Tuesday, January 23, 2018


My brother, I have given some thought to what we discussed earlier. So, I started studying the scriptures on my own.  I gave myself the assignment of reading the whole of the New Testament.  You’ll not believe what I saw in Mathew chapter 5 yesterday!

What did you find there my friend?

Let me read you verses 44 and 45: “But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be sons of your Father in heaven. He causes His sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous.” Now, imagine that I have been taught all these years to pray that my enemies should fall down and die! Honestly, the way I feel now, I will just prayerfully continue my study of the scriptures and seek clarity on each and every doctrine I have accepted thus far. I reckon a lot of work lies ahead for me my brother!

Congratulations my friend; I am sincerely happy for you and rejoice with you!

Now, what do I need to do? Who does one listen to now?  I desire to know the Truth and dedicate my life to it! I thank you for jolting me to take this new course of action. I need to clarify all my doubts…they are like a huge pressure on me now.

My friend, a journey of a thousand miles starts with the first step. You however need to be truly earnest when you are seek the Truth. Oh, this brings to mind one sentence in a book I will like you to read. It goes like this: “Awake! Look around you! Listen to your inner voice! That alone can open the way!”

Hmmm. That is touching! I’d like to have the book. Honestly, my brother, I have held onto my beliefs without subjecting them to any examination. I simply had to believe… there was no other way since the doctrines cannot be subjected to any investigation. At least so I thought …

I understand you fully my friend, for I have treaded that path before. Teachings that promote the impossible will always demand blind faith because that is the only way such doctrines can be accepted. That was exactly how you accepted that the Saviour can turn stones to bread and jump from the pinnacle of the Temple!  The Truth however does not deviate from what is natural thus stimulating independent thinking, true inner peace and freedom. Truth also leads us to jubilant conviction.

Hmm… I see…

There is absolutely no need for believing the impossible about the Almighty. We do Him no honor by believing that He can act against His Own Laws or that the Son of God has set aside the Laws of His Father for us! As God is Love, so also is He Living Justice! Indeed He is the Law! I can tell you all these because I have personally examined the work In the Light of Truth, The Grail Message. I will share a copy with you as I am convinced that its contents will be a faithful helper to you!

I will examine it, thank you. I am feeling lighter already! But please tell me how I will know the Truth. I am wary of all the sorts of doctrines which confront one at every turn. All call Jesus but we do not know who is genuine. How does one discern the right belief?

My dear friend, the Truth is the preserve of the Creator Who has once more allowed this Truth to be given to mankind after we had confused ourselves through the distortions we introduced into the Word of Jesus. The Truth is! We as human beings should never feel comfortable or safe until we are sure that we have found It. We know that we have found It when all the burning questions of human existence have been answered without resorting to blind faith. Absolutely every question must be answered through the Truth. It is that type of belief system that we should be on the lookout for.

I think I understand what you are talking about my brother. I shall not rest till I find the Truth!

I prayerfully wish you the strength that you need my good friend. 

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