Monday, January 20, 2020


In the physical gross material world, human beings cannot turn into just anything according to their thoughts or by some diabolical “powers”! That can only happen outside the physical body, outside the materiality of the earth in which case the thought forms of a person can form a body similar to his thoughts around his spirit. There can also be animal looking forms in medium and fine gross matter that correspond to the thoughts of men. However, it remains impossible in the gross material world for a man to suddenly turn to an animal or for an animal to turn to a man. Furthermore, the core of man and animal are different. While the spirit inhabits the human body, the animal has a core of substantiality. Accepting that a man can turn into a goat is like saying that by some hocus pocus a tree can turn to a stone or a mobile phone can turn to a rat! These are physically impossible!

We find the following clarification in the Grail Message:

"In the realms of medium and fine gross matter of the darker and dark planes there can be found fantastic forms with human faces, forms which resemble animals and which always correspond with the manner in which a human spirit has thought and acted upon earth, but these forms are mostly produced only by the thinking of men. Periodically they bear the face of that person who produced them, because being the children of his thoughts they issue from him.

And when a person has become such that he continually indulges in hatred, envy and other evil passions, then it happens that outside the materiality of the earth a body of this kind forms around his spirit. With this occurrence, however, he has lost every claim to be human, and consequently he is no longer permitted to, nor can he bear any resemblance to the form of the likenesses of the images of God. In reality he is then no longer a human being, but has sunk down to something as yet unknown to earthmen, and for which they therefore still have no name. -"

Therefore, we can safely conclude that it is physically impossibble for a man to turn to an animal and also impossible for an animal to turn to a man.

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