Friday, April 14, 2017


In conclusion, please permit me to share with you some of the things that happened during the crucifixion. Some people present at the event mocked and laughed maliciously uttering insults such as - Now prove that you are the Son of God come down from the cross – If you are the Son of God, help yourself and so on.   As they were saying this, unseen hands were chaining them in spirit to this world. Many of them were thereafter compelled to reincarnate several times on earth stigmatized and thus clearly branded for all discerning ones to see!    

One notable example of this phenomenon was recorded some decades ago. This was Therese Neumann who lived in a part of Europe. At a point in her life she developed stigmata. This means that she bore on her body wound marks similar to those borne by Jesus during His crucifixion. The wounds on the lady bleeds and she was sometimes drenched in her own blood while she lay on her bed in agony. The pains are aggravated when medicament are applied to the wounds. Many people came from far and wide on pilgrimage to where she stayed. During these periods she hears in spirit talk about the crucifixion in dialects of the language of that time to the amazement of language experts.

If you seek genuinely perhaps you will come to the recognition that the soul concerned here had been on earth before. She was in the past one of those that reviled Christ as He suffered on the cross. She had been permitted to come to the earth this time to settle accounts. Through reincarnation this soul was given another opportunity to recognize her faults and to ask for forgiveness, this being the only way to deliverance!

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