Thursday, July 04, 2024



It is a common sentiment to believe that the past was a better time, a period where things seemed simpler and more manageable. This illusion often arises in conversations, like the one where two individuals debated whether today's economic hardships are worse than the trials of the past. One argued that things are much worse today, while the other questioned the validity of this perspective, given their country's history of civil war and dictatorship. Reflecting on this discourse, it becomes evident that the notion of a better past is often more a product of selective memory and nostalgia than of objective reality.


The Illusion of a Better Past


Nostalgia can be a powerful force, often colouring our recollections of the past with a rosy hue. This psychological phenomenon, known as "rosy retrospection," causes us to remember the positives more vividly than the negatives. When people reminisce about former years, they often overlook the struggles and hardships that were prevalent at the time. This selective memory creates an illusion that those times were better, simpler, and happier.


In the context of a nation that has experienced a civil war and endured a ruthless dictatorship, it is easy to romanticize the periods that followed such turmoil. The sense of relief and the brief moments of peace and recovery can overshadow the grim realities of those eras. Yet, the challenges faced during those times of relative peace were significant and severe, affecting countless lives and shaping the course of the nation’s history.


Comparing Hardships


When evaluating whether today’s economic difficulties are worse than the struggles of the past, it is essential to consider the broader historical context. Civil wars and dictatorial regimes are characterized by widespread suffering, loss of life, and systemic oppression. While economic struggles can be profound, they typically do not reach the same levels of violence and human rights abuses.


However, this comparison is not meant to diminish the hardships people face today. Economic challenges, high inflation, unemployment, and poverty are real and significant issues that impact daily lives. Yet, by recognizing the severity of past struggles, we can gain a more balanced perspective. It reminds us that humanity has endured and overcome tremendous adversities before and has the capacity to do so again.


Embracing the Present


Rather than yearning for an idealized past, it is crucial to focus on the present and the opportunities it holds. Today’s world, despite its flaws and challenges, offers unique possibilities for progress and improvement. Technological advancements, access to information, and global connectivity provide tools and resources that previous generations could not have imagined.


Moreover, the present is where we have agency and power. Dwelling on the past can lead to a sense of helplessness and resignation. In contrast, embracing the present empowers us to take action, make changes, and strive for a better future. Each generation has faced its own set of challenges, and it is through their efforts that progress has been made.


Making the Best of Today


To make the best of our present time, it is essential to cultivate a mindset of resilience and optimism. This involves recognizing and addressing current problems while also appreciating the progress and achievements that have been made. It requires us to be proactive, innovative, and compassionate in our approach to solving today’s issues.


Engaging with our communities, supporting one another, and advocating for positive change are all ways we can contribute to a better present. By focusing on what we can do now, rather than longing for a past that may not have been as idyllic as it seems, we can create a more promising and hopeful reality.




The illusion of a better past is a common psychological phenomenon that can hinder our ability to appreciate and improve our current situation. By acknowledging the harsh realities of the past and the opportunities of the present, we can foster a more balanced and proactive approach to life. Embracing the present and making the best of today not only helps us navigate current challenges but also lays the foundation for a brighter future.


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