Thursday, July 02, 2015

Is reincarnation really true?

Reincarnation is a fact of life and existence! Our forbears are aware of this and the simple evidence of this is reflected in some of the names given to their children. Hence we have names in Africa suggesting that the new born child is a mother or father who has returned for another life on earth.

Furthermore, reincarnation can be considered the explanation of the often mentioned déjà vu experiences where a person feels that an event, place or experience currently being experienced for the first time has been experienced before. For example a person who during this earth life is visiting a city for the first time may sense deeply that he has been there once upon a time! Some of these déjà vu experiences which science doubts today might actually be genuine recall of experiences by many a soul from past earth lives.

Consider: if man were to live on earth only once then the Law of Justice will also demand that everything must be accounted for in that one earth life. Those who have been righteous and were badly treated by their neighbours would have to receive adequate compensation before they die. All injustices will have to be corrected and all good deeds repaid fully in one earth life.

The truth is that man actually needs more than one earth life to attain to the maturity required to return back to the Eternal Gardens of God. Even if we do not remember our past earth lives, this does not prove that reincarnation is not real. We are mercifully permitted to experience each earth life without being weighted down by a graphic remembrance of the heavy and dark baggage most of us come to a new life with.

Each earth life is a time of mercy granted to us to make good the past and add to our maturity.May we use these times in a manner that they bring us spiritual benefits and maturity!

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