Wednesday, October 10, 2012


Under a number of earthly laws, legitimacy is the status of a child born to parents who are legally married to each other and of a child who is born shortly after the parents' divorce. On the other hand, illegitimacy (or being a bastard) is the status of a child conceived outside wedlock.

The consequences of illegitimacy were predominantly in relation to rights of inheritance to the presumed father's estate as well as being entitled to bear the father's name or title. It also had consequences on the right of the mother and child to obtain support from the alleged father. Today however, many countries including have through legislation abolished any legal disabilities of a child born out of wedlock.

Apart from the legal angle, let us seek deeper insights on this matter in the light of the Eternal Laws of God. We are not here for the first time as all of us have experienced past earth lives. By the workings of the Natural Laws, the condition into which one is born at this time depends on the way one has lived in past earth lives. The time of birth and the circumstance into which each one is born is carefully guided by the operations of the Natural Laws. This ensures that we are born into conditions which will achieve what our souls need for their redemption and further development.

Apart from the child who is offered an avenue to develop by being born to this world, all those who are close to the child stand to benefit from the newcomer. Parents, brothers and sisters if any and those that come in contact with this child are offered an opportunity to be blessed. They can take these tremendous opportunities to redeem their own past misdeeds through acts of love towards the child. This can be by taking good care of the child, educating him and nursing him in sickness. It can also be by showing the child good example which of course can help one to drop bad habits.

If we consider what has been stated thus far and that the purpose of our emergence on earth is to gain the necessary maturity that will lead us back to our spiritual origin, then childbirth will have a deeper meaning to us. We shall be compelled to regard each birth as a blessing from above offering the person born and all those who are connected with him an opportunity to advance spiritually.

Instead of dwelling on the circumstance or how a child is born, we should rather show gratitude to God for the mercies He grants anew with every single birth!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012


Generally speaking an outcast is a person who is rejected or cast out from home or society, or in some way excluded, looked down upon, isolated, rejected, or ignored.

Aside this general description, there are various caste systems world over under which some people in a particular society are regarded as freeborn and another group of people are considered inferior. In certain extreme cases some people in the same society are regarded as outcasts or untouchables. These systems can be borne out of a religious belief in which case, the caste system remains despite all modernization. In other cases the system operates to create societal divisions based on occupation and ethnic ties.

All of these forms of discrimination cannot be supported by the Laws of God which only promote love and justice and regards all men as equals! Where such tyrannical caste or social structures are found, there you have on display the reign of terror devised by the calculations of man.

To regard a fellow human soul as an outcast just because he is born to a certain class of society is an evidence of a lack of love. If such attitude is based on religious beliefs then its followers cannot make a valid claim to recognize the Almighty Who is Love.

And where a society is divided into classes, it is better not to have one class above the other. Such oppressive social structures that places one group of society above another only brings about disharmony and unrest. The so called high class people will be arrogant and the lower classes will be discontented and even bitter. Social tensions, crime and general insecurity are some of the results of this unsustainable structure.
Where man adheres to the Laws of his Maker, then there will be sincere love amongst the peoples and no one will be discriminated against by virtue of the circumstance of his birth. And where there has to be a class structure, then each class will stand side by side, giving and receiving from each other in an atmosphere of mutual respect.

When all is said and done, the real outcasts are those creatures who out of stubbornness continuously disobey the Laws of God. They indulge in sin and revel in harming their fellow men. It does not matter if these people adhere to a religion believing that they can ask for forgiveness at the last moment. Unless they repent now, and continually do the Will of the Almighty, they shall be considered by the Laws of God as outcasts belonging to the Darkness who shall be cast out from the Light and denied the grace of eternal life!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Does a prayer offered by the living on the dead have any effect?

The departed are still living human spirits like us on earth! The main difference between them and those on earth is that they have discarded their physical bodies.

On leaving the flesh, the departed one simply changes his location from one part of Creation to another part. The departed is held fast to the environment in the beyond which corresponds with the way he has lived his life while on earth. So, there are communities in the beyond for those who relish bearing false witness, for those who are robbers, hoodlums and so on. These areas are dark and each one tries to inflict harm on the other thus creating for themselves spheres of great suffering! These are the regions of the beyond which have come to be recognized as hell.

Those who are noble minded will however find themselves in the regions of Light in the beyond and they continue to work with those of like nature for the further maturity of their spirits.

Where then does the prayer for the departed come in? Since the departed are still in Creation, and have not ceased to exist, those on earth can still pray or intercede for them. One can pray so that help may reach them to point them in the direction leading to spiritual ascent. For it is possible that after much suffering a soul in the dark regions might still change and in its agony plead for help. This can lead him out of the dark regions and suffering.

Even for the departed who while on earth was already striving towards spiritual ascent, prayers will still have the effect of strengthening him as he makes his way upwards to the Eternal Gardens above.

We should strive to recognize that Creation is one. The different spheres of existence in Creation can be visualized as different countries belonging to one continent. Therefore, those who depart this earth do not simply cease to exist but have relocated to another part of Creation. The effects of man's thoughts and prayers are able to reach farther than this earth and therefore his prayers and thoughts can be of benefit to those who have departed this life.

However, as indicated above, what is decisive for the departed is the way they have lived here on earth. Those who abide by the Laws of God will ascend to higher regions of Creation; while those who stubbornly cling to their evil propensities will fall into the regions of darkness and damnation!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Traditional marriage or court wedding- which one does the Creator recognize?

What is important is not the form of a wedding ceremony. The essential thing and what brings spiritual benefit is for a man and a woman of complementary qualities to unite on the basis of true love of the soul. Furthermore, the two who wish to live together need to share the common goal of striving to attain spiritual maturity and must be ready to walk side by side on this path as worthy partners.  

The attendant ceremony to a marriage does not on its own confer spiritual legitimacy on the marriage. In fact, many marriages contracted inside the finest of cathedrals before large audiences and the flashes of the cameras of the world press have ended up in bitter separations amidst allegations and counter allegations of gross indiscretion and malicious conduct. Many more are still being sustained not because there is love between the two but because there is a lot to lose in the material sense should there be a divorce. Many of such immoral marriages abound in the world today. They are mere earthly contracts which confer on those involved exactly what they want. This can be material security, or the assurance of having a person with whom to indulge and satisfy their physical needs under the cover of a socially acceptable association.    

The reason for getting married has to be clear from the onset. Some get married simply to gain freedom from their parents and have a family of their own to control. A young lady can enter into a marriage just to annoy or spite a former boyfriend   and to prove she can end up in the arms of a higher bidder! It is rare these days to find couples who have come together based on the mutual wish to go on the path of spiritual development.

Where a marriage is based on the right foundation however, the couple will naturally and joyfully grow towards spiritual ennoblement. They will live together harmoniously and they gain both materially and spiritually. The marriage becomes a blessing for the couple and their wider environment. The union of such a couple is blessed from Above and their marital happiness is assured right from the start. 

Of course, there is the need to observe the relevant local laws and the prevailing custom in solemnizing the union. The inner devoutness of the couple concerned bestows on the union a higher consecration and brings real and strong spiritual blessing to the couple. Marriages such as these are the ones that can be described as having been made in heaven. They are the ones recognized by God!

Monday, June 11, 2012

Are men able to see and hear God?

A popular cleric once told his television audience how he was transported to Heaven one day and was able to overhear the discussions between The Almighty and Jesus! Certainly many have come across more or less similar and I daresay arrogant claims.

In Truth however, it is impossible for a man to see or hear God! This is for the simple reason of the lack of homogeneity between the Creator and all that has been created. Only Two Persons can approach the Almighty directly – The Son of God and The Holy Spirit. This is because they are both a Part of God and are One with Him. No one else can bear the pressure of God’s Presence or an approach!

On very rare occasions, special messages from Above can reach man through God’s messengers. One can here refer to the exceptional circumstances linked with the birth of Christ when an Angel of the Lord appeared to Mary and later on to the shepherds. On such occasions man is exposed to a tiny part of the pressure from above and he is overwhelmed with fear. This always makes it necessary for the heralds from on High to always say ‘be not afraid’ when addressing the human beings concerned.

What is more usual is that instructions and guidance can reach us from Helpers in the beyond. These speak to us through a part of our conscience and by listening to their gentle advice we are aided to refrain from doing that which is wrong. Furthermore, when we seriously ponder over something, this thought can become strong, magnetic, and able to penetrate to higher spheres from where it attracts higher thoughts which we often describe as inspiration!

There is in addition a promise for those who are pure in heart: they shall “see” God. However, this means that they will see God in His Works. Through Creation, The Almighty speaks to us. If we prayerfully observe Creation we will gain an understanding of the Will of God and by applying this we become pleasing to our Maker and our welfare is assured.

Finally, it is presumptuous for man to assume a personal attitude towards God without regard for the huge worlds and cosmic distances in between, which cannot be pushed aside as if non-existent. Let us remember that even when it became necessary to give man a direct Message from Above, God had to send a Mediator. He did this by severing a Part of Himself and incarnating Him on earth as Jesus Who lived on earth as an Envoy of God, with the sacred Mission of delivering God’s Message of Salvation.

Wednesday, June 06, 2012

Since it is said that the Creator can foresee all of our future decisions, why does He still test us?

The answer to this riddle lies in the fact that man is endowed with free will as a natural quality! He may think freely, speak as he desires and act in accordance with his own plans. However, the human spirit is subject to the consequences of each and every one of his thoughts, words and deeds. 

The Almighty neither tests nor tempts anyone! We are the ones who judge or redeem ourselves through our attitude to His unchangeable Laws. The Almighty in His Love gave us the Commandments and the Laws to help and to guide us unto paths that lead to our welfare. Obedience to these Laws leads to our happiness and makes us to become pleasing to our Creator. The Lord has provided all that works for our salvation and setting of snares for man is definitely not a part of His Works.   

Going back to man’s free will, let us picture a man holding a stone in his hand. He can decide to throw it or not to throw it. But once he throws it, he has no control over what the stone can hit or destroy. Yet the stone thrower remains responsible for any damage caused by the stone. Similarly, we freely choose what we do, but we are then bound to the consequences of our actions. These consequences are worked out in the Laws that govern the whole of Creation one of which is the Law of Sowing and Reaping which ensures that we reap what we have sown previously through our words, thoughts and deeds.

These Laws of Creation work automatically on us and all we produce and the Almighty does not need to know in advance how and what each and every one of us will   decide to do. However, what can be foreseen from Above are the consequences of our decisions which are brought about through the operation of the aforementioned Laws of Creation.

To sum up, let us always be mindful that we are responsible for all of our free decisions. This immense responsibility cannot be cast on any other person. We are not just robots playing out a pre-determined script for which we have no control and for which we are therefore not responsible. Furthermore, the Almighty does not tempt us. Temptations only come out of the darkness and even then, the decision to resist or fall for such temptations lies squarely in the hands of man himself. Therefore, even in the case of temptations, man is still responsible for his subsequent actions because his freedom to make decisions always remains in full force and effect!

Friday, June 01, 2012

Is hell real?

Hell is real. It is a place of intense suffering that holds great dangers for all those who by their attitude have to go there!

When a human being leaves the flesh, he is transported by the operation of the Laws of Creation to the area of the beyond which corresponds to how he has lived his life while here on earth. Where we have lived a life of purity and childlike obedience to the Will of God which manifest in His Laws, we are permitted to dwell in the lighter part of the beyond. From there we proceed higher and higher till we finally reach the gates of Paradise, the abode of the blessed.

On the other hand, all those who have lived their lives in disobedience to the Will of God, who have declared by their attitude that only material things are of value, will find themselves in corresponding regions of the beyond. These people have not put God first. They had other gods like their own personal comfort, family, money, power, position, fame and so on. For these things they could do just about anything! They indulged in all kinds of abomination and did not hesitate to cause harm to their fellow men in the pursuit of their personal desires. People who act in this way often feel weighed down in their sober moments. That which they feel at such moments is real and indicates that the burden of their wayward life is already pressing down their souls!

When these wicked ones leave the flesh, the Laws of Creation ensures that they go to dark regions of the beyond where they will encounter people who are similarly dark and spiritually heavy. For example there are places in the beyond where murderers, thieves and the likes co-exist. Their ugly passions will grow stronger through the effect of intermingling. They will carry out their inner urges without restraint on each other in a mad rage! It is not hard to imagine the kind of mutual torment and suffering that will prevail in such places. These are the realms of darkness and damnation, the much talked about hell!

The real danger however is that these dark regions together with their inhabitants are still in the world of matter. But there comes a time when the world of matter will have to disintegrate so that it can be formed anew. All those who by that time are unable to cross over to the eternal Spiritual Part of Creation will be destroyed along with the collapsing world of matter! Such will have their names erased from the Book of Life and that alone is eternal damnation!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012


A human being cannot be “possessed” by a demon!

The ugly entities called demons are the handiwork of men alone. Such forms cannot issue out of the perfect and Holy Will of God!

The Almighty’s Power streams through Creation and also through man. When man wills something deeply or intuitively, such deep perception carries within it the key which can establish contact with the aforementioned Living Power which is neutral! If as an example, a man has the deep inner feeling of hatred, such perception will in combining with the neutral power laying in creation produce a form embodying the nature of the intuition in this case that of hatred. These forms which at first stands within the person who is the author later stands beside him and do not cease to exist when detached from their author. These forms continue to exist independently of their authors as long as they receive nourishment from human spirits who by nature are like minded. These are the evil entities called demons. As dangerous as they can be to the ones who give rise to them and to others, no demon can push aside the human spirit from its body which is a necessary condition for possession.

The inner core of man is spirit while demons are entities formed and nourished by the human spirit in the manner described earlier. For the simple reason that the spirit is higher than such entities they cannot push aside a spirit and take possession of his body even temporarily.

Possession only occurs when another malicious human spirit in the beyond takes possession of another person’s body by pushing aside the original owner. The spirit that can be pushed aside in this way must have been careless, indolent spiritually or has been dallying with those in the beyond. People who are possessed can be cured easily and quickly through the help of someone called for it, working prayerfully and with faith in the Power of God.

However, a human being can be demoniacally influenced. In order to be influenced, the person must be deliberately accommodating inwardly and then works under the influence towards the outside. Since one cannot be demoniacally influenced without ones free decision, for this reason a cure is made very difficult. This condition is also much more dangerous to man himself and for his surroundings because he acts in a more calculating, malicious way, in full consciousness. Such a person needs to make an inner change. The decision to turn to that which is good and pure must come from within the person under demonic influence. This is the way that help can reach him.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

God’s Commandment stipulates: THOU SHALL NOT KILL. How can God send His Son to be KILLED as sacrifice for the forgiveness of sin of mankind?

This question is tantamount to asking whether the Almighty can go against His Own Commandment. It also challenges the popularly held belief that the Son of God’s Mission was to descend to the earth so that He might be killed as sacrifice for the forgiveness of the sins of mankind.

The Commandments of God are the expressions of His Will and they remain perfect and valid for all times! The Commandment under reference clearly forbids killing. Therefore, the killing of Jesus cannot be in keeping with this Commandment. Neither did the Almighty authorize human sacrifice, torture and mockery nor the wicked and agonising method of execution meted out on the Son of God about 2000 years ago. 

Indeed, the existence of this Commandment should have been a warning to us all not to accept the view that Christ was sent by His Almighty Father as a slave to carry upon Himself the sins of mankind through a sacrificial killing. In addition to this, we can cite three scriptural accounts that should have helped us to put the gruesome murder into proper perspective.

1.      At His crucifixion, the Son of God asked the Father to forgive the offenders for they know not what they do. This prayer of intercession became necessary simply because what had been done was a sin!  

2.      The scriptural account of the baptism of Christ was to the effect that during the baptism, a Heavenly Voice proclaimed Christ as the Son of God and that humanity should listen to Him. Humanity was not directed to kill Him! 

3.      During the crucifixion, darkness replaced the broad daylight accompanied with earth tremors. The curtain which demarcates the Holy of Holies from mankind was torn into two. These ominous happenings when rightly interpreted suggest to us that there was revolt in Nature during the crucifixion. Unseen hands tore the Temple curtain because at the crucifixion, the symbolic Divine Presence in the Holy of Holies was withdrawn, rendering the Holy of Holies unnecessary! Certainly, these are no signs that sins are being forgiven but that the killing was an outrage against God!

The Sacred Mission of the Son of God however lay in His proclaiming the Word of Truth. It is adherence to the true Teachings of Christ that can lead man to redemption and the forgiveness of sins. We achieve atonement, forgiveness and salvation by turning from our sinful ways and abiding by the true Teachings of Jesus.

The killing of Jesus therefore stands entirely on its own and remains a transgression against God’s Commandment! 

Monday, May 21, 2012

How Should One Understand God The Father, God The Son, and God The Holy Ghost?

This hallowed subject is beyond the comprehension of man. We should be eternally grateful that we are permitted to know of the existence of the One God!

The Almighty and the Divine Realm which emanate from Him have existed for all eternity. Nothing else existed outside of this Divine Realm.

Thus it was until God severed a Part of His Will to bring Creation into existence.  This Part is the Holy Spirit. His work of Creation gave birth also to human beings giving us the opportunity to exist! Creation is maintained through the operation of the Laws of Creation. These Laws ensure the wellbeing of dwellers in Creation and the sustenance of all its various parts.

Man has his origin in a section of the spiritual part of Creation. He finds himself in this material part so that through experiencing the workings of the Laws of Creation he will come to recognise the Will of God. Sadly, at a point, man turned to material things making it the sole object of his longings. As a result, man lost the capability to comprehend why he is even here on earth let alone understanding God! Corrective efforts by Prophets and other teachers failed.

To save man from his path of destruction, God mercifully sent a Mediator Who by showing man the Path of Truth will lead them to salvation. So, the Almighty severed a Part of Himself and incarnated It in a physical body – “Jesus of Nazareth, Who thus became the Incarnate Word, the Incarnate Love of God, the Son of God.”

God Almighty is One. By severing a Part of Himself to carry out the task of bringing Creation into existence, He became two-fold. This Part is the Holy Spirit, the Author of the Laws of Creation, Who as God’s Justice, gives to each one in accordance with his works! When later out of mercy the Father wanted to save mankind from their path of destruction, He severed a Part of Himself Who as the Son of God came to show us the path of salvation in the Word. Thus with the birth of Christ He became a Trinity. The Holy Spirit and The Son have both emanated from God the Father and belong to Him as a unity. The Grail Message says that “They are like the arms of a body which can act independently, but still belong to the body if this is to be complete. Yet they can only carry out independent actions as a part of the whole.” This is the Trinity in Perfect Love and Justice, the Trinity of the One God! 

Friday, May 18, 2012

Where does man go after death?

Physical death is the passing from the earthly plane into the world beyond; a birth into the beyond. Truly, it should not hold so much terror for mankind as we are simply going back to a place we came from before incarnating on earth. For the person who has lived a life based on obedience to the Will of God, fear of death is misplaced.

Those who should fear death are those who have lived wicked and careless lives. Such people have every reason to be afraid. What awaits them is so terrible that it is often better for them to continue living on earth - if that were possible!  

Depending on how an individual has lived his life, the silver cord which connects the inner body to the physical one is lighter or heavier. The lighter it is, the shorter it takes to disintegrate and as such the easier it is for the soul to detach itself from the dying or dead physical body. The heavier it is, the more difficult it is for the soul to detach itself leading to the so-called prolonged death struggle.

The Law of Spiritual Gravity determines where an individual finds himself after earthly death. What this simply means is that the weight of the individual determines where he goes. This weight is in turn determined by the individual's nature. Human beings that strive for spiritual maturity and obey the Laws of God joyfully will always think, speak and act in purity which makes them light spiritually. For example, when we successfully help someone in difficulty, we feel happy and light within us. Through this lightness, on leaving the flesh, such people will ascend to the higher or lighter parts of the beyond. Conversely, those of evil disposition have produced forms which are darker and heavier. For instance, deeds of anger or hatred make people heavy. This heaviness attaches to their inner bodies and makes these wicked ones sink into the lower regions of the beyond as a natural consequence.

In these lower regions, they will find the ugly forms they have produced and also people with similar tendencies who try to inflict on each other what they inflicted on their fellow men while on earth. The unrestrained raging that occurs there cannot even be imagined.

Those who find themselves in lighter areas will also encounter those of similar nature. They will come together in kindness and peace and will join hands in the pursuit of the greater good.
Therefore, each man goes to the place he has prepared for himself through his thoughts, words and deeds while here on earth.

Thursday, May 17, 2012


The intuition is the same as what is called the “inner voice”. This intuition is the spiritual part of man to which he can listen. The intuition speaks through the spirit in pictures! When it speaks, the spirit makes an impression on the back brain. The back brain takes these impressions like a photographic plate and forms with it a picture without words. This picture is then passed on to the frontal brain which then condenses the pictures into thoughts, words and deeds. This is the normal way, but through the fall of man, this correct process has been reversed by man. Instead of the frontal brain taking directions from the back brain as directed by the spirit, the frontal brain was elevated to be the decision maker thus cutting off the spirit!

The pictures transmitted by the spirit as mentioned earlier is what people refer to when they say that “the first impression is always right”. Let me give you an example. You meet a person for the first time and you immediately get an impression or inner sensing to be careful. Later, or as your meeting progresses, you begin to look at the smart way the man is dressed and the car he has driven to the meeting. The first impression is thereby brushed aside through the judgment of the frontal brain, the source of our intellect. You deal with him and you suffer a big loss. In this example, you have failed to heed the first impression from your spirit but allowed your intellect to mislead you through the deceptive nature of the other person.

The intuition which is connected with the spiritual instantly recognised the true nature of the other person and did not allow itself to be deceived. It is absolutely impossible for the intuition to make mistakes. Only the intellect leads man astray! So man ought to listen to his “inner voice” which is his intuition and the spiritual part of man.

Furthermore, when we sleep, the spirit can make use of the back brain to speak to us in our dreams. Indeed if man were living in the right way, such dreams will be so clear and unconfused as direct experiences of the human spirit received by the back brain while the frontal brain rests in sleep. However, because of men’s over reliance on the frontal brain, it now happens that during the night the radiations of the frontal brain also affect the back brain. The simultaneous influence of the back brain by the spirit and the frontal brain however produces the confused dreams so very common today.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Is it true that on the Judgement Day the dead shall resurrect and together with believers still on earth ascend to meet Lord in the sky?

This belief is not in conformity with the Laws of God! The Laws will not permit earthly bodies that have been buried thousands of years ago to resurface and ascend to the skies. Neither can the physical bodies of those living on earth transform suddenly and ascend to Heaven. At death, the human spirit leaves the body and passes over and ascends or descends in the beyond. The physical body on the other hand has its origin in this material world and must remain here after the departure of the soul.

What is really connected to the prophecies of the Day of Judgement is not the resurrection of all the dead, but resurrection of all that is dead! The Holy Spirit Who is the World Judge will send out Judgement rays from His Sword of Justice into the Universe. These radiations then go forth and strike everything in Creation with unprecedented force. When these invisible rays fall upon the human soul, all his dormant qualities that have hitherto appeared to be dead will awaken and become strong. Whatever is hiding inside man will develop into thought and deed, so that according to its nature it will in manifesting judge itself. What is impure will be shattered and burnt up and what is pure will blossom and grow strong. That majority of men have poison slumbering inside them is evident today as we witness unprecedented deeds of madness worldwide.

Whatever is slumbering in man will come to life! This is the true meaning of the resurrection of all that is dead and such is the manifestation of the World Judgement in its simple naturalness!

Therefore, those who are impure within, who cling to evil and remain slaves to material things will no longer be able to hide. They will be exposed by the Light of God and together with their wrongdoing will be swept into perdition!

Spiritual ascent is however possible for those human beings who long for the Kingdom of Heaven. Their longing and their obedience to the Holy Word of God makes them spiritually pure and light so that when they leave the flesh they will ascend to the Beautiful Gardens of our God. On the contrary, evil minded and materialistic souls are impure, dark and heavy so that on leaving the flesh the souls of these wicked ones must sink to regions of darkness and damnation!

We must therefore deal with all that is within us and purify ourselves in thought and deed so that we will not be among such.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Does the Law of Sowing and Reaping mean that there is no forgiveness of sins?

It has been said repeatedly that through the Eternal Law of Sowing and Reaping man is compelled to make atonement for the wrong things he does. This responsibility cannot be cast upon any other person and certainly not on the Son of God Who remains forever Holy. What man burdens himself with through his thoughts, words or deeds can be redeemed by no one but man himself!

To attain to redemption we have to:

1.      Stop engaging in evil which will require ever new atonement and
2.      Start sowing seeds that will yield only good fruits.

A simple illustration demonstrates this. At his request, a bank grants a man ten million Dollars for business. Contrary to the agreement with the bank he wasted the money on frivolities. The man can borrow more if he wishes but he only adds to his burden of debt which must be paid back to the last cent. Later, the man now tired of being a debtor decides to repay his debt. From the moment he made the decision not to add to his debt but to start paying back, he has set a limit to what he owes since he will no longer incur fresh debts. So, he starts paying back one million Dollars every year. If he continues doing this, he will finish paying his debt in ten years. It is also possible in some circumstances that the debtor is able to pay an agreed amount as full settlement.

In real life, the Wisdom of our Creator has woven mercy and forgiveness into the Eternal Laws. Therefore, apart from the fact that when a man repents, he sets a limit to what he has to make good, another process of great importance comes into force:

Through the voluntary change for what is better and remaining steadfast by thought and deed, the good becomes more and more established in man himself, emerges from him and forms a protective circle around him capable of destroying the evil reaction pressing upon him as a result of his past misdeeds.

In view of this transformation, which is the same as being born anew, the actual inner man has become lighter so that he no longer has any attraction to the evil reactions from his past actions. Such evil reactions slide off the purity of his new surroundings and are thus deflected from him totally or depending on his inner change they only affect him to a minor degree. He may therefore redeem a very heavy karma through an effortless symbolic action.

Therefore, let us set to work without delay so that forgiveness and mercy can be ours.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Do the stars influence human affairs?

The radiations of the stars feared by so many are there to help us no matter their nature!

What really determines how a man fares is how he exercises his free will, what he draws to himself from out of the Universe and above all, how he makes use of the Power of God which always streams through Creation and naturally also through man. Through his voluntary decisions he can use this power to form his “works”. These works form man’s fate for good or bad depending on how he has put this power to use.

Even when such works are invisible, they exist and are active in the world not visible to us. Therefore, in language we use verbs for the activity of these works for example when we say a thought strikes us, courage rises in us, or that we are tormented by some craving.

Just like us, our works emit radiations and this very fact offers the connecting link between man’s fate and the radiations of the stars. Moreover, the radiations of the stars form channels through which the harvest of what we have sown through our thoughts words and deeds come back to us.

Figuratively speaking, it can be said that the stars give the signal for the times when the returning harvest of previous actions flow to the human being in a more complete and concentrated form.

When the radiations of the stars are unfavourable a person also receives unfavourable reciprocal actions and with favourable radiations he will experience favourable reciprocal actions. If, owing to the condition of his soul, a human being is surrounded by many dark influences, nothing good can reach him even in times of favourable stellar radiations. In this case, the channel of the favourable radiations remains empty because there are no good reactions available which can pass through such a favourable channel to the person concerned. At such periods of the favourable radiations, however, the person sorely hit by evil reactions will at least have a period of respite which he can use to gather strength for endurance and also to reconsider his ways.

If on the other hand the condition of a person’s soul permits only purity and light to surround him, then the most unfavourable stellar radiations will not be able to cause serious harm.

In conclusion, let us note that the stars can neither influence man’s free will nor exercise compulsion over him. By his own choices, man produces the fate which is channelled to him through the radiations of the stars. Let us see to it therefore that we do only what is good and refrain from evil, so that only good can flow to us.

Tuesday, March 06, 2012

How can I honour my father who is a drunkard and a thief?

Certainly, many children wish to obey the Commandment that stipulates that we should honour father and mother. But it becomes confusing when the person we are supposed to honour cannot be said to be honourable.

It should first be mentioned that this Commandment of God has been misunderstood up till now. It was interpreted in a one sided way as if children were obliged to honour their parents regardless of the nature of such parents. Furthermore, while the correct form of the Commandment is “Thou shalt honour father and mother!” it was distorted by the addition: “Thou shalt honour thy father and thy mother!” thereby making it personal. This way, it appears that the Commandment refers to specific persons whose character cannot be foreseen from the start. Such illogicality never occurs in the Divine Laws. The Almighty’s Commandments will not make it obligatory that something be honoured which does not absolutely deserve to be honoured.

The Commandment in its pure form is directed primarily to parents. This Commandment demands that parents should keep fatherhood and motherhood honourable. This can only be achieved through their exemplary character. As implied in the question, a child will find it very difficult to honour a father who apart from being a thief always drinks to stupor; consequently disturbing the peace of the home. It will be sheer hypocrisy if a child claims that he can honour such a father or honour a mother who is shameless and unfaithful to her husband the child’s father.

Where parents behave in this way, they make if a torment for their children to obey this Commandment of God. In such cases, what should be natural reverence for the child towards father and mother is replaced with an empty and hypocritical form of politeness which brings the child no benefit.

Instead of sham respect, the word “mother” or “father” should call forth deep inner feelings out of which the image arises before the soul of the child to guide him as he steps out in life right up to old age. It is therefore a great loss for a child when it cannot honour its father or its mother with its whole soul!

Thou shalt honour father and mother should be for us a command to raise fatherhood and motherhood to honour! If all those who enter into marriage bear this in mind then marriages will be transformed to what they should be, anchored in the spiritual. Through the quality of their parents, children will be compelled to honour father and mother whole heartedly thereby fulfilling this sacred Commandment. Children who then fail to obey this Commandment will bring a dreadful retribution upon themselves.

Wednesday, February 01, 2012

What determines the family and country into which one is born? And why are innocent children born into poor families or war-torn countries?

The Law of Like attracts like or the Law of Attraction determines the family into which one is born and the country. There must be similarity between the human being and the family into which he is born. That family too is a small unit that forms the larger society that we call countries. Each of us do not belong to our families or country by chance. A great orderliness is in play guided by the Law of the Attraction of Homogenous Species!

Some assert that there is injustice in the unequal circumstances into which children are born. Of course they are wrong. Also wrong are those who say that God’s ways are mysterious and cannot be understood. It is actually good to ask these questions until one finds the right way. The Creator also prefers that we recognize His wonderful and wise ways in everything that happens around us. That is the only way we can understand that every happening follows Divine Justice. We will then be able in all things to really give thanks.

In answering this question we need to understand that birth on earth only forms the beginning of a special section in a man’s entire existence, but not the beginning of man himself. So, that new born baby is not as innocent as you might think! That soul might be here with a lot of baggage from past earth lives. The Law of attraction and the Law of Sowing and Reaping ensures that we are not just born anywhere to just any family but to the family that we deserve based on our past deeds.

Therefore being born into a poor family or a war torn country does not happen by mistake. The person concerned needs the experiences that go with those conditions. The soul might have been an indolent person in the past and needs to taste poverty. If he resolves now to be more productive, he will be laying a foundation for a positive change and he also becomes a better person in the process. The man born into a war-torn country might have been a former powerful but warlike leader who must now experience conflict as a vulnerable person. He too gains if on reflection he resolves to make an inner change and be a peace maker.

If we think it over, we will give thanks in all circumstances because everything is made available to us for the purpose of improving ourselves and attaining deliverance from past errors!

Monday, January 30, 2012

Does the Law of Attraction of Homogeneous Species justify discrimination, oppressive class structures and tribalism among mankind?

The law of Homogeneity or the law which stipulates that like attracts like manifests by ensuring that only similar things are pulled to each other. Similarly, people with similar inclinations often find that inner pull to be drawn to each other. This is only a natural occurrence which also manifests in all that we call Nature. So, we see that birds of the same feather always flock together. In fact sayings such as “like father like son” and “show me your friends and I will tell you who you are” seem to reflect the workings of this Primordial Law. This Law however does not at all promote discrimination, tribalism and oppressive class structure.

The different races, languages, tribes and other diversities are all in place to enrich our experiencing on earth and aid our spiritual development. When and where you notice hatred, racial discrimination, tribal jealousies and oppressive class structure, know that these are brought about only by the wrongful activities of men.

Each race is beautiful in itself and members should be happy to enjoy the blessings that are bestowed on their race and endeavor to advance their own culture. Even the class system in societies can be in order where the leadership is mature enough to administer it in accordance with the Natural Laws. For example, the wrongful division into upper, middle and lower social classes was fundamentally evil from the beginning. It bred arrogance in the upper classes and hate and envy in the lower, while the middle class in their indolence remained passive.

Where the Law of Attraction is truly recognized, such wrong divisions will no longer be possible because instead of working below and above each other all circles or groups of people will work side by side. Each group that forms in accordance with the Law of Homogeneity has its earthly and spiritual values. And these are complementary to the growth and prosperity of the whole people. Therefore, no group, race or tribe or class can look down upon any other. For you do not have what others have, and others lack your gifts, and from this arises good fellowship.

Where also the effect of the Law of Attraction brings persons in their homogeneous kind to where they may face 'suffering, discrimination and marginalization', these experiences should be seen in their greater spiritual value. Every experience is a gain for that person who understands the Will of God in Creation; for the Laws of God simply ensure that we receive only what will be of spiritual benefit to us.

With these recognitions man will attain the longed for inward and outward peace and thereby achieve the goal of a true humanity to the honor of God!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Is the Law of Gravity a spiritual or a scientific law? And how does it work in the world?

This Law presents to us as both scientific and spiritual Law. Let me give you a simple example of the scientific aspect: When we place a piece of iron bar and a feather into a bowl of water as an experiment, we find that the iron bar goes straight to the bottom of the bowl because of its heavy weight while the feather will float for reason of its lightness.

In the non-physical we observe this law for instance when we have deep concern for an issue and we express this by saying that our heart is heavy or that we are weighed down. This also happens when we have done something bad. On the other hand, noble activities give us joy and at the same time we feel very light and blissful.

All the examples we have discussed here are the simple effects of the Law of Gravitation which as a fundamental Law of Creation works with the other Laws to maintain strict order in the Universe. This Law of Gravity not only determines the level at which each realm finds itself in creation, it also determines the realm in which each human being finds itself.
For human beings, the less pure a person is, the heavier he is. On earth, he will be a sad man, feeling weighed down by his invisible and sometimes visible load of sin! He will be burdened with guilt from his wicked acts and omissions. On leaving the flesh, he will sink to the dark regions of the beyond because he is heavy.

Such a soul will not be able to rise from this World of Matter. Now the World of Matter is transient and moves in a cycle of coming into existence, ripening and then disintegration and reformation. Through his heaviness the base soul remains chained to the World of Matter since by his attitude he has declared that only material things are of value. In the long run he will be drawn with the World of Matter into disintegration. This is spiritual death! Equivalent to effacement from the Book of life!

On the other hand, the purer the human being is, the lighter it is. Such a soul strives for spiritual maturity and obeys the Laws of God joyfully. On earth, such a man will be blessed with true joy and happiness, and when he leaves the flesh, he rises high and higher in the beyond because of the lightness of his spirit. This will ultimately lead him to Paradise the Abode of the blessed spirits who are saved from the danger of being destroyed along with the world.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Can we do without the Laws of Nature?

We cannot do without the Laws!

Creation came into existence through the Words “Let there be Light” issued and proclaimed by the Almighty. This proclamation which brought about Creation is itself a Law!

The Creator has existed for all eternity. From Him, the Holy Spirit stepped forth to bring about Creation at God’s aforementioned Holy Command. The Holy Spirit Who is also the Creative Will of the Father wove the Laws of Nature into Creation so that it can operate in an orderly manner and remain in existence.

Now, man is a creature who is permitted to come into being and exist within the confines of the beautiful household of Creation. This household of Creation is however maintained by the Laws and these Laws again ensure man’s welfare as he moves about in the World. The Laws are visible to all, simple to understand, they are very clear and in every way natural. They are unchangeable, admit no exceptions, and apply in every part of Creation, testifying to the Greatness of GOD. So a seed of oranges will bring forth only oranges and not tangerines, likewise the seed of mangoes brings forth only mangoes and so on.

Finally, if man recognises these laws aright and abides by them he gains maturity; he begins to understand God’s Language. Indeed the Creator speaks to us through the laws of Creation. When one keeps to the laws, he remains a good member of the household and is blessed. He will eventually rise higher in every sense till he becomes a child of God which comes with the reward of being allowed to exist eternally. Eternal life!

So, man can simply not do without the laws. He cannot draw a single breathe without them.

Now, there are three basic Laws of Creation:

a) The Law of Reciprocal Action, which is the Law of sowing and reaping. Remember that Jesus told us to pray like this: “Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us”. This prayer swings in the Law in that for us to reap forgiveness we have to forgive others first.

b) The Law of Attraction of Similar types which ensure that in Creation all that is similar will be attracted to each other. Such words as “like father like son” seem to have arisen from the recognition of this Law.

c) The Law of spiritual Gravitation which stipulates that whatever is heavy and impure in Creation will sink down and be eventually lost and whatever is light and pure will rise high above all destruction and will be sustained.