Wednesday, January 04, 2017

What is happiness?

Happiness is a condition of the soul. Happiness is what is felt within. It cannot be measured by the earthly senses as such. Our earthly senses (the intellect) wants to dimension everything but who can measure the size, weight or height of happiness? The Yoruba will say that "deep joy has a very tiny body" out of a sensing that our outward senses cannot actually grasp true happiness. It can only be inwardly sensed. At best, the intellect can be self-satisfied, but never really happy. Happiness therefore, depends on the condition of the spirit. A spirit which is unburdened and unconstrained in this Creation will be happy. It is automatic. As long as it knows and adheres to all the Laws of God, happiness comes to it as a reward. He is content. Happiness actually is contentment; spiritual contentment. It means contentment with the present, enjoying and experiencing each moment in all its ramifications, taking in all its blessings and benefits, lessons and maturing thereby. This has nothing to do with earthly position and wealth. Wealth does not necessarily bring happiness and there are many materially poor people who are perfectly happy, perfectly content. True happiness also comes hand in hand with a deep inner feeling of being protected by the Almighty and having confidence in the Will of God. In one sentence, happiness is when we live in complete harmony with the Will of God, receiving and using the powers of Creation aright which lets us intuitively experience peace, contentment and bliss unceasingly! Standing in prayer of thanksgiving in perpetuity!

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