Thursday, August 23, 2018


We have discussed the effect of placing the intellect above the spirit. Now we move on to discuss how this same phenomenon affected the dissemination of the Message of Christ.

And so it was that when Jesus came bringing the Word, and referred warningly to the coming of the Last Judgment, which is reserved for the Son of Man as World Judge and World Teacher, it was only here and there that He found fertile soil. Most people did not concern themselves with His Message from God.

Mankind saw the miracles of Christ, heard of the Word of Life brought by Him, but still opposed Him vehemently with hatred and cunning that eventually led Him to the cross. Of course, the glorification of the earthly intellect led the religious leaders of that time to do what they did. Simply put, these religious leaders were afraid of losing influence among the people through the enlightenment of the Son of God. This was the main reason for their animosity towards Christ and for His execution. They nailed Him to the cross as a blasphemer of the very God by Whom He was sent to bring enlightenment and Whose servants they professed to be. They tried to make people believe that they were serving God and yet were able to plot the execution of the Son of God. Instead of opening themselves to the Truth, they analyzed Jesus with their brains telling themselves that He was not learned enough to teach them.

So dangerous is this intellect that of all those who listened to Christ, only a few were able to follow Him spiritually and thus able to accept His Teachings. Thereafter however, this same Teaching was distorted by man’s brain and pretension to knowing better.

Indeed according to the Grail Message behind this over-development of the human intellect stands Lucifer as Antichrist in person! He acquired the name Antichrist through his hostilities against the Mission of the Son of God.

Since no one suspected that the Antichrist lurked beneath the intellect, he could extend his sinister influence all the more easily! So Lucifer was able to cut off mankind from comprehending spiritual matters; indeed all matters outside the range of worldly things. From real life! This also explains why at present man is not able to comprehend messages from the helpers in the beyond and therefore cannot receive warnings. So that even warnings about sudden changes in nature are not heeded and therefore man suffers great damage as a consequence. For the same reason, many today are looking for the Antichrist in the most ridiculous places not knowing that he has crept right into their lives and into the religions they hold so sacred. With this he controls this earth and the greater part of mankind as is evident for all to see today.

In Part VIII we will discuss the significance of the times in which we live.

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