Friday, September 20, 2024



The question of responsibility and accountability in life is a profound one. Some argue that the concept of reincarnation promotes irresponsibility, suggesting that individuals can act as they wish, with the belief that they will simply reincarnate until they evolve into better human beings. Even in this assumption lies a silent requirement of a necessary evolution from decadence to becoming better human beings and this implies working on oneself to make the change! Certainly if their is no responsibility for our actions, the very foundation of existence would crumble. In reality, reincarnation does not support irresponsible behaviour. Rather, it is fundamentally rooted in the principle of responsibility, guiding us toward spiritual growth and deeper understanding.

The true teachings about reincarnation explain to us that we are here on earth to learn about God and His Laws. Our purpose of living on earth is to live according to these Laws, and the more we dedicate ourselves to understanding and following them, the more we mature spiritually. This spiritual maturity allows us to ascend, eventually returning to our spiritual home—Paradise, from which we originally came. Earth life is like a short, yet crucial, school in this spiritual journey. For those who live in alignment with God's Commandments, they "pass" from this earthly school and move on to higher spiritual levels. However, those who stray and engage in acts such as murder, kidnapping, robbery, or rape have failed in their spiritual learning. But reincarnation, mercifully provides them with a chance to rethink their choices and make amends. It is important to note that this is not a condoning of their actions, but rather an opportunity to atone for their wrongdoings through the experiences they will face in future lives.


A well-known story of Therese Neumann, a woman who suffered stigmata, serves as an example. It is said she reviled Jesus at the time of His crucifixion, and through her suffering in subsequent reincarnations, she was given the chance to repent and seek forgiveness. This illustrates how reincarnation provides a way for souls to correct their past misdeeds, not evade responsibility.


The idea that those who reincarnate will keep doing so until they evolve spiritually must be balanced with the understanding that while reincarnation offers multiple opportunities for spiritual growth, the earth itself, as a "school," has a timeline. There is a limited period within which we must make progress. Earthly existence, like everything in the material world, has an end. Matter is subject to the processes of birth, growth, ripening, and decay or disintegration. When the time comes for the earth to disintegrate, those who remain entangled in material desires without striving for spiritual ascent will perish with it. This is what is referred to as spiritual death—the ultimate danger for those who fail to seize the opportunities for growth offered by each earthlife. 


In summary, reincarnation is not a free pass to avoid responsibility. Every moment we spend on earth is precious and must be used wisely, as our actions and spiritual growth determine our future. Those who continue to reincarnate without progressing spiritually are at risk of losing their chance for redemption, perishing and being effaced from the Golden Book of Life!


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