Monday, July 22, 2024


The question, "Can a loving God create hell?" is profound and touches the core of theological and philosophical debates. It invites us to delve into the attributes of the Almighty, the essence of love, and the reality of evil. The answer to this question is not just a matter of theological doctrine but also of understanding the nature of divine power and human responsibility.

The Almighty is Love! This foundational belief holds that all that emanates from God is inherently pure and good. If we accept this premise, we must also accept that no evil can proceed from the Creator. Therefore, the concept of hell, traditionally seen as the abode of evil and suffering, cannot be a direct creation of a loving God. Instead, hell is understood as the dwelling of evil men and their abominations, a construct that arises not from divine will but from human actions.

The power of the Lord flows through all of existence, animating nature and all creatures. In the case of humanity, this power is received with a unique endowment: the ability to direct it according to free will. This divine power is neutral, capable of being used for both good and evil purposes, depending on human choice. When humans think, speak, and act, they use this power, imbuing their thoughts, words, and deeds with real, tangible forms.

A crucial aspect of human activity is the capacity to think and to use intuition. The products of human thought and intuition take on real forms that can be either beautiful and benevolent or evil and destructive. Unfortunately, the propensity of many individuals to choose evil has led to the creation of numerous malevolent forms, which have accumulated in vast centres of evil, now known as hell. Hell, therefore, is not a divine institution but the handiwork of humanity itself.

Man, endowed with free will, is responsible for using the Creator's power in ways that lead to the formation of hell. By misusing the pure power of God for evil purposes, individuals create their own tormenting reality. Upon departing from this earth, they cannot escape the consequences of their actions, and thus they find themselves in the hell they have created.

This understanding shifts the perspective from seeing hell as a place of divine punishment to recognizing it as a self-created state of being. It emphasizes human responsibility and the moral implications of free will. In this light, God's love remains pure and untainted by the existence of hell. Rather than a place God has created to punish, hell is the inevitable result of humanity's misuse of divine power.

Thus, the existence of hell is not contradictory to the nature of a loving God. Instead, it highlights the profound gift of free will given to humanity and the serious responsibility that accompanies it. The power to create good or evil lies within each individual, and the consequences of these choices are inescapable. In this sense, hell serves as a stark reminder of the weight of our moral decisions and the ultimate accountability we bear for our actions.

Tuesday, July 16, 2024



The story of Adam and Eve, as narrated in the Bible, is one of the most well-known stories of creation. It is not to be taken as a literal account, but it is a profound metaphorical illustration of human consciousness and the development of society. This essay explores the symbolic aspects of the narrative, particularly the tasting from the tree of knowledge, and how it represents the awakening of human intellect and its consequences.



In the Book of Genesis, the story of Adam and Eve begins with their creation by God and their placement in the Garden of Eden. They are given permission to eat from any tree except the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. However, the serpent, a cunning creature, tempts Eve to eat the forbidden fruit. She, in turn, offers it to Adam, and both become aware of their nakedness and experience shame for the first time. This act leads to their expulsion from Eden and the beginning of human toil and suffering.



The narrative of tasting from the tree of knowledge is rich with symbolism. The serpent represents temptation and the awakening of desire. The woman's offering of the apple to the man signifies the moment she becomes conscious of her charms on the man and starts to intentionally exploit them. This can be seen as a metaphor for the dawning awareness of human sexuality and the power dynamics that accompany it.



In the metaphorical framework, Eve's action of offering the apple is not merely an act of disobedience but a moment of realization. It symbolizes the woman's awareness of her influence over the man. This consciousness of her power is the beginning of a complex interplay of attraction and manipulation, reflecting the deeper psychological and social dynamics between genders.



Adam's acceptance and consumption of the apple represent man’s reaction to the woman's newfound awareness. It marks the awakening of his own desires and ambitions. This can be interpreted as the man's urge to become desirable, not just through physical attraction but by accumulating treasures and resources. Thus begins the cultivation of the intellect, symbolized by the knowledge of good and evil.



With the awakening and too much reliance on the intellect comes the pursuit of power, and material wealth. This development, however, is not without its pitfalls. The story suggests that along with intellect, traits such as greed, falsehood, and oppression emerge. Men, in their quest to dominate and control, ultimately become slaves to their own creations and desires.


The metaphor extends to the broader human condition, illustrating how the initial awakening of consciousness and intellect leads to complex social structures and moral dilemmas. The intellect, while a powerful tool for progress, also becomes (when it is raised to the position of the overall ruler) an instrument of subjugation and exploitation. Humans, in their quest for earthly knowledge and power, often find themselves ensnared by the very systems they create.



The story of Adam and Eve, when viewed as a metaphor, offers profound insights into the nature of human consciousness and societal development. The tasting from the tree of knowledge symbolizes the awakening and over reliance on the intellect and desire, setting into motion the complex dynamics of human relationships and the evolution of society. It serves as a timeless reminder of the dual-edged nature of knowledge and the ethical responsibilities that come with it.

Today, we are called to become spiritual beings. While our intellect serves to facilitate our lives on earth, it must be guided by our spirit. The spirit must become the leader with the intellect following. In another essay, I have explored ways to spiritualize the work of our hands. By doing so, we can find peace and true happiness, escaping the chaos and confusion that pervade the present day. Let us embrace this higher calling and align our actions with spiritual wisdom, fostering a harmonious existence both within ourselves and in the world around us.


Sunday, July 14, 2024


It was a crisp, early morning, the kind where the world is still gently shaking off the remnants of sleep. I set out for my daily 30-minute walk, a time I treasure for its tranquillity and the opportunity to gather my thoughts before the hustle and bustle of the day begins. Little did I know, this particular morning would turn into an unexpected comedic adventure, filled with life lessons and a good dose of humility.


About halfway through my walk, I noticed something was amiss. My trusty face towel, my faithful companion for mopping up the light sheen of sweat that accompanies my brisk pace, was nowhere to be found. Panic set in almost immediately. How could I have dropped it without noticing? Instinctively, I turned on my heels and retraced my steps, eyes scanning the ground like a hawk hunting for its prey.


Now, I must tell you, there's something quite ridiculous about a grown person wandering around at 5:30 in the morning, peering intently at the pavement. It wasn’t just the early hour that made it absurd; it was the sheer intensity of my focus, as if the fate of the world depended on the recovery of that small, green towel.


With every step, the thought came—but who would pick up a mere towel?  Yes, at 5:30 in the morning, in a quiet neighborhood. Or could it be that someone had obviously seen my towel and thought, "Aha! The perfect crime!" This line of thought, of course, was patently absurd, but desperation has a way of clouding judgment. I was intent on finding my towel.


My 30-minute walk stretched into 45 minutes. The sky was beginning to lighten with the first hints of dawn, and still no sign of the towel. My determination, however, was unwavering. I walked back to the spot where I had first noticed the towel was missing and scoured the area once more. Nothing.


Resigned but not defeated, I turned for home, deciding to give the paths one last, scrutinizing look. And then, like a beacon in the dim light, I saw it. There it was, my light green towel, lying nonchalantly on the road. It had been there all along, a mere two-minute detour from where I first started my search.


As I picked up the towel, a wave of relief washed over me, followed swiftly by a flood of lessons. If only I had paid more attention from the beginning, I would have saved myself a lot of time and unnecessary steps. Instead of assuming the towel had disappeared into the far reaches of the neighborhood, I could have found it almost immediately by staying present and observant.


This unexpected hour-long walk turned out to be a great exercise session, but it also taught me valuable lessons about mindfulness and assumptions. Here are the key takeaways for you my lovely readers:

  1. Mindfulness Matters: Pay attention to your surroundings and the little details. Being present can save you time and effort.


  1. Don’t Assume the Worst: Jumping to conclusions, especially negative ones, can lead you on wild goose chases. Sometimes the solution is right in front of you. 


  1. Persistence Pays Off: Even when things seem lost, don't give up. Persistence can lead to unexpected successes.


  1. Flexibility is Key: Sometimes plans change, and that’s okay. What started as a 30-minute walk turned into an hour of great exercise and reflection. 


So, next time you find yourself on a wild goose chase, remember my little adventure with the green towel. Keep your eyes open, your mind calm, and don't be afraid to retrace your steps. You never know what you might find!


Tuesday, July 09, 2024



Diligence, often celebrated as a cornerstone of success and fulfillment, is a virtue just like loyalty, productivity, truthfulness, grace and modesty. We can obtain the virtue of diligence if we long for it with a pure heart.  It is not merely about hard work but about the quality and sincerity of our endeavours. When we genuinely long for diligence in its purest form, it becomes a guiding light in our lives, leading us toward true accomplishment and inner peace.


At its core, diligence is synonymous with swinging in the Law of Movement. This means that we align ourselves with the natural flow of life, actively engaging with our tasks and responsibilities rather than resisting them. By embracing this dynamic state, we ensure that our actions are in harmony with the larger rhythm of existence, fostering both efficiency and satisfaction.


Through diligent effort and careful attention, everything we do can become a prayer of gratitude. When we approach our tasks with a mindset of appreciation, we transform mundane activities into sacred acts. Each task completed with care and dedication becomes a testament to our gratitude for the opportunities, talents and abilities we possess, elevating our daily routines into meaningful expressions of thankfulness.


Even on the journey of our spiritual development and maturity, we need to apply honesty and great diligence. As we strive to better ourselves, it is essential to do so with integrity and persistent effort. This honest and diligent approach to personal growth attracts the strength and resources we need to succeed. By consistently working on ourselves, we create a fertile ground for continuous improvement and spiritual enrichment.


It is crucial to instill the value of diligence in children from an early age. Teaching children to be diligent helps prevent a sense of entitlement, ensuring they understand that they must contribute and strive for their goals. This early education fosters a sense of responsibility and self-reliance, preparing them to navigate life’s challenges with resilience and confidence.


Ultimately, diligence and industry lead to joy. When we apply ourselves diligently to our tasks, we experience the deep satisfaction that comes from knowing we have done our best. This sense of achievement brings joy and fulfillment, reinforcing the positive cycle of effort and reward. Diligence, therefore, is not just a means to an end but a source of profound happiness and contentment.

In conclusion, diligence is a virtue that enriches our lives, guiding us to align with the natural law of movement, transforming our efforts into expressions of gratitude, and fostering joy through dedicated work. By embracing diligence, we cultivate a life of purpose, fulfillment, and lasting happiness.




It is possible to compartmentalize our fields of activities into two: the mundane and the spiritual. Yet, to truly live a harmonious life, we must recognize the importance of integrating these aspects, ensuring both are addressed. Our earthly duties deserve our full attention, just as much as our spiritual growth. As spiritual beings, our core which is our spirit should guide every endeavour. This means allowing our spirit to lead and inform our daily actions. Ultimately, our earthly work should be an expression of our spiritual purpose and aspirations. The question then arises: how can we spiritualize the work of our hands?



First and foremost, we must acknowledge that our daily tasks, no matter how mundane they may seem, are inherently valuable. They provide the structure and means through which we can express our inner spiritual convictions. Neglecting either the practical or the spiritual aspects of life can lead to imbalance and dissatisfaction. Hence, attending to our duties diligently and with a sense of purpose is the first step towards spiritualizing our work. We need to know that the purpose of our life on earth is primarily to attain spiritual maturity and that no matter how we earn our living, our work or business must be regarded by us as part of the journey of our spiritual development and ascent!



To spiritualize our work, we must infuse it with love and true loyalty. Love transforms even the simplest tasks into meaningful endeavours. When we approach our duties with a loving heart, we imbue them with a higher purpose. True loyalty, on the other hand, ensures that we remain committed to our responsibilities, fulfilling them with integrity and dedication. This combination elevates our work from mere chores to acts of spiritual significance.



Another essential element is to align our actions with the laws of creation. This means working without harbouring negative emotions. Negative emotions can taint our efforts and obstruct the flow of blessings that come from sincere, heartfelt work. By maintaining a positive and serene mindset, we open ourselves up to receive the rewards that are in harmony with our efforts. Let us realise that as we work, we are making use of the power of creation and this must be applied with care so that the results of what we do will bring us peace, happiness, abundance and fulfillment.



The principle of giving more than what is expected is crucial. The more we give, the more we receive. Remember that a fundamental law of creation is that as we sow, we shall reap and reap in multiples. This is not just a transactional equation but a spiritual truth. When we go beyond the minimum requirements, we are sowing seeds of generosity and excellence that will bear fruit in due time. This effort should be evident in the quality of our work, whether it’s writing a memo or baking bread.



Purity is another key concept to incorporate into our work. As humans, we express purity through beauty and grace in our actions. This can manifest in various ways, such as ensuring that a memo is error-free or that baked goods are not only delicious but also healthy. Purity in work means striving for excellence and maintaining high standards, not just in the outcome but in the process as well.



Spiritualizing the work of our hands is about more than just doing our jobs well. It’s about recognizing the higher potential in every task, no matter how small. By infusing our work with love, loyalty, adherence to the laws of creation, and a commitment to purity and excellence, we transform our daily duties into sacred acts. In doing so, we fulfill our earthly responsibilities while simultaneously nurturing our spiritual growth, creating a life of balance and profound fulfillment.


Let us embark on this journey together, aiming to uplift ourselves and those around us through the spiritualization of our work. By doing so, we contribute to a more harmonious and enlightened world, one task at a time.


Thursday, July 04, 2024



It is a common sentiment to believe that the past was a better time, a period where things seemed simpler and more manageable. This illusion often arises in conversations, like the one where two individuals debated whether today's economic hardships are worse than the trials of the past. One argued that things are much worse today, while the other questioned the validity of this perspective, given their country's history of civil war and dictatorship. Reflecting on this discourse, it becomes evident that the notion of a better past is often more a product of selective memory and nostalgia than of objective reality.


The Illusion of a Better Past


Nostalgia can be a powerful force, often colouring our recollections of the past with a rosy hue. This psychological phenomenon, known as "rosy retrospection," causes us to remember the positives more vividly than the negatives. When people reminisce about former years, they often overlook the struggles and hardships that were prevalent at the time. This selective memory creates an illusion that those times were better, simpler, and happier.


In the context of a nation that has experienced a civil war and endured a ruthless dictatorship, it is easy to romanticize the periods that followed such turmoil. The sense of relief and the brief moments of peace and recovery can overshadow the grim realities of those eras. Yet, the challenges faced during those times of relative peace were significant and severe, affecting countless lives and shaping the course of the nation’s history.


Comparing Hardships


When evaluating whether today’s economic difficulties are worse than the struggles of the past, it is essential to consider the broader historical context. Civil wars and dictatorial regimes are characterized by widespread suffering, loss of life, and systemic oppression. While economic struggles can be profound, they typically do not reach the same levels of violence and human rights abuses.


However, this comparison is not meant to diminish the hardships people face today. Economic challenges, high inflation, unemployment, and poverty are real and significant issues that impact daily lives. Yet, by recognizing the severity of past struggles, we can gain a more balanced perspective. It reminds us that humanity has endured and overcome tremendous adversities before and has the capacity to do so again.


Embracing the Present


Rather than yearning for an idealized past, it is crucial to focus on the present and the opportunities it holds. Today’s world, despite its flaws and challenges, offers unique possibilities for progress and improvement. Technological advancements, access to information, and global connectivity provide tools and resources that previous generations could not have imagined.


Moreover, the present is where we have agency and power. Dwelling on the past can lead to a sense of helplessness and resignation. In contrast, embracing the present empowers us to take action, make changes, and strive for a better future. Each generation has faced its own set of challenges, and it is through their efforts that progress has been made.


Making the Best of Today


To make the best of our present time, it is essential to cultivate a mindset of resilience and optimism. This involves recognizing and addressing current problems while also appreciating the progress and achievements that have been made. It requires us to be proactive, innovative, and compassionate in our approach to solving today’s issues.


Engaging with our communities, supporting one another, and advocating for positive change are all ways we can contribute to a better present. By focusing on what we can do now, rather than longing for a past that may not have been as idyllic as it seems, we can create a more promising and hopeful reality.




The illusion of a better past is a common psychological phenomenon that can hinder our ability to appreciate and improve our current situation. By acknowledging the harsh realities of the past and the opportunities of the present, we can foster a more balanced and proactive approach to life. Embracing the present and making the best of today not only helps us navigate current challenges but also lays the foundation for a brighter future.


Monday, July 01, 2024


In today's fast-paced world, the virtues of work and service often get overshadowed by the hustle and bustle of daily routines. This relentless pace, driven by intellect and societal demands, frequently sets goals that contradict the values we should aspire to uphold. It often presents sham as gold, sets unreasonable targets, and turns work into a race that sacrifices ethics, balance, and even health. Yet, work, when approached with the right attitude and of the right kind, is not merely a means to an end but a path to personal and communal enrichment.

Work enables us to contribute to society, find purpose, and develop our skills, talents, and spiritual gifts. As Lord Tennyson aptly put it, "To rust unburnish'd, not to shine in use! As though to breathe were life!" These lines capture Ulysses' frustration with his stagnant life as king of Ithaca, where he feels confined to merely preside over a community he views with disdain for their idle complacency. This sentiment reminds us that it is through active engagement and dedication that we truly shine. By immersing ourselves in meaningful work, we polish our abilities and fulfill our potential.

While the hours may be long and the rewards sometimes fleeting, the sense of accomplishment and the positive impact we make are invaluable. Work helps us build resilience, foster relationships, and leave a legacy that extends beyond our time. It is through service to others that we find our deepest sense of purpose and fulfillment. All we need to do is ensure that the work we engage in is joyful, helps humanity, and aids us in our spiritual ascent.

Life on earth is a short cycle of learning, but it is through meaningful work and service that we live it fully. Let us embrace our roles, not as chains of obligation, but as opportunities to shine and make a difference. By dedicating our work to the Most High, we transform mundane tasks into acts of devotion, purpose and honest service.

In the end, the true value of work lies not in the hours spent or the accolades received, but in the growth, fulfillment, and positive change it brings to us as individuals and to those who interact with us. Let us approach our work with the mindset of service and gratitude, recognizing it as an opportunity to contribute to the greater good and to our own spiritual journey.