Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Does the Law of Sowing and Reaping mean that there is no forgiveness of sins?

It has been said repeatedly that through the Eternal Law of Sowing and Reaping man is compelled to make atonement for the wrong things he does. This responsibility cannot be cast upon any other person and certainly not on the Son of God Who remains forever Holy. What man burdens himself with through his thoughts, words or deeds can be redeemed by no one but man himself!

To attain to redemption we have to:

1.      Stop engaging in evil which will require ever new atonement and
2.      Start sowing seeds that will yield only good fruits.

A simple illustration demonstrates this. At his request, a bank grants a man ten million Dollars for business. Contrary to the agreement with the bank he wasted the money on frivolities. The man can borrow more if he wishes but he only adds to his burden of debt which must be paid back to the last cent. Later, the man now tired of being a debtor decides to repay his debt. From the moment he made the decision not to add to his debt but to start paying back, he has set a limit to what he owes since he will no longer incur fresh debts. So, he starts paying back one million Dollars every year. If he continues doing this, he will finish paying his debt in ten years. It is also possible in some circumstances that the debtor is able to pay an agreed amount as full settlement.

In real life, the Wisdom of our Creator has woven mercy and forgiveness into the Eternal Laws. Therefore, apart from the fact that when a man repents, he sets a limit to what he has to make good, another process of great importance comes into force:

Through the voluntary change for what is better and remaining steadfast by thought and deed, the good becomes more and more established in man himself, emerges from him and forms a protective circle around him capable of destroying the evil reaction pressing upon him as a result of his past misdeeds.

In view of this transformation, which is the same as being born anew, the actual inner man has become lighter so that he no longer has any attraction to the evil reactions from his past actions. Such evil reactions slide off the purity of his new surroundings and are thus deflected from him totally or depending on his inner change they only affect him to a minor degree. He may therefore redeem a very heavy karma through an effortless symbolic action.

Therefore, let us set to work without delay so that forgiveness and mercy can be ours.

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