Thursday, November 26, 2020


There are many who think that on the Judgement Day the trumpet shall sound and the dead shall resurrect physically and together with believers still on earth ascend to meet Lord in the sky.


This belief is not in conformity with the Laws of God!


The Laws will not permit earthly bodies that have been buried thousands of years ago to resurface and ascend to the skies. Neither can the physical bodies of those living on earth transform suddenly and ascend to Heaven. The natural happening is that at death, the human spirit leaves the body, passes over and ascends or descends in the beyond. The physical body on the other hand originates from the earth, was acquired by us from earth and must remain on earth after the departure of the soul.


What is really connected to the prophecies of the Day of Judgment is not the resurrection of all the dead, but resurrection of all that is dead inside of man! Contrary to the popular picture in our minds that the approximately 7 billion people in the world will one day line up  day and night  to be judged, the Holy Spirit Who is the World Judge will simply  send out judgment rays from His Sword of Justice into the Universe! These rays of judgement then goes forth and strikes everything in Creation with unprecedented force. When these invisible rays fall upon the human soul, all his dormant qualities that have hitherto appeared to be dead will awaken and become strong. Whatever is hiding inside man will develop into thought and deed, so that according to its nature it will in manifesting judge itself. What is impure will be shattered and burnt up and what is pure will blossom and grow strong.


Whatever is slumbering in man will come to life! This is the true meaning of the resurrection of all that is dead and such is the manifestation of the World Judgment in its simple naturalness! We are witnessing unprecedented deeds of madness worldwide today  because the majority of men have loads of poison slumbering inside them. The activities of terrorist groups, individual and group suicide bombings, widespread homosexuality/immorality and its endorsements by “advanced countries”,  religious fanaticism, mind boggling corruption, ripping off easy going believers by sweet talking/ miracle peddling religious leaders and false prophets show precisely what we all have inside us. These will now come out in the ongoing judgement for us and all others to see! The current exposure of our inner self together with the accompanying natural catastrophes are the loud trumpets of the judgement!


Therefore, those who are impure within, who cling to evil and remain slaves to material things will be exposed by the Light of God and together with their wrongdoing will be swept into perdition!


The way to understand the second coming of the Lord Jesus and the Rapture is to see these in the spiritual sense.


Christ comes to us in the New Gospel brought to mankind by the Spirit of Truth as promised by Jesus.


In the fulfilment of this sacred Promise, there is on earth today The Message which is the true Gospel of Christ. This Message speaks of Him and glorifies Him. It comes to mankind before the end of one epoch and the start of a new one which usher in the Kingdom of God on earth. We read in Matthew 24:14 -- And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.


Those who listen, accept and live by this Gospel will be able to ascend back to Paradise (rapture). The ascent is made possible for these human beings because their longing for the Kingdom of God and their obedience to the Holy Word of God makes them spiritually pure and light so that when they leave the flesh they will naturally ascend to the Beautiful Gardens of our God.


We must therefore deal with all that is within us and purify ourselves in our innermost wishes, thought, word and deed so that we will be among those who will be permitted to ascend to the Kingdom of Heaven!

Wednesday, November 25, 2020


When considered in the light of Truth, we can see "management" as alignment to the harmony of creation. Not to be a disturbance but to observe the laws of creation and thereby contribute to the ever continuing development.

At the earliest times when the material world had reached the peak of its development, there was a need for further development. The highest animals had reached their peak and in order not to be a standstill which will lead to decay, man arrived on the scene thus ensuring the further development of this part of creation.

This brings one to the many  write ups that suggest that man is nothing, not special and that the earth will thrive better in the absence of man. Of course, these do not reflect the truth.

You and I are to be helpers in these lower parts of creation and further it as mediators of Light to all other creatures.

New knowledge available today informs us that the power of the Almighty flows through all things including man. In our case we are specially made such that we are like lenses and can gather this power and direct it specifically to achieve one aim or another. You may call this "management" as we will be held responsible for how we use this power entrusted to us.

Because man is spiritual then we may not look at management as being limited to mere earthly management of material resources. We ought to be more holistic in our approach and remember that the spiritual aspects are even more important and determines what happens in the material.

The type of noble management worthy of man's striving include:

1. having a firm volition for what is good.

2. Giving purity to our thoughts.

3. Doing what we have to do for the joy and welfare of others and not how to harm them.

4. Generally working in harmony with the order in creation by adherence to creation laws.

With these, miracles upon miracles will unfold before us visibly such that all doubts will disappear.

We will then be good managers, good householders and good helpers in creation and good warriors on the side of the Light capable of slaying all darkness!

With our strict adherence to God's laws, we become useful helpers in His Vineyard and can then be considered as children of God!

Saturday, August 22, 2020


Others can provoke anger in one and anger wells up...

However, how we act thereafter is what is important. Do we act based on the feelings of anger? Do we let the anger calm down before we say or do anything? Do we react based on the anger emotion or do we respond with a clear mind after the anger has calmed?

When a person acts whilst under the influence of anger, then the person acts without protection as the physically invisible helpers stand aside leaving the person alone. Such a person can then be used by the darkness and after the anger-based deed has been done then as the saying goes: the eyes will now be clear. This is because the anger has beclouded all clear thinking, leading to unedifying words and wicked actions.

Between the time the anger wells up and the anger-based words and action, there is a small space. We can use that small space to decide not to act based on the anger but to delay all actions till when the anger has cooled. Then one is more able to respond properly rather than reacting emotionally.

We will succeed if beforehand we have decided fully to do only what is good. The firm decision to think, say and do only what is good has the effect of helping us maintain our poise when we are provoked. Even when we are squeezed, only the good will come out because that is all we have inside of us!




Who can claim that he has overcome all weaknesses? How are we to react to temptations? Somebody once said he can resist everything except temptation. I have watched a film actor saying something like... the best way to overcome temptation is to fall for it!

Definitely we do not want to be in such deplorable conditions. Some may also think themselves already good because their circumstances have not permitted them to exhibit their inner weaknesses. They look down on those who make mistakes but who may have acted inadvertently without evil intentions.

In all seriousness, what we need to deal with are our propensities. Those deep-rooted characteristics of ours that have more or less formed how we behave. These can be greed, and its cousin covetousness. It can be sordid sensuality the lust to steal and all such things. Until these propensities leave us, we are not free from them - even if we have not been able to act out such deep immoral desires.

A step ahead can be found in developing a moral shyness to all of these weaknesses. As for temptations, we must not give approval to which temptations can cling. We will have to keep the basis of our thoughts pure. We need to watch all the thoughts assailing us, give room only for the noble, beautiful and true, then pray for help from our Maker.

May we attain to victory in this struggle. Amen!

Friday, August 07, 2020


Humour is capable of bringing laughter to us and our audience. This is good because cheerful laughter arising from a sincere heart is a great antidote to being weighed down. It makes us feel  light and free.


However, we ought to be extremely careful about the types of jokes we share. It calls for engaging our delicate intuition at all times to weigh carefully what we take in as jokes and what we share as humour.


We may make witty remarks, crack jokes and make use of instructive anecdotes but then we do not need to use coarse language, malicious remarks and irresponsible words. Neither are we to toy with the Holy Names in the process. For example, it will be most irreverent to share any joke that has to do with the Holy Name of the Lord Almighty and the Name of Jesus. The Holy Names are sacred, should be hallowed and never taken in vain.


Furthermore, we ought to be wary of body shaming jokes, jokes employing wicked words, ones that make fun of races, tribes or nations, the ones that promote the war of the sexes and so on.


We can employ humour creatively to pass on a serious message, to admonish, to break the ice when we wish to strike up conversation and generally for promoting all that is good. In cases like these, once we choose our words carefully and we give due consideration to the feelings of others we will bring about nothing but peace and happiness!


Monday, July 27, 2020


Most of the things we feared in the past never happened. Meanwhile, we had brought ourselves under intense stress for nothing.

The fearless person always has the advantage because such a person moves forward freely in life without constraints.  They overcome obstacles with ease.

The feeling called stress is a form of fear and we are better off by releasing such fear from our lives and living as care free as children.

It is certainly not fashionable to wear stress as a garment. Is it?

So instead of affirming that we are stressed,  let us say joyfully to ourselves that we are capable of attending to every matter that comes before us, that we trust that we will be guided by our intuition to make the right decisions and that we  release ourselves from fear and that we are safe and confident about the ever present  help from above!

Saturday, July 04, 2020


We owe it to ourselves to live our lives such that our innermost desires, thoughts, words and deeds will not come back to burden us like heavy weights. This same principle should apply to whatever we have, what is in our custody or under our control. These includes our physical body, our clothing, our money and even our relationships. All of these may not be treated in ways that will cost us our inner peace. So, what should be our attitude when it concerns material possessions and wealth generally?

We can obtain clarity about this when we recall the answer which Jesus gave to the rich young man who asked him about what he should do to attain eternal life. Christ told this particular man to give away all his earthly possessions. This is because this young man was surrounded by wealth and was too weak to exert himself to rise inwardly. His riches and the attendant comfort formed a hindrance, like an inner weight, to his spiritual ascent! The best advice which Christ could therefore give him was to remove every obstacle, which in his case was the wealth which was inducing him to live a life of comfort. So when the man asked, Jesus bent towards him, saying in a low voice so that only those who are standing nearest could hear his words: “Give all your wealth to the poor, and work for your livelihood with your own strength; then your life will have meaning for you and make you happy. Thereby you will smooth your paths to the Kingdom of Heaven.” Please note that this advice of Jesus applies to this man and to all those who are like him. It is not the case that Jesus is against wealth, but we must not allow the comfort provided by wealth to become a burden that will pull us down into the regions of the damned.

Let us therefore use whatever we have, who we are and our relationships in such a way that it leads to our ascent, our joy and our peace.


No one can get round the Laws of Nature! We cannot defy them because the Almighty is the Power that activates the Natural Laws.  This unseen Power affects us every fraction of a second and is in everything we can observe.

One of the Natural Laws is the Law of Gravity. This law, just like the other Natural Laws cannot be circumvented and that was why when the Tempter suggested that Christ should jump down from the pinnacle of the Temple to prove that He was the Son of God, Jesus refused. Jesus knew that this Law of Gravity cannot be annulled for Him or for anyone else for that matter!

Throwing Himself down from the temple top unaided would be a flagrant defiance of the Natural Law of Gravity which is capable of causing bodily injury to Jesus thus producing an embarrassing occurrence that could have harmed His Mission. That was obviously the aim of that temptation. 

We as creatures should take a serious lesson from this occurrence and never allow our vanity and praise singers push us into the abyss of destruction. When sinners entice us, we should not agree to their suggestions or advise. Let us always seek for clarity in all matters and pray that it be given to us to act in the way pleasing to our Maker. This is the way to lead our lives in a way that brings us nothing but peace and happiness.


There is a creation law known as the Spiritual Law of Gravity. This Law tells us that every innermost wish, every thought, word, and action carry appropriate spiritual weight and density. For example, haven’t you noticed that when you are angry and tempers are high, you feel as if a weight is placed on your shoulders? It is this weight that makes you feel depressed after the show of anger. Even when something annoys us, we still reserve the rights to act in ways that will not burden us later. 

When you receive a bank alert for credit, when a letter of promotion arrives or when you receive that examination results that shows excellent grades, you feel so light as though you are flying in the skies! All of these inner feelings occur through the working of the law of gravity.

We can easily describe the working of this spiritual Law as follows: Thoughts, words and actions which are good and pure uplift the spirit and thoughts, words and actions which are evil and impure must pull the spirit down!

Here are two examples of how we can work with this law in practical terms:

  1. We can align with the law of gravity in the way we pray. Instead of using words and repetitive phrases, let us pray more in spirit as this makes the prayer lighter. Let us pray in quietness and purity, so that the power of the intuition will be increased through quietness and receive through purity, that luminous lightness which will enable the prayer to be carried upward to the heights of all that is light and pure. Then we will receive that fulfilment which will be most beneficial for us and really advance us in our whole being!

  1. If we wish to climb a mountain, we need to shed all heavy loads so we can climb freely and easily to the summit. In the same vein if we desire peace and happiness and if we are earnest about our striving towards Paradise then we urgently need to shed off all baggage of hatred, rudeness, selfishness, immorality, and so on. We become lighter also when we embrace love, forgiveness, consideration for others and we learn to receive by giving!

The law of gravity is our friend which lifts us upwards when through our thoughts, words and deeds, we engage only in what is good, pure and light. Let us adjust our lives to this law such that our actions lead us away from the lower regions of evil reactions  into regions of peace and bliss even whilst we are still here on earth!

Sunday, June 28, 2020


How do viruses operate?

According to the National Human Genome Research Institute a United States Research body, a virus is an infectious agent that occupies a borderline between living and the non-living. They are sub microscopic and can be described as parasitic as they can only survive inside a host cell in order to survive and replicate, thereby harming the host. Virologists say that you should think of the interaction between the virus and your body as a war. This battle can cause all sorts of problems in the body. Depending on the virus and its location, inflammation, fever, mucus and more can occur and in the case of COVID-19 the lungs can be affected leading to the deaths we see worldwide.

Now let us ask ourselves some questions: Are there similarities between the way viruses operate and the actions of men? Is it not true that like parasites we secretly want to earn a lot for doing little or nothing? If viruses precipitate wars on entering the human body, is this not similar to the attitude of the majority of men who are rough, who lack consideration for others and cause disharmony everywhere they go? If we are not sure whether viruses are living things or non-living things, is this not the same for many men today who are only living physically but are almost dead spiritually?  Today, a virus is at war with the entire world population, as all of us are affected in one way or another. Let us humbly admit that our penchant for confrontation, causing disharmony and living as parasites have now been brought home to us! The law of sowing and reaping is now presenting to each and every one of us the fruits of our past activities which includes our deep inner wishes, our thoughts, our words and our visible deeds. 

If mankind’s former actions require that a global pandemic should break out in reciprocity, then the law of Sowing and Reaping is bound to bring about the natural conditions that will give rise to it! Once man has called for it in thought and action, the nature beings who are servants of the Lord inside of Nature will ensure that these desires manifest in the material world, for good or evil just as man has desired it earlier on.

New spiritual knowledge makes us understand that tribulation, despair and destruction are always and only the lawful reciprocal effects of wrong actions.

Let us resolve today to become truly human in every sense and this means becoming a source of joy to fellow beings!

Monday, June 08, 2020


Happiness is a condition of the soul. It is felt within. It cannot be measured by the earthly senses as such. Our earthly senses (the intellect) wants to dimension everything but who can measure the size, weight or height of happiness? It can only be inwardly sensed. At best, the intellect can be self-satisfied, but never really happy. Happiness therefore, depends on the condition of the spirit. A spirit which is unburdened and unconstrained in this Creation will be happy. As long as it knows and adheres to all the Laws of God, happiness comes to it as a reward. He is content. Happiness actually is contentment; spiritual contentment. It means contentment with the present, enjoying and experiencing each moment in all its ramifications, taking in all its blessings and benefits, lessons and maturing thereby.

The happiness we are considering has nothing to do with earthly position and wealth. Wealth does not necessarily bring happiness and there are many materially poor people who are perfectly happy, perfectly content. This happiness comes with an understanding of where our path leads us after our life on earth. It comes with the knowledge that our spiritual ascent is the main purpose of life. This way, we will not be intimidated by any condition we find ourselves: whether rich or poor, sick or healthy, at peace or in conflict as we will be able to recognise why we are having these experiences which add to our spiritual maturity. We will see beyond the outward occurrences but consider them as aids towards our spiritual growth. This way we will be happy no matter our circumstances.

True happiness also comes hand in hand with a deep inner feeling of being protected by the Almighty and having confidence in the Will of God.

In one sentence, happiness is when we live in complete harmony with the Will of God, receiving and using the powers of Creation aright which lets us intuitively experience peace, contentment and bliss unceasingly! We will also be able to stand in prayer of thanksgiving in perpetuity!


Christ Jesus, the personification of Divine Love, did not concern Him­self with creeds. Creeds are actually meant to control blind followers. They also fulfil man’s craving and love for ease. After all it is easy to convince oneself that by attending a meeting of believers on a particular day set aside for this, one has fulfilled a major Commandment.  It is also easy to assume that one has attained a high level of purity simply by avoiding the consumption of a particular type of meat! However, Jesus advised long ago that we should look deeper than these.

It so happened that one day a Pharisee came to report to Jesus that His disciples have not only transgressed the Commandment to keep the Sabbath holy, they do not observe the times of fasting and they neglect the prescribed ablutions. In response, Jesus made it clear that we need to look for the real and spiritual values in what we do and not just cling to the outward forms only. So, He kindly responded that man can actually have the Sabbath every day, ablutions point us to the need to purge our souls and fasting is not just about abstaining from food. On that occasion, Jesus declared: “The man who communes with himself in a quiet hour, who frees himself from all base, everyday thoughts, who does not indulge his lusts, and humbly approaches his God in prayer, keeps the Sabbath. He hallows it! He has cleansed himself of all impurities, and have fasted by eating only what his body needed.”

Now we should not think we are above creeds. Are you looking down on people who are not of the same faith you hold dear? Are you keen to fulfil the outward aspects of your religion so that others can see you as a good example? Are you always eager to be in the good books of the head of your religious association? Do you assume that members of your religious group are perfect?  All of these are the characteristics of a life suffering from the shackles of creed and dogma! Free yourself today!


Our Solar System consists of the Sun and the planets that orbit around it. Then in this same solar system we have numerous moons, asteroids, comets, rocks, and dust.

Our Solar System belongs to our Galaxy known as the Milky Way Galaxy! The Milky Way Galaxy alone has billions of Solar Systems. So vast you will agree.

Our entire Universe is made up of billions of Galaxies. Unimaginable!

From the new spiritual knowledge available on earth today we understand that our own Universe is named Ephesus! And there are seven Universes namely: Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamos, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia and Laodicea. In the Book of Revelations, these Universes are described as Churches each having an Angel as a Guardian. Now all these Universes form the World of Matter, which is the material part of the vast Creation.

Above the World of Matter is the Realm of Substantiality. This Realm has two parts. The first part consists of the nature beings the last of whom are the elves, gnomes, nixies and so on. These nature beings play a part in the further development towards the forming of the world of matter. They still cooperate in the further development of matter even to this day. The second part of the Realm of Substantiality consists of unconscious substantiality from which issues the life of the animal soul.   

Above the Realm of Substantiality is Spiritual Substantiality. This is a vast Realm consisting of two parts: Conscious Spiritual Substantiality and Unconscious Spiritual Substantiality. Man has his origin in the precipitation of Unconscious Spiritual Substantiality.

Above all the worlds, yes above all Creation is the Almighty Father and the Divine Realm which radiates from out of the Lord, the Creator of all! 

The World Teacher gives more details about the structure of all that exists and about life and existence in the unique work of spiritual enlightenment: In the Light of Truth, The Grail Message.

Monday, April 13, 2020


Blinded by the symptoms of the deadly sin virus, man had strayed long ago into errors and bondage. The Promised One came to save man from this death dealing virus. He isolated himself for 40 days according to scripture.  The dark one through temptation, attempted to spray the sin virus on him but he remained totally negative to infection. Thereafter began his mission to give man his message of salvation which is the antidote that saves and delivers from the sin virus. The religious leaders of that time would rather put the Saviour in quarantine and tried hard to do this with their various unsuccessful attacks. Many seekers of truth came to the Master and were delivered from their sin virus. To this day, earnest seekers can be sanitized in the word of truth and all who have been infected by the sin virus can recover if they eat and drink the antidote – the word of salvation. All who hunger and thirst for righteousness can also ingest the word of truth and those already suffocating can breathe in new life through the ventilator mediated in the living word!

The holy word remains the only vaccine that saves and redeems from the sin virus and false prophets who like quack doctors offer only empty dogmas just like offering stones in place of bread!


The virus which originated in Wuhan, China, in December 2019 has spread around the globe sending billions of people into lockdown as healthcare workers struggle to cope. On March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization categorised COVID-19 as a pandemic. As at 10.07 p.m. April 12, 2020, there has been 1,833,685 confirmed cases, 420,917 have recovered, 113,296 deaths, thousands more fighting for their lives in hospitals worldwide and the figures keep changing.

Consideration of the spiritual aspect of this monumental episode led to the recognition that the real germ causing the continuous global catastrophes including this pandemic is the germ of disobedience to the laws of the Almighty which man has reared over thousands of years.

How did the germ of disobedience and wrong way of living cause a disease now terrorising mankind? Where is the link?

Before we proceed, I wish to enter a caveat here. Indeed, we should all be remorseful, sober and humble at this time with our eyes turned upwards in humble supplication. And since the earth-shaking repercussions of our past are still ongoing worldwide, the present answer may not be considered complete and conclusive.

Events on earth follow a natural course, made possible through the Law of the Working of Creation, bringing us the experiences we need at this time for our redemption, for purification, or for our advancement.

Man is endowed with the power to shape his own earthly conditions with the all-pervading Power of the Creator. Just as in the life of every individual, the spiritual aspirations, thoughts, words and deeds that dominates amongst mankind are capable of shaping subsequent global events and conditions.  The consequences of man’s activities will react on him when the time for it is ripe and these consequences are always similar to the preceding human actions. Since the general conditions and the happenings on earth are the precipitation of the world of thought forms that surrounds us, we can understand that thoughts and acts of love will bring peace and thoughts of envy and hate will bring similarly evil outcomes. The consequences of every thought and action will exert their force on man for good or evil through his circumstances, his environment, or directly on his body.

To illustrate the effect mankind has on what happens in this world, let us picture to ourselves a potter sitting at his wheel with the clay that can be moulded into any shape. The potter’s wheel operates independently with the power of an engine. The potter applies the pressure of his fingers and his artistic talents to mould the clay placed on the wheel as it rotates thereby creating shapes of pots, dishes, mugs, vases, and other types of artwork of his choice. Depending on the pressure exacted by the potter’s fingers, the shapes may turn out beautiful, plain or ugly. That is exactly how the human spirit works in this world! Man, whose core is spirit, is capable of impressing its desires upon certain animistic (the substantiate) which then shapes matter. For man, the animistic is the finger that exercises the pressure according to the spiritual decisions of man, and the clay is the material physical substance while the movement of the potter’s wheel is like the automatic movements of the laws of creation which drives everything formed by man’s deep inner wishes towards development and manifestation. Therefore, the wishes of the human spirit are answerable for much that develops on earth. Man’s desires, his thinking and his actions take on form and becomes visible on earth through the mechanism of this world and his ignorance of this does not alter the effect.

A quick look at the predominant thoughts of men over thousands of years reveal that in the main, instead of engaging in good, loving, and peaceful thoughts, the thoughts favoured by the majority of men and their leaders are those of distrust, envy, hatred, greed and wickedness. Some world leaders precipitate needless wars and enrich themselves at the expense of their countries. Many followers secretly admire such leaders, and in turn think of how to cheat and harm their fellow men or enviously take for themselves what belongs to another.

Talking of wars in the context of our subject, we need to mention here the use of bio-weapons in warfare. Even in the olden days, elementary forms of biological warfare were practiced. Thus, one of the earliest documented cases of the intention to use biological weapons is recorded in Hittite texts of 1500–1200 BC, in which victims of tularaemia (an infectious disease) were driven into enemy lands, causing an epidemic.

In modern times, fingers have been pointed at Japan and Britain for having made plans to use plague as bio-weapon at one time or the other. The US President, Richard Nixon terminated the production of biological weapons only just before the emergence of the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention in 1972.  However, the Soviet Union continued research and production of massive offensive biological weapons and to this day at least nine countries are still suspected (not proven) to possess offensive bioweapon programs.

Let us now consider briefly the attributes of viruses. According to the National Human Genome Research Institute a United States Research body, a virus is an infectious agent that occupies a place near the boundary between living and the non-living. They are sub microscopic and can be described as parasitic as they can only survive inside a host cell in order to survive and replicate, thereby harming the host. Virologists say that you should think of the interaction between the virus and your body as a war. This battle can cause all sorts of problems in the body. Depending on the virus and its location, inflammation, fever, mucus and more can occur and in the case of COVID-19 the lungs can be affected leading in the extreme to mortalities.

Are there any similarities between the way viruses operate and the actions of men? Is it not the case that many men through their greed and materialism are just like parasites? If viruses precipitate wars on entering the human body, is this not an imitation of the attitude of the majority of men who are coarse, lack consideration for others and cause disharmony everywhere they go?  Today, a virus is at war with the entire world population, as all of us are affected in one way or another.

The basic answer to our question therefore is that if mankind’s former actions require that a global pandemic should break out in reciprocity, then the inflexible weaving of Creation is bound to bring about the natural conditions that will give rise to it! Once man has called for it in thought and action, the animistic takes it up and ensures that these desires manifest in the material world, for good or evil just as man has desired earlier on. Perhaps a study of how past pandemics start can help us make a link of how the non-observance of creation laws can bring about disease to bring us back to our senses. 

During the final months of World War I, the Spanish flu broke out and historians now believe that the conflict may have been partly responsible for the spread. Some report that the men in the Western Front were cramped together in dirty and damp conditions. Coupled with low immunity and malnourishment, the men got sick. The sickness spread worldwide, 500 million were infected and the death toll is estimated to have been anywhere from 17 million to 50 million, and possibly as high as 100 million. If the higher figure is accurate then this pandemic killed more people than the two World Wars put together. Another factor in this occurrence was falsehood and denial by governments, leaving people ill-prepared to handle the outbreaks. This is a clear example of a disease bringing home the repercussions of engaging in a war based in part on distrust and imperialism, living in unhygienic conditions and lies at top governance levels. The little cause: infection of some soldiers led to a great effect: a tragic pandemic.

Another little cause, great effect examples worth mentioning are the unwholesome interaction between man and animal, eating animals that intuitively we should not consume and eating raw meat, uncooked poultry and raw seafood. These can lead to the transmission of disease-causing pathogens from animals to humans. Some researchers are suggesting that the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which is the cause of the current Covid-19 pandemic, might have been transmitted from animal to man. Same has been said concerning HIV.

Let it be noted that the little causes such as the ones mentioned above may not spiral to having global effects unless such a large-scale retribution is due in accordance to the creation laws. But when a global reciprocal action is due, a small cause might suddenly snowball to having a tremendous effect! When the time comes when the effect of the evil thoughts that have come to reality falls back on their originators, then retribution will first of all strike those who through their thinking had been producers and constant supporters. However, it is inevitable that this destructive rebounding force will also touch wider groups of people and affect even those who only have tendencies similar to that of the real wrongdoers. 

All said, we may wish to attach a deeper significance to the precautionary measures prescribed for us to avoid infection. Let us isolate and tear ourselves away from all base thoughts. As we wash our hands let us engage them for noble deeds and as we practise social distancing let us voluntarily offer each other respect, compassion and understanding. We can make the best of the present circumstances by embracing an attitude of remorse for our past wrong doing, agreeing to make a permanent change for the good and resolving to come out of this experience stronger, unassuming and ready to mediate only love, happiness and peace to our neighbours.


Will the prophetic number 666 or mark of the beast be given to approximately 7.77 billion earth dwellers by lining them up in the sun, snow, wind and rain, day and night to take a mark on their arms and foreheads? Will the Antichrist or the beast capture men by implanting some radio-frequency identification microchip in them? Will some technology, telecoms network or vaccine suddenly bring about the mark of the beast on men?

In 2009, before WhatsApp and other social media applications became major news carriers, an email went viral regarding a plan by the Barrack Obama led United States government to have microchips implanted in citizens by law! Some thought then that Obama was fulfilling the 666 prophecy! Now, Bill Gates an American software developer and investor is being touted as the man planning to use microchip implants to fight the coronavirus thus cleverly fulfilling a dreadful apocalyptic prophecy!

But what really is the mark of the beast?

When mankind succumbed to Lucifer’s temptation to rely more on the intellectual brain, man neglected the tool provided for him to receive spiritual impressions which is the cerebellum. This over-reliance on the intellect eventually became the hereditary sin, because the one-sided development of the frontal brain was in the course of time passed on to each child as inheritance right from birth. Thus, the cerebrum grew to become what is known now as the big brain and the cerebellum became stunted and became the small brain of today. This large brain and small brain thus created a ‘physical mark’ on man’s body which is not ordained by God but came about as a result of temptation out of the darkness. Leaving all decisions to the earthly intellect appears beautiful but it is a destructive implement of Lucifer which makes man behave selfishly, harmfully and imposing his self-will upon others. It brought corruption, malice, murders, wars and all the evil prevalent in the world today. It also means thinking of only material gains and benefits and thinking less, if at all, of the spiritual and God’s Will. In fact, the man of intellect is spiritually deaf and cannot understand spiritual messages. The domination of the intellect and the enthronement of materialism makes life on earth really difficult for a person who refuses to live and work (buy and sell) in the unconscionable and corrupt way of the worldly slaves of the intellect who are currently in the majority. This is the repercussion of the over cultivation of our intellect which we nurtured till it grew into a monstrous beast that now endangers us and deals decisively and wickedly with anyone who refuses to bow to it. Man’s overbearing intellect is the ambitious beast and its mark is the large brain and small brain men bear in their physical bodies!

That we are still thinking that the mark of the beast is the implanting of microchips in humans and that another fellow man and slave of the intellect is the Antichrist only shows that we are still under the deception of the beast, our intellect.

A follower of the beast the intellect is described in scripture as man who is ruled by the flesh and who does works of the flesh. Such a person cannot see the deep spiritual concepts or anything pertaining to God. All that matters to people like this is vanity, love of ease, sordid sensuality, greed and all things similar.

However, the question that faces each and every one of us at this critical moment is how we stand inside. Are we tired of being a slave to our intellect? Do we wish to know the laws of God and live accordingly thereby freeing ourselves from the bondage of the intellect? These are the real questions before us.

What we need to do now is to recognise in all seriousness that through our preference for intellectual cleverness, as against the guidance of our spirit, we all have been in the deceptive but dangerous embrace of the beast and the Antichrist all the while without even realising it. We have to resolve to tear ourselves away from this grip. No matter how painful it may be, we must wrench ourselves from the hands of the beast which is opposed to anything spiritual and of God. We will be able to do this by accepting the mercy, salvation and redemption offered by the Almighty in His Holy Word. This is now given to us anew at this time on earth in a Book of Truth that states and explains the Laws of God with all clarity and without gaps.


Is the Antichrist a man or an institution? The prophetic number 666 which has always been linked with the Antichrist has also been associated with some human beings and even institutions over the centuries. Protestant preachers including John Wesley and Martin Luther have pointed to the Papacy as the seat of the Antichrist! Apart from this revered institution, another one that has been accused is the American Presidency. Every American President since George Washington has been suspected of being the one to usher in the end times. On the individual level, we have had Nero, Napoleon Bonaparte, Hitler and even Henry Kissinger. Obama and now Bill Gates have joined the group of those suspected of paving the way for the Antichrist.

But who really is this Antichrist? Can the Antichrist be a human being or an institution? Prophecy reveals that he will succeed in deceiving many.  If the Antichrist acts openly will he be able to get the majority of people to follow him?

From the prophecies, the Antichrist would have the world in his grip and would not be one man who can be mocked by people. He will not be easily found out as is the case with the past and present personalities who have just been victims of conspiracy theories. At the end-times the Antichrist would be at the zenith of his dominion with mankind gladly worshipping him. Those who hesitate face dire consequences! In connection with the activity of the Antichrist, the book of Revelations in the Bible speaks of a trio of the dragon, a beast from the sea and yet another beast from the earth also known as the false prophet and the three are aligned in opposition to God.  With these predicted paraphernalia of the Antichrist, it becomes obvious that no human being or human institution, no matter how powerful or wealthy, can have the strength and power to be the Antichrist!

Revealed spiritual knowledge holds that the Antichrist is none other than Lucifer, the only real enemy of God! He showed his antagonism as early as when he tempted man to damage his brain which is the fine and highest part of man’s physical body meant to help him on earth. How did Lucifer do this? Man was granted two brain parts; the frontal brain (intellectual part) and the back brain (seat of the intuition). Both parts of the brain should have been developed absolutely equally, for joint harmonious activity, like every other dual organ in the body. Lucifer enticed man to rely on his frontal intellectual brain more than the intuitive back brain. The intellectual brain is meant to execute on earth the intuitive decisions of the human spirit which is relayed to the intellectual brain by the intuitive brain. By suppressing the activity of the spiritually receiving part of the brain in favour of the intellectual brain, man became handicapped spiritually. The aberration makes it more difficult to understand spiritual things and anything pertaining to God. That is also tantamount to being cut off from spiritual recognition and ascent and being cut off from God! For example, the intellectual brain can see visibly that seeds of oranges can only yield more oranges. However, it would take the intuitive brain to come to the recognition that the same law that applies to the physical orange applies also to our unseen thoughts, words and deeds, which are also seeds that will produce fruits of a similar kind. Only the human spirit can understand this using his intuitive brain. 

Following from relying mainly on his intellectual brain, which in scripture is described as working with the flesh, man began to live based solely on material earthly concepts which is an error. This led to self-worship and wickedness in the extreme as we see today. All admonitions by prophets and many teachers failed to find a path to the inner core of man as all such teachings are first dissected by the intellectual brains of men and made into lifeless dogmas.

Lucifer earned the name Antichrist when he worked assiduously against Christ’s Work of Redemption. As soon as Jesus appeared on earth, the Antichrist set to work immediately. The earthly effect of this was seen with the wicked attempt by Herod to terminate the earthlife and mission of Jesus at infancy! Later, Jesus was unsuccessfully tempted by Lucifer all in bid to deal a heavy blow on his mission. Eventually, Lucifer, using the leaders of religion of that time attacked Jesus aggressively at every turn and eventually brought the Truth Bringer to the cross! Meanwhile, the people Lucifer used acted under the delusion that they were serving God by silencing Jesus who they saw as a troublesome blasphemer of the Father Who sent him. Ironic and sad! But that is the hallmark of the Antichrist. He uses mankind to achieve his sinister aims while deceiving them that they are on the right path. Even amongst those who listened to Christ, only a few accepted his teachings. Many others listened with a total lack of understanding due to the weakened intuitive capacity earlier described. Today, those who serve the Antichrist abound and they have no idea that they are already under his rule.

Monday, January 20, 2020


In the physical gross material world, human beings cannot turn into just anything according to their thoughts or by some diabolical “powers”! That can only happen outside the physical body, outside the materiality of the earth in which case the thought forms of a person can form a body similar to his thoughts around his spirit. There can also be animal looking forms in medium and fine gross matter that correspond to the thoughts of men. However, it remains impossible in the gross material world for a man to suddenly turn to an animal or for an animal to turn to a man. Furthermore, the core of man and animal are different. While the spirit inhabits the human body, the animal has a core of substantiality. Accepting that a man can turn into a goat is like saying that by some hocus pocus a tree can turn to a stone or a mobile phone can turn to a rat! These are physically impossible!

We find the following clarification in the Grail Message:

"In the realms of medium and fine gross matter of the darker and dark planes there can be found fantastic forms with human faces, forms which resemble animals and which always correspond with the manner in which a human spirit has thought and acted upon earth, but these forms are mostly produced only by the thinking of men. Periodically they bear the face of that person who produced them, because being the children of his thoughts they issue from him.

And when a person has become such that he continually indulges in hatred, envy and other evil passions, then it happens that outside the materiality of the earth a body of this kind forms around his spirit. With this occurrence, however, he has lost every claim to be human, and consequently he is no longer permitted to, nor can he bear any resemblance to the form of the likenesses of the images of God. In reality he is then no longer a human being, but has sunk down to something as yet unknown to earthmen, and for which they therefore still have no name. -"

Therefore, we can safely conclude that it is physically impossibble for a man to turn to an animal and also impossible for an animal to turn to a man.

Friday, January 10, 2020


Many think that only the leaders of the various religious groups are servants of the Most High. On a closer look however, there is no justification for this assumption!

No one can claim that he has not come across the scandalous behaviour of many a religious leader. I have seen video clips of some self-acclaimed “men of god” jumping on people’s stomachs, who engage in the public floggings and unwholesome fondling of followers. There are also stories of sexual molestation of the young and vulnerable by some of these impostors. Some of them shamelessly take advantage of their blind followers at times relieving such careless followers of their earthly wealth and goods, leaving them in the delusion that what they do for the so-called servant of God is also done for God!

But who is a servant of God? The answer is this: Only those who live in accordance with the Will of God are His true servants. They must necessarily know of the Laws of the Lord and strive with all they have in order to live their lives accordingly. They stand bright and alert in this world and they understand with their delicate intuition the mechanisms of Creation and how to live in harmony with it. They are happy thereby and can navigate their way through life without harming other people in the pursuit of their own desires. Rather, they live by true service and contributing to the joy and welfare of their neighbours. Such persons are the true servants of God and it does not matter what they do on earth to sustain themselves in the material sense. It is the nature of their wholesome, joyful and beneficial activity that marks them out as God’s children and servants.

Perhaps we can also mention the tell-tale signs of those who are not servants of God. We have described a part of the signs at the start of this discussion. We must add one more sign which portends something serious and which also comes with serious consequences for those involved. Here is the sign: All those who take a stand against the Word of Truth which is now being disseminated to humanity at this time are not servants of God! This Word of Truth bears the sign of Truth, which is the equal armed cross! By opposing this Message from above, these so-called religious leaders have set themselves against God as opponents.  This is because they have set themselves against the sign of the Truth which is the equal armed cross! The author of the Grail Message warns us to be on our guard, lest we also be found among such!


Physical death is the passing from the earthly plane into the world beyond; a birth into the beyond. For the person who has lived a life based on obedience to the Will of God, fear of death is misplaced.

Those who should fear death are those who have lived wicked and careless lives. Such people have every reason to be afraid. What awaits them is so terrible that it is often better for them to continue living on earth - if that were possible!  

For the departed, there is help awaiting them as they arrive in the beyond. Let us rejoice with them inwardly and wish them well on their journey instead of lamenting their passing. In fact, if we express our grief too much, it might distract the departing one and make the transition more difficult. Also, there is no need to wish them eternal rest as there is no such phenomenon in Creation where everything is in constant motion! The departed are still living and have only shed the physical body!

Each man goes to the place he has prepared for himself through his thoughts, words and deeds while here on earth. The spiritual weight of the individual determines where he goes after leaving the flesh. Those of evil disposition who for instance always engage in deeds of anger or hatred become heavy in the spiritual sense. This heaviness attaches to their inner bodies and makes these wicked ones sink into the lower regions of the beyond as a natural consequence. These lower regions are of despair and damnation.
On the other hand, the human beings who strive for spiritual maturity and obey the Laws of God joyfully through the purity of their thoughts words and deeds become light spiritually. For example, when we help someone in difficulty, we feel happy and light within us. If we continue in this way, then, on leaving the flesh, we will ascend to the lighter parts of the beyond. In these light regions, human spirits of a similar nature work joyfully and continue to live in bliss! Their works are like hymns of praise to the Lord Who they serve by doing works that accord with His Laws!

Therefore, when we are faced with the departure of a loved one, let us send our loving thoughts to the departed and pray that their path onwards be blessed and that they recognise all the help that now surrounds them. We should also wish the close friends and family the strength to carry on courageously with life on earth.


Many think that grace is unmerited favour from the Almighty. Some also give it a meaning of a free gift from above. While these interpretations have some merits, we will now take this concept in a more objective way.

One of the greatest Graces granted to mankind was the coming of Jesus to this world to bring us the Word of Truth. Majority of men did not deserve this as they met this Act of Grace with scorn and hatred. The few who followed the path of righteousness shown them by Jesus however were able to save themselves from the bondage of sin and the darkness. Let us also note with shame that without exception, every helper great or small and even blessed Prophets all had to suffer mockery, scorn, persecution and attacks from men!

Other forms of Grace include our existence, our planet earth, the regular outpouring of power by the Holy Spirit for the renewal and maintenance of the entire Creation and many more! We simply cannot recount all the gifts granted us daily and hourly through the Grace of God!

Does Grace mean that the Laws of the Almighty Father are suspended for some special people and for some special reasons?

No! The Laws of the Almighty are irrevocable, cannot be waived and must be fulfilled as the Laws are synonymous with the Will, Love and Word of God. Just as the Word of God is always fulfilled, the same goes for His Laws! It is instructive that in the Yoruba language the same word “Ife” means Love and Will! Creation itself came into existence and is sustained strictly by God’s Laws!

The same Laws also encompass the Grace of the Almighty! Is it not grace as we observe in nature that a planted seed of corn yield ears of corn? Our words, thoughts and deeds too are like seeds and the Laws ensure that we reap what we sow with these in multiples. This is grace; and we can only be thankful if we sow good seeds as we will in turn reap in multiples.  If we sow what is bad, we also reap in multiples. The same Laws ensures that if we repent in time, we will experience the Grace of forgiveness! After all, a repentant person stops sowing evil and engages in that which is good thus bringing into effect results that will counteract the returning evil fruits. The repentant person is thus forgiven and he is free!

That is Grace pure and simple!

May we be able to live our lives such that we will remain worthy of the Grace of God which surrounds us all the time!


Many have the strong opinion that they can command the Almighty!

However, when we think about this matter carefully, we will come to an understanding that this opinion cannot stand!

We must first realise that the Almighty is Creator of all that exist and that we are creatures. We ought to be ever grateful that the Almighty in His Love had even permitted that the knowledge about He the Creator be carefully brought to us by helpers chosen for this purpose over a long period of time.

Just like the clay cannot question a potter as to the design of the pots the potter is making, we as creatures are not in a position to argue with our Maker.

Instead of this let us realise with thanks that the Almighty has placed into His Creation, the laws that guides, helps and protects us. In the operation of these laws, our welfare is assured and each of us can move about and enjoy the abundance in this wonderful creation as a child at play in a beautiful garden. If indeed we learn to recognise these laws, our lives will be beautiful and we will have all that we need for our spiritual benefit which is actually what is important. These laws indeed work out what is of spiritual benefit for us and not what satisfies our selfish interest which are usually very short-sighted demands of material advantages.

If instead of learning and obeying the Creation laws, we proceed along the lines of always demanding from the Almighty what we consider as important, then we act in arrogance and some of us carry it as far as wanting to command the Creator.  This attitude is not credible as it is an attempt to put oneself above the laws of the Creator which actually rules the universe regardless of our opinions in this regard! The Grail Message compared this ambitious attitude towards our Creator to that of a toad standing before a high rock and wanting to order it to move out of its way.  Can man command the ocean, the sun or the moon? No doubt, attempting to command the Creator of all is audacious, extremely bold and arrogant to say the least.
The right attitude is to fit ourselves willingly into how Creation works through the laws of God.

Let us endeavour to recognise the laws of God as the ever-present help that we need and seek to understand them in humility. Then we shall be happy, devoid of empty demands and we will be able to serve the Lord Who had mercifully permitted us to come into existence!