Sunday, June 16, 2024


In the journey of parenthood, there are moments that define the course of a child's life. These moments, though seemingly insignificant at the time, possess the potential to mould character, instil values, and shape futures. Such a moment unfolded in the life of a father and his twin sons, illuminating the profound impact of wise parenting. Now, I share with you a real life story!


The father, let's call him Mr. Kogberegbe, found himself confronted with a dilemma familiar to many parents: the divergent paths taken by his twin sons, each exhibiting distinct attitudes towards their schoolwork. Mrs. Kogberegbe, the mother, had relayed her concerns to Mr. Kogberegbe regarding their son, Progress. Unlike his diligent brother, Progress displayed a lackadaisical approach to his studies, neglecting to record lesson notes or complete homework assignments.


Determined to address the issue head-on, Mr. Kogberegbe seized an opportunity to intervene. One day, when his schedule permitted, he volunteered to escort his sons to school. As they embarked on their journey, Progress couldn't shake off his curiosity about his father's unexpected presence. Sensing the right moment, Mr. Kogberegbe revealed his purpose: he had heard about Progress's academic struggles and was prepared to attend his class to take notes on his behalf.


The revelation struck Progress like a thunderbolt. The thought of his father attending his class, assuming his responsibilities, was unimaginable. Protestations ensued as Progress vehemently objected to the idea. Mr. Kogberegbe remained resolute, assuring his son that he only wanted to help. With a mix of reluctance and determination, Progress relented, pledging to take his lesson notes and complete his homework diligently.


However, Mr. Kogberegbe was not about to let his son off the hook easily. He insisted that Progress fulfill his promise, emphasizing the importance of commitment and accountability. It was a pivotal moment, a defining instance of parental guidance that would leave an indelible mark on Progress's journey through education.


In the aftermath of that encounter, a transformation occurred. Inspired by his father's unwavering support and guidance, Progress embarked on a journey of self-discovery and academic excellence. Armed with newfound determination, he embraced his studies wholeheartedly, realizing the importance of taking ownership of his education.


Today, as final-year law students at a Nigerian university, the twin brothers stand as testaments to the power of wise parenting. While one might have faltered along the way, it was the intervention of a caring and insightful father that steered him back on course. Mr. Kogberegbe's actions exemplify the essence of effective parenting: a delicate balance of support, guidance, and firmness, all aimed at nurturing the potential within each child.


The tale of Mr. Kogberegbe and his twin sons serves as a poignant reminder of the profound impact parents wield in shaping the destinies of their children. Through their words, actions, and unwavering love, parents have the power to ignite the flame of ambition, cultivate resilience, and empower their children to overcome life's challenges.


In the end, it is not the grand gestures or extravagant displays of affection that leave a lasting impression. Rather, it is the quiet moments of understanding, the gentle nudges towards self-improvement, and the unwavering belief in a child's potential that lay the foundation for a brighter future. We also need to understand the need of each child and tailor our method of guidance accordingly.  As Mr. Kogberegbe exemplifies, true wisdom lies not only in the ability to impart knowledge but also in the capacity to inspire greatness within the hearts of our children.



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