Wednesday, May 22, 2024


People often have different perspectives on various issues, leading to a broad spectrum of views on what is right and wrong. However, does this diversity of viewpoints mean that all views are valid? If we say that each viewpoint is valid, then we are saying that no one is right or wrong; it is only a matter of having different views  of the same subject. While this principle promotes tolerance and understanding, it has its limitations and cannot be applied universally without leading to moral chaos.

When addressing how individuals should perceive and judge issues, it is essential to rely on the inner core, the spirit, rather than solely on the reasoning mind. The reasoning mind or the intellect is meant to support the spirit, not lead it. When the intellect takes precedence, it results in the moral disparities we observe across different cultures and societies. What is considered morally wrong in one region might be accepted or even celebrated in another, highlighting the inconsistencies that arise from prioritizing earthly intellect over spiritual discernment.

The spirit, in contrast, offers expressions that are uniform across all boundaries and devoid of contradiction. Presently, to remain in good standing everywhere, a person travelling the world must constantly adjust his conscience, much like changing clothes when moving from one country to another. What is considered a crime in one country may be permissible or even welcomed in another. These discrepancies are a natural consequence of basing societal values on the earthly intellect.

However, when the intellect serves its natural role as a tool of the living spirit, the situation changes. Those who listen to their spirit will adhere to the laws of God, which operate uniformly everywhere.  These laws provide a foundation that eliminates moral discrepancies, fostering uniformity that leads to happiness and peace. The expressions of the spirit, in their basic features, are always consistent and never contradictory.

In conclusion, while it is important to recognize and respect different viewpoints, not all perspectives can be deemed valid when it comes to fundamental moral issues and matters that concern the welfare and development of humanity. Reliance on the spirit, rather than the reasoning mind, ensures adherence to universal moral principles that transcend cultural and societal differences. By grounding our sense of right and wrong in spiritual discernment or intuitive perceptions, we can achieve a harmonious, consistent moral and societal framework that promotes true peace and happiness. Also, the arts of justice, healing and statesmanship will be enhanced when we infuse them with our spirituality and they will  have a better effect on mankind than hitherto.

1 comment:

Mr. Younger said...

Resonates! RESONATES!