Monday, May 21, 2012

How Should One Understand God The Father, God The Son, and God The Holy Ghost?

This hallowed subject is beyond the comprehension of man. We should be eternally grateful that we are permitted to know of the existence of the One God!

The Almighty and the Divine Realm which emanate from Him have existed for all eternity. Nothing else existed outside of this Divine Realm.

Thus it was until God severed a Part of His Will to bring Creation into existence.  This Part is the Holy Spirit. His work of Creation gave birth also to human beings giving us the opportunity to exist! Creation is maintained through the operation of the Laws of Creation. These Laws ensure the wellbeing of dwellers in Creation and the sustenance of all its various parts.

Man has his origin in a section of the spiritual part of Creation. He finds himself in this material part so that through experiencing the workings of the Laws of Creation he will come to recognise the Will of God. Sadly, at a point, man turned to material things making it the sole object of his longings. As a result, man lost the capability to comprehend why he is even here on earth let alone understanding God! Corrective efforts by Prophets and other teachers failed.

To save man from his path of destruction, God mercifully sent a Mediator Who by showing man the Path of Truth will lead them to salvation. So, the Almighty severed a Part of Himself and incarnated It in a physical body – “Jesus of Nazareth, Who thus became the Incarnate Word, the Incarnate Love of God, the Son of God.”

God Almighty is One. By severing a Part of Himself to carry out the task of bringing Creation into existence, He became two-fold. This Part is the Holy Spirit, the Author of the Laws of Creation, Who as God’s Justice, gives to each one in accordance with his works! When later out of mercy the Father wanted to save mankind from their path of destruction, He severed a Part of Himself Who as the Son of God came to show us the path of salvation in the Word. Thus with the birth of Christ He became a Trinity. The Holy Spirit and The Son have both emanated from God the Father and belong to Him as a unity. The Grail Message says that “They are like the arms of a body which can act independently, but still belong to the body if this is to be complete. Yet they can only carry out independent actions as a part of the whole.” This is the Trinity in Perfect Love and Justice, the Trinity of the One God! 

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