Sunday, July 14, 2024


It was a crisp, early morning, the kind where the world is still gently shaking off the remnants of sleep. I set out for my daily 30-minute walk, a time I treasure for its tranquillity and the opportunity to gather my thoughts before the hustle and bustle of the day begins. Little did I know, this particular morning would turn into an unexpected comedic adventure, filled with life lessons and a good dose of humility.


About halfway through my walk, I noticed something was amiss. My trusty face towel, my faithful companion for mopping up the light sheen of sweat that accompanies my brisk pace, was nowhere to be found. Panic set in almost immediately. How could I have dropped it without noticing? Instinctively, I turned on my heels and retraced my steps, eyes scanning the ground like a hawk hunting for its prey.


Now, I must tell you, there's something quite ridiculous about a grown person wandering around at 5:30 in the morning, peering intently at the pavement. It wasn’t just the early hour that made it absurd; it was the sheer intensity of my focus, as if the fate of the world depended on the recovery of that small, green towel.


With every step, the thought came—but who would pick up a mere towel?  Yes, at 5:30 in the morning, in a quiet neighborhood. Or could it be that someone had obviously seen my towel and thought, "Aha! The perfect crime!" This line of thought, of course, was patently absurd, but desperation has a way of clouding judgment. I was intent on finding my towel.


My 30-minute walk stretched into 45 minutes. The sky was beginning to lighten with the first hints of dawn, and still no sign of the towel. My determination, however, was unwavering. I walked back to the spot where I had first noticed the towel was missing and scoured the area once more. Nothing.


Resigned but not defeated, I turned for home, deciding to give the paths one last, scrutinizing look. And then, like a beacon in the dim light, I saw it. There it was, my light green towel, lying nonchalantly on the road. It had been there all along, a mere two-minute detour from where I first started my search.


As I picked up the towel, a wave of relief washed over me, followed swiftly by a flood of lessons. If only I had paid more attention from the beginning, I would have saved myself a lot of time and unnecessary steps. Instead of assuming the towel had disappeared into the far reaches of the neighborhood, I could have found it almost immediately by staying present and observant.


This unexpected hour-long walk turned out to be a great exercise session, but it also taught me valuable lessons about mindfulness and assumptions. Here are the key takeaways for you my lovely readers:

  1. Mindfulness Matters: Pay attention to your surroundings and the little details. Being present can save you time and effort.


  1. Don’t Assume the Worst: Jumping to conclusions, especially negative ones, can lead you on wild goose chases. Sometimes the solution is right in front of you. 


  1. Persistence Pays Off: Even when things seem lost, don't give up. Persistence can lead to unexpected successes.


  1. Flexibility is Key: Sometimes plans change, and that’s okay. What started as a 30-minute walk turned into an hour of great exercise and reflection. 


So, next time you find yourself on a wild goose chase, remember my little adventure with the green towel. Keep your eyes open, your mind calm, and don't be afraid to retrace your steps. You never know what you might find!


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