Saturday, December 10, 2016


Do you know that we human beings are meant to work with, and also work through the language?

I am sure you have felt the effect of the speech of others on yourself. But indeed that is not the only effect of the human word. The human word is like a seed which we sow each time we speak. They germinate and grow to form a garden around us, either beautiful or ugly depending on the nature of the kinds of words sown. Some of us cannot drive for more than two minutes before raining curses on other road users. We cannot converse with friends, family or colleagues without abusive words (even if we claim or deceive ourselves that they are used in jest only). I have heard some who boast openly that they can say words to others that will make them angry enough to jump into the Lagoon!

From what we observe in our world today, definitely majority of us have sown poison through the word and the harvest is now with us to taste. Not really palatable…

But we have never been left without guidance in these matters. If only we follow our deep inner feelings we will engage in only up-building conversation. Don’t we feel heavy after having a session of gossip and backbiting no matter how much we enjoyed the pointless conference? That tells us that empty chatter is of little benefit to us. Many also have the Name of the Almighty on their lips at every drop of the hat, swearing by It and calling on the Holy Name to bear witness/confirm their statements in the most trivial matters. Really audacious and careless if you think of it!

Therefore, we will be wise to advise ourselves that the ability to speak is a great gift from our Maker that comes with a great responsibility that it be used aright. It was given to us in love so we can work with and through it to attain our required maturity, for peace and progress and to achieve all that is good. We therefore need to heed our word, pay attention to our speech and speak only when, where and how it is necessary! Let’s never forget the great admonition given to mankind two thousand years ago: Let your communication be yea or nay; for whatsoever is more than these cometh of evil! In all simplicity this is the same as saying that we should keep our conversation simple and true!

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