Saturday, December 23, 2017


Many today are celebrating Christmas. But who amongst the celebrants of today really understand in the right way, the Person who is the reason for the season?

For the sake of brevity, let us take just three examples of this lack of understanding as there are many examples in fact:

1. Do you still use His Name in jest and in the jokes you share on social media? One joke has even gone viral recently that says that you do not need to rush home for Christmas as He “was not born in your village”. Really?  If you can utter this or anything similar and even have the effrontery to share this with the public, realise from now that you are taking the Name of Christ in vain.  The Commandment recorded for us in Exodus 20:7 “Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain; for the Lord will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain” may well apply to the Name of the Son of God! With a deep understanding of who He is we will not engage in such jokes or other loose talk that calls His Name at every drop of the hat. If we have been doing so, we will hopefully desist from now on for our own good.

2.Do you still see Jesus as your servant who should serve to fulfill your wishes once you ask Him by the method of the long shopping lists and the outright demands you call prayer? You will say afterwards that He has granted your prayers yet what you really are saying deep in your heart is that He has served your ends. You clearly betray your arrogance sometimes when you say it openly that you hereby “decree”, “command” and “claim”! Yes, some even misquote scripture and maintain stubbornly that they can command even the Almighty! Amazing, incredible and sad! With a deep understanding of who He is you will certainly realise that you are meant to subject your decisions to His Will and not the other way round. Let us always remember the great prayer point given to us by Him which is recorded for us in Matthew 6:10 as follows:  “Thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven.”

3. Do you still demand that He should remove the consequences of your past wrong decisions which have now come to haunt you? Do you still challenge Him to prove Himself and His power to you by removing your problems? This attitude is exactly the attitude displayed by the robber on His left while on the cross who said: “Are you not the Christ? “Save yourself and us!” However, a better example of a person who understands Jesus and His Teachings is that robber on His right who admitted to himself before all that “We are punished justly, for we are receiving what we deserve for our actions. But this man has done nothing wrong.” He then followed with the plea akin to what Jesus Himself has taught us about seeking the Lord’s Kingdom first. He eventually got the reward of a place in Paradise! (Luke 23:39-42)

Let us utilize this very special and very meaningful season to rethink what we have been taught about Christ and what we have believed up till now about Him. Let us prayerfully seek to understand our Saviour the way He really is! May we have the courage to seek in the right way and decide to serve the Truth only, leaving behind us the false teachings promoted by men for their own material advantages.

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