Tuesday, April 04, 2017

Who says money can’t buy happiness?

Here are three ways your money can buy happiness:
1. Buy memories not stuff! You see, the stuff we buy may lose their appeal to us later on. However, when we share time with our loved ones, friends and family, the memories of these people we are happy with lasts with us. So, create memorable occasions with people at lovely places and doing joyful activities together!
2. Spend on others: Very simple. See, when we buy a gift for someone or give to somebody else, we feel happy doing it, don’t we? That’s the way to go…
3. Last but certainly not the least: buy the inexpensive stuff you like. There is really no need to keep up with the Joneses of this world! Buy small things that make you feel happy instead of spending huge amounts on stuff that will end up making you feel remorseful.

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