was elevated to be the decision maker thus cutting off the spirit!

The pictures transmitted by the spirit as mentioned earlier is what people refer to when they say that “the first impression is always right”. Let me give you an example. You meet a person for the first time and you get an impression or inner sensing to be careful. Later, you begin to look at the smart way the man is dressed and the car he drove to attend the meeting you are having. The first impression is brushed aside through the judgement of the frontal brain the source of our intellect. You deal with him and you suffer a big loss. In this example, you have failed to heed the first impression from your spirit but allowed your intellect to mislead you through the deceptive nature of the other person.

The intuition which is connected with the spiritual immediately recognised the true nature of the other person and did not allow itself to be deceived. It is absolutely impossible for the intuition to make mistakes. Only the intellect leads man astray! So man ought to listen to his “inner voice” which is his intuition and the spiritual part of man.

On the question of guardian angel, let us understand that the spirit can also perceive the advice from our helpers in the beyond. These helpers are those already in the beyond but who have faults similar to ours. They serve as helpers so that they can help us do better than they did whilst they were here. This way, they redeem a lot and do not need to be incarnated on earth for that purpose.

These helpers speak through what we call our conscience. Conscience is indeed a combination of our inner voice and the voices of our helpers and friends in the beyond! Therefore let us always keep our thoughts pure and listen within.

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