Sunday, June 16, 2024


The Grail Message, by Abd-ru-shin, presents a profound and comprehensive understanding of love. According to Abd-ru-shin, true love is a divine gift and the most powerful force that connects humanity with God, who is the primordial source of all love. Here are some of the key insights on love as described in the Grail Message:


Love as Divine Power!

Love is the greatest of God’s gifts and has the power to uplift individuals from the depths of despair to the heights of spiritual enlightenment. Pure love provides the most direct connection with God and brings about the strongest form of help and salvation. This divine love is not a mere emotion but a powerful, transformative force that propels individuals towards God.


Pure and Unselfish Love

True love, as described in the Grail Message, is pure and unselfish. It is characterized by a selfless desire to bring light and joy to others without expecting anything in return. Such love protects and uplifts the beloved, leading to a form of service that liberates the giver from personal bondage. The author of the Grail Message  emphasises that this love must strive towards what is high, noble, and ideal, beyond mere material or sensual desires.


The Role of Love in Overcoming Challenges

Love serves as a lifebuoy in Creation, offering individuals multiple opportunities to grasp it and lift themselves upwards. This help is available to everyone, regardless of age, sex, or social status. Pure love is the key to overcoming all tribulations and attaining salvation. Abd-ru-shin explains that through pure love, individuals can cast off all karma and redeem themselves, leading to spiritual ascent. No wonder Jesus also taught mankind to love each other as themselves.


The Importance of Pure Intuitions

Pure love awakens virtues such as modesty and humility. It engenders a desire to protect and serve the beloved, fostering the most delicate consideration and respect. The author of the Grail Message advises that holding fast to these pure intuitions and placing them above all else is crucial for spiritual growth and protection. Such love is not driven by jealousy or selfish desires but by a sincere wish to uplift and benefit others.


Misunderstandings of Love

The grail Message criticizes the common misconceptions about love, which often include selfishness, vanity, and weakness. True love, in contrast, seeks the genuine benefit of others, even if it involves severity and justice. Misplaced indulgence is not love, as it fosters faults and leads individuals further down the wrong path. Real love is intertwined with justice and aims at the spiritual welfare of others.



The Grail Message offers a transformative understanding of love, portraying it as a divine, unselfish power essential for spiritual ascent and connection with God. Abd-ru-shin's teachings challenge common misconceptions and emphasize the importance of pure love in overcoming personal and spiritual challenges. By embracing these principles, individuals can achieve true redemption and fulfillment.


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