Sunday, June 28, 2020


How do viruses operate?

According to the National Human Genome Research Institute a United States Research body, a virus is an infectious agent that occupies a borderline between living and the non-living. They are sub microscopic and can be described as parasitic as they can only survive inside a host cell in order to survive and replicate, thereby harming the host. Virologists say that you should think of the interaction between the virus and your body as a war. This battle can cause all sorts of problems in the body. Depending on the virus and its location, inflammation, fever, mucus and more can occur and in the case of COVID-19 the lungs can be affected leading to the deaths we see worldwide.

Now let us ask ourselves some questions: Are there similarities between the way viruses operate and the actions of men? Is it not true that like parasites we secretly want to earn a lot for doing little or nothing? If viruses precipitate wars on entering the human body, is this not similar to the attitude of the majority of men who are rough, who lack consideration for others and cause disharmony everywhere they go? If we are not sure whether viruses are living things or non-living things, is this not the same for many men today who are only living physically but are almost dead spiritually?  Today, a virus is at war with the entire world population, as all of us are affected in one way or another. Let us humbly admit that our penchant for confrontation, causing disharmony and living as parasites have now been brought home to us! The law of sowing and reaping is now presenting to each and every one of us the fruits of our past activities which includes our deep inner wishes, our thoughts, our words and our visible deeds. 

If mankind’s former actions require that a global pandemic should break out in reciprocity, then the law of Sowing and Reaping is bound to bring about the natural conditions that will give rise to it! Once man has called for it in thought and action, the nature beings who are servants of the Lord inside of Nature will ensure that these desires manifest in the material world, for good or evil just as man has desired it earlier on.

New spiritual knowledge makes us understand that tribulation, despair and destruction are always and only the lawful reciprocal effects of wrong actions.

Let us resolve today to become truly human in every sense and this means becoming a source of joy to fellow beings!

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