If you have based your desire to
have children on any or indeed all the above, please think again and consider
that the questions posed here must be answered by anyone who is independent
minded and inwardly free, who takes life on earth seriously and do not wish to
live his life on frivolous grounds or live just solely in accordance to the
customs and traditions of his environment. We must ask ourselves these
questions before taking on the duty of parenting and keep them in mind even as we continue the work of
If we consider in brief how
children come to us, perhaps it will lead us to a new way of thinking about
this matter. From the moment you and your partner seek a child and engage in an
act of reproduction, you have thrown out an invitation to the many souls in the
beyond ready and waiting to reincarnate on earth! These souls at times come
with heavy baggage from their past lives that may later affect even the lives
of the parents! If we are careful and proceed
prayerfully in this important matter, we can have a say in the type of child
that will be attracted to us. Of course, Nature’s Law of attraction of all that
are similar also play a part in determining the nature of the soul that will be
incarnated into families.
Having said these, let us go
straight into the valid reason for taking on this blessed role of parenting.
The right reason for parenting can be found when we first understand the
purpose of life on earth. The purpose of life on earth is simple: we are
incarnated on earth in order to awaken spiritually and through experiencing
here to grow from spirit seed to fully matured human spirits! Subsequent
reincarnations offer us the opportunity to atone for our past misdeeds, cast
off old faults and to mature further. All of these are achieved by coming to
know, understand and live in accordance with the laws of God! It follows
therefore that we should only seek to bring children into this world when we
are willing to take on a strange human spirit into our family as a permanent
guest, and willing to give the child the opportunity on earth to atone and to
mature. That is the valid reason. All other reasons are beside the point and
cannot replace the main reason.
May we be able to raise children
not just to satisfy ourselves and our empty purposes but to raise them such
that they too will come to understand the purpose of existence and live to the
honour of the Lord Almighty!
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