Sunday, June 30, 2024



In the vibrant tapestry of human languages, Pidgin English stands out as a colourful, if somewhat controversial, thread. Some argue that it’s a cultural treasure, while others see it as a linguistic shortcut. As someone who believes in the power of words, and the need for us to speak in all nobility, I find myself pondering the place of Pidgin English in our lives and communication.

A Gift from the Almighty

Language, the ability to form and share words, is a divine gift. It’s a tool given to us by the Almighty to express thoughts, convey emotions, and connect with one another. This gift comes with a responsibility: to use it with grace and nobility. No matter our level of education or social status, our words should reflect purity and a sense of higher purpose.

The Power of Words

Words are powerful. They shape our thoughts, influence our actions, and affect our surroundings. Imagine our words as seeds planted in the garden of our lives. They grow and shape our future circumstances. Hence, we must choose our words carefully. They should be simple and true, reflecting the best of our human nature.

The Nature of Pidgin English

Pidgin English, for many, is a fun and easy way to communicate. It’s often seen as the language of the streets, a bridge between diverse linguistic backgrounds. However, Pidgin is essentially a relaxed and sometimes careless way of speaking English. It lacks specific rules and structure, making it a hodgepodge of words and phrases used on the fly.

The Limits of Pidgin

Consider this: would you conduct a court proceeding in Pidgin English? Would you draft a serious business proposal or write an academic paper in Pidgin? The answer is likely no. When it comes to matters of importance, we instinctively revert to proper language. This is because Pidgin, while convenient for casual conversations, lacks the precision and clarity needed for serious discourse.

Striving for Nobility in Language

Here’s where the philosophical part comes in: if we recognize the power of words and the nobility of language, shouldn’t we strive to use them in the best possible way? While Pidgin English may have its place in casual settings, it’s essential to make an effort to elevate our speech. This means embracing the richness and structure of proper language in our daily interactions.

The Call to Action

Let’s take this as a call to action. Let’s strive to move away from the casualness of Pidgin English and embrace the beauty of proper language. This doesn’t mean abandoning our cultural roots but rather enhancing them with the grace and nobility that befit us as human beings. After all, the words we use and how we use them are reflections of who we are and who we aspire to be.

In conclusion, while Pidgin English may have its charm, it’s important to recognize the value of speaking with grace and purpose. Our words are powerful, and using them responsibly can lead to a more fulfilling and harmonious life. So, let’s watch our words, strive for simplicity and truth, and always aim to communicate with the dignity that reflects our true nature as human spirits!


Thursday, June 27, 2024


In the pursuit of happiness and fulfillment, many individuals find themselves ensnared by the trappings of what can be termed the "vanity trio"—money, sex, and food. These three elements, while not inherently negative, often become idols that dominate lives, leading to a perpetual cycle of dissatisfaction and emptiness. This philosophical essay explores the implications of this trio and the necessity of transcending their superficial allure to achieve a genuinely fulfilling existence.


Money, in its essence, is a tool—a medium of exchange that facilitates the acquisition of goods and services. However, in contemporary society, it often morphs into an object of obsessive pursuit. The rat race for wealth engulfs countless lives, where individuals sacrifice their values, relationships, and even health in the relentless quest for financial gain.

Consider the paradox of wealth: the more one acquires, the more insatiable the desire becomes. This unquenchable thirst is rooted in the false belief that happiness is directly proportional to financial success. Yet, numerous studies and anecdotal experiences reveal that beyond meeting basic needs and providing security, incremental wealth does little to enhance overall well-being. Instead, it often leads to increased stress, anxiety, and a never-ending cycle of wanting more.

The irony is that in the chase for money, many lose sight of what truly matters. Genuine contentment and peace arise not from accumulating wealth but from cultivating meaningful relationships, engaging in purposeful activities, and nurturing one's inner life. To break free from the tyranny of money, we must redefine our concept of success and prioritize what genuinely enriches our lives.


Sexual desire is a natural human impulse, integral to the continuation of life and the expression of intimacy. However, when this desire is distorted into a compulsive quest for sexual conquests, it becomes a hollow pursuit that can never truly satisfy.

A life spent in the relentless pursuit of sexual gratification often leads to fleeting pleasures followed by profound emptiness. The objectification of others and the reduction of intimate connections to mere physical acts strip away the deeper emotional and spiritual dimensions of love and companionship. This superficial engagement dehumanizes both the self and others, reducing relationships to transactions devoid of genuine connection and affection.

True intimacy, on the other hand, is rooted in mutual respect, emotional closeness, and a shared sense of purpose. It is not about the quantity of conquests but the quality of connections. By seeking deeper, more meaningful relationships, we transcend the superficial allure of sexual conquest and find a more profound sense of fulfillment.


Food is essential for survival and can be a source of immense pleasure. It brings people together, symbolizes cultural heritage, and provides comfort. However, when the pursuit of culinary delights becomes an obsession, this too can lead to a life of emptiness.

Living for the next banquet, indulging in the finest foods and drinks, can trap individuals in a cycle of hedonism that prioritizes immediate sensory pleasure over long-term well-being. The consequences are often detrimental—both physically, in terms of health issues, and mentally, as it fosters a dependence on external stimuli for happiness.

Mindful eating and a balanced approach to food, on the other hand, can transform our relationship with nourishment. Appreciating food for its sustenance, its role in health, and its cultural significance allows us to enjoy it without becoming enslaved by it. By practicing moderation and mindfulness, we can savour the pleasures of food without letting it dominate our lives.


Money, sex, and food, while not inherently negative, becomes the problematic vanity trio  when they are idolized and allowed to dictate the course of our lives. These pursuits, when prioritized above all else, lead to a life devoid of true fulfillment and happiness.

To transcend the vanity trio, we must shift our focus from external acquisitions to internal growth. This involves cultivating virtues such as humility, compassion, and wisdom. It means seeking purpose and meaning beyond material wealth, valuing deep and genuine relationships over transient pleasures, and appreciating the simple yet profound aspects of life.

In doing so, we liberate ourselves from the shackles of superficial pursuits and move towards a life of true fulfillment and enlightenment. This path requires introspection, self-discipline, and a conscious effort to align our lives with values that bring lasting joy and peace. By embracing what is genuinely beneficial, we can live a life that is not only rich in experiences but also deeply meaningful and satisfying.

Wednesday, June 26, 2024


In our pursuit of a fulfilling and enlightened life, it is essential to recognize the difference between what is false and what is genuine. Our modern world is rife with distractions and superficial pursuits that often lead us astray. To find true fulfillment and enlightenment, we must consciously shift our focus from the false to the genuine in various aspects of our lives. Here are some key areas where this transformation is crucial.

In today's fast-paced world, many of us have developed an indifferent attitude towards knowledge. We skim through information, seeking only what is immediately useful, and often neglect the deeper understanding and contemplation that enriches our inner life. This superficial approach to knowledge leaves us spiritually and intellectually impoverished.

To move towards a rich inner life, we must cultivate a conscious experiencing of whatever we encounter along our path. Not just learning but seeing and hearing from deep within. We should endeavour to see beyond the surface in any matter and seek to understand what lies behind what comes before our gaze, what wisdom lies behind it; and considering what benefit it will be for us in the real sense. By engaging deeply with knowledge, we nourish our minds and souls, creating a foundation for a more meaningful existence. A rich inner life is marked by reflective thinking, serious contemplation of matters we consider as beneficial and of value to us, and a profound appreciation for the beauty and complexity of the world.

Lustful desire and reverential love both exhibit a certain enthusiasm, but their essence and outcomes are vastly different. Lustful desire is driven by selfish motives, seeking personal gratification at the expense of others. It is a fleeting passion that often leaves behind feelings of emptiness and regret.
In contrast, reverential love is selfless and genuine. It respects and honours the dignity of others, seeking their well-being and happiness, helping others where help is needed.  Reverential love is enduring and fulfilling, creating deep and meaningful connections that enrich our lives. By moving away from lustful desire to reverential love, we elevate our relationships and our capacity for true happiness.

Vanity is an obsession with outward appearances and superficial accolades. It is driven by a desire to be admired for false attributes, often leading to a hollow and insecure existence. Vanity thrives on the approval of others and can never be truly satisfied.

Real charm, on the other hand, comes from a place of authenticity and genuine self-confidence. It is not about seeking validation but about being happy to be! When we come to an understanding that we as human spirits can access the power of creation like lenses, we will be thankful and use the power for good, radiating warmth and kindness to all. Our firm resolution for the good is the real charm that attracts others not because of a facade but because of a true and appealing inner character that others too will sense by their interaction with us.  By moving from vanity to real charm, we cultivate a more sincere and joyful way of interacting with the world.

In our careers and personal lives, many of us are preoccupied with place-hunting—an incessant quest for status, power, and recognition. This pursuit often leads to stress, dissatisfaction, and ethical compromises. It fosters a competitive and divisive environment, where the ends justify the means.
Honest service, however, is about contributing to the greater good with integrity and dedication. It is not concerned with titles or accolades but with making a meaningful impact. Honest service is fulfilling because it aligns our actions with our values and allows us to be part of something larger than ourselves. By shifting from place-hunting to honest service, we find a sense of purpose and contentment that transcends material success.

The Path to Enlightenment
These transformations—from indifference to a rich inner life, from lustful desire to reverential love, from vanity to real charm, and from place-hunting to honest service—are steps on the path to enlightenment. Enlightenment is not an end goal but a continuous journey of self-improvement and deeper understanding. It involves shedding the superficial and embracing the genuine, fostering a life of authenticity, love, and purposeful action.

By consciously choosing to move from the false to the genuine, we align ourselves with the path of enlightenment, which ultimately leads us towards the Light!

Sunday, June 16, 2024



The question of life after death has intrigued humanity for millennia, sparking countless philosophical debates, religious doctrines, and scientific inquiries. While the physical body inevitably succumbs to mortality, many believe that the essence of a person, often referred to as the soul or spirit, continues to exist beyond death. This belief is supported by various forms of evidence, both experiential and theoretical, that suggest a continuity of consciousness after physical demise.

One of the primary sources of evidence for life after death comes from near-death experiences (NDEs). Individuals who have been close to death often report vivid experiences of leaving their bodies, encountering a bright light, and meeting deceased loved ones or spiritual beings. These experiences are remarkably consistent across cultures and religions, suggesting a commonality that transcends personal belief systems. The profound transformations reported by those who have undergone NDEs, such as a heightened sense of purpose and reduced fear of death, further lend credibility to their accounts.

Another compelling form of evidence is found in the phenomena of past life memories, particularly in young children. Numerous cases have been documented where children recall details of previous lives with astonishing accuracy, often verified through historical records. These memories, which typically fade as the child grows older, offer intriguing insights into the possibility of reincarnation. The consistency and specificity of these recollections challenge conventional explanations and suggest that the soul may indeed undergo multiple lifetimes.

The existence of mediums and psychics also contributes to the evidence for life after death. These individuals claim to communicate with the spirits of the deceased, providing messages and information that are often remarkably accurate and specific. While skepticism remains, many credible instances of mediumistic communication have been documented, where mediums relay details unknown to them but verified by the recipients. This phenomenon points to the existence of a realm beyond the physical  where consciousness continues beyond physical death.

Scientific investigations into consciousness further support the possibility of life after death. Quantum physics, for instance, has revealed that the universe is far more complex and interconnected than previously understood. Theories such as quantum entanglement and the non-locality of consciousness suggest that our minds may not be confined to the physical brain but are part of a larger, interconnected reality. This perspective opens up the possibility that consciousness could persist independently of the physical body.

Religious and spiritual traditions worldwide offer their own evidence and explanations for life after death. Many belief systems, from Christianity and Islam to Hinduism and Buddhism, assert the existence of an afterlife, whether it be in the form of heaven, hell, reincarnation, or spiritual ascension. These doctrines are often based on sacred texts, teachings of enlightened individuals, and personal spiritual experiences. The universal presence of afterlife concepts across diverse cultures suggests a deep-seated, intuitive understanding of life beyond death.

Philosophical arguments also provide support for the existence of an afterlife. The enduring question of the nature of consciousness and its relationship to the body leads many thinkers to posit that the soul is a distinct, non-material entity. The idea that consciousness could emerge from purely physical processes remains highly contested, prompting consideration of the soul’s independent existence and its survival after bodily death.

In conclusion, the evidence supporting the belief in life after death is multifaceted, encompassing near-death experiences, past life memories, mediumistic communications, scientific theories, and religious doctrines. While definitive proof remains elusive in the material sense, the consistency and depth of earlier stated  evidence suggest that consciousness may indeed continue beyond physical death. This possibility invites us to explore the nature of our existence more deeply and to live with an awareness of a greater, enduring reality beyond our immediate perceptions.


Happiness is a universal pursuit, yet its true meaning often eludes many. In seeking happiness, people frequently turn to material possessions, social status, or fleeting pleasures. However, these external factors provide only temporary satisfaction, leaving an enduring sense of emptiness. True happiness, in contrast, is a profound and lasting state of being, rooted in inner harmony and spiritual fulfillment.

At its core, true happiness arises from living in alignment with the natural laws of creation. These laws govern all aspects of existence and are designed to guide individuals towards their highest potential. When we understand and adhere to these principles, we cultivate a sense of peace, purpose, and joy that transcends external circumstances.

The foundation of true happiness lies in self-awareness and spiritual awakening. By recognizing the interconnectedness of all life and our role within this vast creation, we begin to see beyond the superficial aspects of existence. This deeper understanding fosters a sense of belonging and purpose, which is essential for lasting happiness. It encourages us to look within, to nurture our inner selves, and to align our thoughts and actions with higher ideals.

Central to achieving true happiness is the cultivation of genuine faith and conviction. This faith is not about adhering to dogmas or blind beliefs, but rather about developing a deep, intuitive understanding of the universal laws and their workings and living according to them in thought, word and deed. Through earnest seeking and self-reflection, we build a strong foundation of trust in the inherent order and goodness of the universe. This conviction becomes a guiding light, helping us navigate the complexities of life with confidence and grace.

Purity in thought and action is another vital element in the pursuit of true happiness. Our thoughts are powerful forces that shape our reality and influence our experiences. By maintaining purity in our thoughts, we align ourselves with the natural laws and this ensures our welfare and we are also uplifted and inspired towards even more good deeds. This purity then extends to our actions, as we strive to act with love, integrity, kindness, and compassion in all our interactions. Such a way of living naturally attracts harmonious and fulfilling experiences, fostering a deep sense of contentment.

Moreover, understanding the role of suffering in our lives is crucial for achieving true happiness. Suffering often arises from our deviations from the natural laws. It serves as a powerful teacher, guiding us back to the right path. By embracing suffering as an opportunity for growth and learning, we transform it into a stepping stone towards greater wisdom and inner peace. This perspective enables us to find meaning and fulfillment even in the face of adversity.

Lastly, true happiness is deeply connected to our relationships with others. Meaningful relationships are built on love, respect, and a shared commitment to higher values. They provide a supportive environment for personal growth and spiritual development. By nurturing these connections and contributing positively to the lives of others, we enhance our own sense of happiness and well-being.

In conclusion, the true meaning of happiness lies in living in harmony with the universal laws, cultivating self-awareness, genuine faith, purity in thought and action, and embracing suffering as a path to growth. By aligning our lives with these principles, we achieve a profound and lasting happiness that is not dependent on external circumstances but flows from a deep sense of inner peace and fulfillment.


In the journey of parenthood, there are moments that define the course of a child's life. These moments, though seemingly insignificant at the time, possess the potential to mould character, instil values, and shape futures. Such a moment unfolded in the life of a father and his twin sons, illuminating the profound impact of wise parenting. Now, I share with you a real life story!


The father, let's call him Mr. Kogberegbe, found himself confronted with a dilemma familiar to many parents: the divergent paths taken by his twin sons, each exhibiting distinct attitudes towards their schoolwork. Mrs. Kogberegbe, the mother, had relayed her concerns to Mr. Kogberegbe regarding their son, Progress. Unlike his diligent brother, Progress displayed a lackadaisical approach to his studies, neglecting to record lesson notes or complete homework assignments.


Determined to address the issue head-on, Mr. Kogberegbe seized an opportunity to intervene. One day, when his schedule permitted, he volunteered to escort his sons to school. As they embarked on their journey, Progress couldn't shake off his curiosity about his father's unexpected presence. Sensing the right moment, Mr. Kogberegbe revealed his purpose: he had heard about Progress's academic struggles and was prepared to attend his class to take notes on his behalf.


The revelation struck Progress like a thunderbolt. The thought of his father attending his class, assuming his responsibilities, was unimaginable. Protestations ensued as Progress vehemently objected to the idea. Mr. Kogberegbe remained resolute, assuring his son that he only wanted to help. With a mix of reluctance and determination, Progress relented, pledging to take his lesson notes and complete his homework diligently.


However, Mr. Kogberegbe was not about to let his son off the hook easily. He insisted that Progress fulfill his promise, emphasizing the importance of commitment and accountability. It was a pivotal moment, a defining instance of parental guidance that would leave an indelible mark on Progress's journey through education.


In the aftermath of that encounter, a transformation occurred. Inspired by his father's unwavering support and guidance, Progress embarked on a journey of self-discovery and academic excellence. Armed with newfound determination, he embraced his studies wholeheartedly, realizing the importance of taking ownership of his education.


Today, as final-year law students at a Nigerian university, the twin brothers stand as testaments to the power of wise parenting. While one might have faltered along the way, it was the intervention of a caring and insightful father that steered him back on course. Mr. Kogberegbe's actions exemplify the essence of effective parenting: a delicate balance of support, guidance, and firmness, all aimed at nurturing the potential within each child.


The tale of Mr. Kogberegbe and his twin sons serves as a poignant reminder of the profound impact parents wield in shaping the destinies of their children. Through their words, actions, and unwavering love, parents have the power to ignite the flame of ambition, cultivate resilience, and empower their children to overcome life's challenges.


In the end, it is not the grand gestures or extravagant displays of affection that leave a lasting impression. Rather, it is the quiet moments of understanding, the gentle nudges towards self-improvement, and the unwavering belief in a child's potential that lay the foundation for a brighter future. We also need to understand the need of each child and tailor our method of guidance accordingly.  As Mr. Kogberegbe exemplifies, true wisdom lies not only in the ability to impart knowledge but also in the capacity to inspire greatness within the hearts of our children.




We have been told that often, when forming a conception of a person, the latter’s selection of colours for his surroundings and his clothing plays a part which is not to be under-estimated, even if in most cases it is unconscious. This sheds light on the significant yet often overlooked role of colorcolour in shaping our perceptions of others. This concept delves into the psychological and subconscious impact that colorcolour choices have on how individuals are viewed by those around them.


The Psychological Impact of Colours

Colours have a profound effect on human psychology. Different colours evoke different emotions and associations, often influencing our moods and behaviours. For example, blue is often associated with calmness and serenity, while red can evoke feelings of passion or urgency. When individuals choose colours for their surroundings or clothing, they are, whether consciously or unconsciously, projecting certain aspects of their personality or emotional state.


Colours and Personal Expression

Colour selection can be a form of personal expression, reflecting an individual's inner world and emotional landscape. People often gravitate towards colours that resonate with their feelings or that they feel represent who they are. For instance, someone who frequently wears bright, vibrant colours may be perceived as outgoing and energetic, while someone who prefers muted tones might be seen as more reserved or introspective. These colour choices become a silent language, communicating personal traits and states of mind to the outside world.


The Subconscious Influence

Even when individuals are not consciously aware of their colour choices, these selections can still convey significant information about them. The subconscious mind often guides preferences in ways that reflect deeper psychological and emotional currents. For example, a person might choose the colour green for its calming properties without fully realizing they are seeking tranquility in their life. Thus, the colours surrounding a person can offer insights into their subconscious desires and motivations.


Social Perceptions and Interactions

The colours we choose not only reflect our personal preferences but also shape how others perceive and interact with us. In social interactions, people often form initial impressions based on visual cues, including colour. For example, wearing dark colours in a professional setting can convey authority and professionalism, while softer colours might suggest approachability and warmth. These perceptions can influence social dynamics and the way relationships are formed and maintained.


Practical Applications

Understanding the impact of colour choices can have practical applications in various aspects of life, from personal branding to interior design. By consciously selecting colours that align with desired perceptions or that enhance emotional well-being, individuals can harness the power of colour to positively influence their environments and interactions. For instance, using calming colours in a home or workplace can create a more peaceful and productive atmosphere, while wearing colours that reflect confidence and energy can boost self-esteem and social engagement.



Indeed, the colours we use are significant. While often unconscious, the colours we choose for our surroundings and attire play a crucial role in how we are perceived by others and how we express our inner selves. By understanding and leveraging the psychological and social implications of colour, we can enhance our personal and social experiences, making colour a powerful tool in the art of self-presentation and communication.



There is a call from the Highest Heights! The call to "learn to receive" is a profound principle for spiritual growth and fulfillment, urging individuals to open themselves to the divine and the spiritual truths inherent in Creation. Let’s delve into the deeper meanings of this call and its implications.


Embracing Humility and Openness

"Learn to receive" signifies the importance of humility and openness in spiritual development. Human beings often block their spiritual progress through intellectual arrogance and self-centeredness. By learning to receive, individuals must humble themselves and become open to higher knowledge and divine wisdom. This humility is crucial because it allows individuals to acknowledge their limitations and become receptive to the guidance and support offered by the divine.


The Importance of Pure Receptivity

True greatness in Creation can only be achieved when individuals cultivate a state of pure receptivity. This means letting go of preconceived notions and ego-driven desires, and instead, being willing to accept the spiritual gifts and insights provided by God. Pure receptivity involves an active willingness to learn, grow, and align oneself with the divine will.


Connection with Divine Laws

Understanding and living in accordance with the divine laws of Creation is essential for spiritual advancement. These laws are immutable, and adherence to them is essential for spiritual advancement. By learning to receive, individuals align themselves with these laws, allowing the divine wisdom to flow through them and guide their actions.


Overcoming Intellectual Conceit

Intellectual conceit often prevents many from truly understanding and accepting divine wisdom. The intellect alone is insufficient for grasping spiritual truths, which must be received through the spirit. This requires a shift from relying solely on intellectual reasoning to embracing intuitive understanding and spiritual insight.


Practical Implications

To implement this teaching, we are encouraged to:


  1. Cultivate Humility: Acknowledge the limitations of human understanding and be open to divine guidance.


  1. Seek Spiritual Knowledge: Engage in practices that enhance spiritual receptivity, such as contemplation, prayer, and reflective study, examination and absorption  of spiritual texts.



  1. Live in Accordance with Divine Laws: Strive to understand and live by the laws of Creation, which govern all aspects of life and enhance spiritual growth.


  1. Embrace Inner Transformation: Focus on inner transformation and the development of virtues that align with divine will.




The call to "Learn to receive" is a powerful reminder of the need for humility, openness, and alignment with divine laws in the journey toward spiritual maturity. By embracing this call, individuals can unlock the profound treasures of spiritual wisdom and achieve true fulfillment in Creation. This teaching challenges us to move beyond intellectual arrogance and self-centered desires, opening ourselves to the higher truths and guidance that lead to lasting spiritual growth and harmony with the divine.




The Grail Message, by Abd-ru-shin, presents a profound and comprehensive understanding of love. According to Abd-ru-shin, true love is a divine gift and the most powerful force that connects humanity with God, who is the primordial source of all love. Here are some of the key insights on love as described in the Grail Message:


Love as Divine Power!

Love is the greatest of God’s gifts and has the power to uplift individuals from the depths of despair to the heights of spiritual enlightenment. Pure love provides the most direct connection with God and brings about the strongest form of help and salvation. This divine love is not a mere emotion but a powerful, transformative force that propels individuals towards God.


Pure and Unselfish Love

True love, as described in the Grail Message, is pure and unselfish. It is characterized by a selfless desire to bring light and joy to others without expecting anything in return. Such love protects and uplifts the beloved, leading to a form of service that liberates the giver from personal bondage. The author of the Grail Message  emphasises that this love must strive towards what is high, noble, and ideal, beyond mere material or sensual desires.


The Role of Love in Overcoming Challenges

Love serves as a lifebuoy in Creation, offering individuals multiple opportunities to grasp it and lift themselves upwards. This help is available to everyone, regardless of age, sex, or social status. Pure love is the key to overcoming all tribulations and attaining salvation. Abd-ru-shin explains that through pure love, individuals can cast off all karma and redeem themselves, leading to spiritual ascent. No wonder Jesus also taught mankind to love each other as themselves.


The Importance of Pure Intuitions

Pure love awakens virtues such as modesty and humility. It engenders a desire to protect and serve the beloved, fostering the most delicate consideration and respect. The author of the Grail Message advises that holding fast to these pure intuitions and placing them above all else is crucial for spiritual growth and protection. Such love is not driven by jealousy or selfish desires but by a sincere wish to uplift and benefit others.


Misunderstandings of Love

The grail Message criticizes the common misconceptions about love, which often include selfishness, vanity, and weakness. True love, in contrast, seeks the genuine benefit of others, even if it involves severity and justice. Misplaced indulgence is not love, as it fosters faults and leads individuals further down the wrong path. Real love is intertwined with justice and aims at the spiritual welfare of others.



The Grail Message offers a transformative understanding of love, portraying it as a divine, unselfish power essential for spiritual ascent and connection with God. Abd-ru-shin's teachings challenge common misconceptions and emphasize the importance of pure love in overcoming personal and spiritual challenges. By embracing these principles, individuals can achieve true redemption and fulfillment.


Monday, June 03, 2024


The concept of omniscience, particularly in reference to the Almighty, has fascinated theologians, philosophers, and believers for centuries. Traditionally, omniscience is understood to mean that the Lord possesses complete and unlimited knowledge, encompassing all things past, present, and future. This interpretation often extends to the belief that the Almighty knows the thoughts and intentions of every individual. However, a deeper exploration of omniscience reveals a more profound understanding. The omniscience of the Almighty does not necessarily imply that He knows every single thought of each person at every moment, but rather that through His perfect and immutable Laws, He has already provided for us fully.

To grasp this perspective, one must first appreciate the nature of the Divine Laws that govern creation. These Laws, often described as the Laws of Nature or the Laws of Creation, are perfect, just, and unchanging. They encompass all aspects of existence, from the physical and material to the spiritual and moral. They are the mechanisms through which the Almighty sustains and guides the universe, ensuring order, balance, and harmony.

The omniscience of the Almighty, therefore, is reflected in the perfection of these Laws. Every conceivable situation, every possible outcome, has been accounted for within these Divine Laws. This comprehensive provision implies that the Almighty does not need to micromanage or constantly intervene in the choices made by humans as regards their thoughts and actions. Instead, He has embedded within the fabric of creation a system that is self-regulating, self-sustaining,  fair and just. This system is so meticulously designed that it anticipates every need and addresses every contingency.

One can liken this to a master architect who, in designing a magnificent building, ensures that every detail is accounted for in the blueprints. The architect does not need to be present to oversee every single activity within the building because the design itself is flawless and provides for every necessity. This comparison, though helpful, is merely a faint reflection of the reality. The Divine Laws are far more comprehensive and perfect, encompassing all that is required for human beings to navigate their lives, make choices, learn, and grow. 

The implications of this understanding are profound. It suggests that the Almighty's omniscience is less about intrusive surveillance and more about empowering human beings to live within a framework that inherently supports their development and well-being. The Divine Laws offer guidance and support in every aspect of life, encouraging individuals to seek alignment with these Laws and thereby find fulfillment and purpose.

Furthermore, this perspective underscores the importance of personal responsibility and free will. While the Almighty has provided the framework through His Laws, it is up to each individual to make choices and act in accordance with these principles. The Laws of Sowing and Reaping, for instance, teach that individuals will experience the consequences of their actions, whether good or bad. This reinforces the idea that while the Divine provision is perfect, it is human agency that determines how one navigates and experiences life within this framework.

In recognising the omniscience of the Almighty in this way, one also gains a deeper appreciation for the inherent justice and wisdom of the Divine plan. Every aspect of life, from the grandest events to the smallest details, is woven into the tapestry of creation with precision and purpose. The challenges and opportunities that individuals encounter are not random but are intricately connected to the Divine Laws, offering opportunities  for growth, learning, and spiritual development.

Moreover, this understanding invites a shift in perspective regarding the nature of prayer and supplication. Rather than seeking specific interventions or solutions from the Almighty, individuals are encouraged to seek alignment with His Divine Laws. Prayer becomes a means of attuning oneself to the greater wisdom and guidance embedded in creation. It is an exercise in humility and receptivity, where one asks for the clarity to recognize and follow the path laid out by these perfect Laws.

In conclusion, the omniscience of the Almighty is best understood not as an intrusive awareness of every individual thought but as a profound and complete provision through His immutable Laws. These Laws are designed to cover every aspect of existence, ensuring that all needs are met, all actions have appropriate consequences, and every opportunity for growth is provided. This perspective shifts the focus from a passive reliance on Divine intervention to an active engagement with the principles that govern life. It emphasises personal responsibility, free will, and the importance of striving to live in harmony with the natural order.

By recognising and aligning with the Divine Laws, individuals can experience the fullness of life as intended by the Creator. They can navigate their journeys with confidence, knowing that the framework within which they operate is perfect and just. This alignment brings about a deeper sense of peace, purpose, and fulfillment, reflecting the true essence of living under the omniscient care of the Almighty. In this way, the omniscience of the Almighty is not just a theological concept but a practical reality that guides, sustains, and enriches human life.


In the hustle and bustle of modern life, the simple act of eating often becomes a hurried, mindless task. Yet, the way we approach our meals can transform our physical and spiritual well-being. By cultivating an attitude of gratitude when we eat, we can unlock a deeper appreciation for the nourishment our food provides and enhance our overall life experience. Eating with gratitude is not just about saying a quick thank you before a meal; it involves lovi
ngly looking at our food, reflecting on its journey to our plates, and understanding its role in our physical and spiritual growth.

When we take a moment to appreciate the food before us, we start to see it as more than just sustenance. Each ingredient has a story, from the farmer who cultivated it to the natural elements that nurtured it. By acknowledging this journey, we honour the interconnectedness of life and the many hands that contributed to our meal. This mindful approach to eating allows us to savour each bite, turning an ordinary meal into a moment of reverence and gratitude.

Reflecting on the nourishment our food provides can deepen our gratitude. As we eat, we can think about how the food supports our body's functions, making it fit for the continuous experiencing of life on Earth. This nourishment is essential for our physical health, but it also has a profound impact on our spiritual growth. A healthy, vibrant body enables us to engage fully with the world around us, to learn, to love, and to grow spiritually. Eating, therefore, becomes an act of preparing our body for the sacred journey of life.

The earthly food we consume is to our body what the Word of Truth is to our spirit. Just as food nourishes our physical form, the Word of Truth nourishes our spirit. It provides the wisdom, guidance, and strength needed to navigate the challenges of life and to grow into our highest selves. When we eat with deep gratitude, we align ourselves with this higher purpose, recognising that our physical sustenance is a gift that supports our spiritual mission.

To eat in deep gratitude, we can begin by creating a peaceful environment for our meals. Setting the table with care, turning off distractions, and sitting down to eat mindfully can help us focus on the act of eating. We can start each meal with a moment of silence or a prayer, expressing our thankfulness for the food and all those who contributed to its creation. As we eat, we can chew slowly, savouring the flavours and textures, and thinking about the nutrients that are fueling our body.

This practice of mindful eating not only enhances our appreciation for food but also has numerous health benefits. It can improve digestion, help us maintain a healthy weight, and reduce stress. When we eat mindfully, we are more likely to listen to our body's hunger and fullness cues, leading to more balanced and satisfying meals. Furthermore, the act of eating with gratitude can foster a positive relationship with food, free from guilt and shame.

Gratitude for our food extends beyond the meal itself. It can inspire us to make choices that honour the earth and its resources. By choosing sustainably sourced, locally grown, and organic foods, we show respect for the environment and the people who produce our food. This conscious approach to eating can also encourage us to waste less and to share our abundance with others, fostering a sense of community and connection.

In conclusion, eating with gratitude transforms a routine activity into a powerful practice of mindfulness and appreciation. By lovingly looking at our food, reflecting on its nourishment, and understanding its role in our physical and spiritual growth, we can turn every meal into an opportunity for gratitude. Just as the Word of Truth nourishes our spirit, our food nourishes our body, preparing us for the journey of life. Let us eat with deep gratitude, honouring the gift of sustenance and the sacred connection between body and spirit.


In the whirlwind of our busy lives, it's easy to lose touch with those who have profoundly impacted us. Yet, reconnecting with these cherished individuals can bring immense joy and rekindle the warmth of treasured memories. Today, I experienced this firsthand when I made a phone call to a grand old fatherly mentor of mine, whom I'll call JOT. The brief but meaningful conversation reminded me of the beauty of staying in touch with those we love and the lasting influence they have on our lives.

When JOT's wife answered the phone and handed it to him, a wave of nostalgia washed over me. It had been a long time since we last spoke, and hearing his voice again brought back a flood of memories. Our conversation was brief, yet it was filled with warmth and conviviality, a testament to the enduring relationship and love we share. In those few moments, I felt a profound sense of connection and gratitude for having someone like JOT in my life.

JOT is more than just a mentor; he is a beacon of wisdom and inspiration. Throughout the years, he has taught me invaluable lessons about work ethic, generosity, and the importance of presenting oneself well. His impeccable sense of style and attention to detail in both personal and professional matters have always left a lasting impression on me. Whether planning a grand event like a wedding or a simple gathering for lunch at home, JOT's meticulous approach exemplifies the importance of thorough preparation and thoughtfulness in everything we do.

These lessons were not imparted through formal teachings or lectures, but rather through JOT's everyday actions and the way he lived his life. By just being himself, he demonstrated the virtues of diligence, kindness, and elegance. His influence has shaped my approach to various aspects of life, and I often find myself reflecting on his advice and example when making decisions or facing challenges.

Reconnecting with JOT today was a reminder of the profound impact that staying in touch with loved ones can have on our well-being. In a world where technology often leads to superficial connections, taking the time to reach out and have a meaningful conversation with someone who matters to us can be incredibly fulfilling. It strengthens our friendships, rekindles cherished memories, and provides a sense of continuity and support in our lives.

Staying in touch with those we love also serves as a bridge to our past, reminding us of the values and lessons that have shaped us. It allows us to honour the relationships that have contributed to our growth and development, and to express our gratitude for the guidance and support we have received. In doing so, we not only reaffirm our connections but also enrich our own lives with a sense of purpose and belonging.

Moreover, these moments of reconnection can have a positive ripple effect, inspiring us to reach out to others and spread the warmth and joy we have experienced. It encourages us to nurture our relationships and to be present for the people who matter most to us. By staying in touch, we create a network of love and support that can sustain us through both joyous and challenging times.

In conclusion, the beauty of staying in touch with those we love lies in the deep sense of connection and fulfillment it brings. My conversation with JOT today was a powerful reminder of the enduring impact of meaningful relationships and the importance of nurturing them. As we navigate the complexities of life, let us remember to reach out to our loved ones, to honour the bonds we share, and to cherish the moments of reconnection that remind us of the love and wisdom that have shaped our journey.

Sunday, June 02, 2024


Our default setting as human beings is to focus on ourselves alone. This innate self-centeredness, if carefully considered, reveals itself as the root cause of our general discontent and lack of happiness. In a world where the pursuit of personal gain often overshadows the well-being of others, it is no wonder that many find themselves trapped in a cycle of dissatisfaction.

To break free from this cycle, we must adjust this default setting. This adjustment begins with a deeper understanding of how the world works and a genuine consideration for our fellow human beings. When we take the time to look beyond our own needs and desires, we begin to see the interconnectedness of all people. This broader perspective allows us to comprehend the reasons behind our current experiences and fosters empathy and compassion for others.

When we cultivate a mindset that prioritizes the welfare of our fellow men, we naturally move away from thoughts of revenge or harm. Instead, we become more inclined to support and uplift those around us. This shift in orientation not only benefits others but also brings us a profound sense of peace, happiness, and deep contentment. By caring for others, we enrich our own lives in ways that selfish pursuits cannot achieve.

To achieve this transformation, we need to awaken from our self-centered slumber. This awakening requires us to look around and genuinely observe the lives and struggles of those around us. It involves listening to our inner voice, the quiet but persistent call of our conscience that urges us to act with kindness and integrity.

Listening to our inner voice is crucial. This inner guidance, often drowned out by the noise of our daily lives, holds the key to unlocking a more fulfilling existence. It reminds us that our true happiness lies not in what we can take for ourselves, but in what we can give to others. By aligning our actions with this inner wisdom, we open the way to a life rich in meaning and joy.

Finally, the path to true happiness and contentment lies in shifting our focus from ourselves to others. By understanding the interconnectedness of humanity and acting with empathy and compassion, we can transform our lives and the lives of those around us. It is time for us to awaken, to look beyond our immediate desires, and to listen to the inner voice that guides us towards a more selfless and fulfilling way of living. In doing so, we will reap a harvest of peace and happiness that far exceeds the fleeting pleasures of self-centered pursuits.