Wednesday, August 29, 2018


The building blocks of a nation. 

Let us look at the various strata of society and their roles with regards to nation building: 

i. The role of everyone 

If you say for example that all Nigerian are corrupt. I will not argue with you. But if we must change this, then let that change start with me and you. If I change truly for the good, then most likely some of those around me who see the change in me will wish to emulate me and make a change and before you know it, we will be a good influence on our surroundings. 

But how is this change to be attained? We find help in the Grail Message which tells us that the foundation for the upbuilding of a new humanity, which we cannot and must not evade, rests in the one sentence: Keep the hearth of your thoughts pure! 

And it is with this that we must begin! That is our first task which will make us what we must become. If we fulfil this then we will receive the full measure of help that awaits us in Creation which leads us and our country upwards to peace and progress without interruption! 

ii. The role of the woman 

If we wish to build our nation to the honour of our Creator, then we need to understand the real role of the woman and tap into it. 

She is not just there for child bearing or making herself the domestic servant of her family. 

The woman is blessed by the Creator such that she can sense clearly the will of the Almighty and she can ennoble her environment by influencing her people to follow the will of God. Men will do all they can to be in good standing with the women in their lives be they their mother, wife, daughter or friend. Therefore, imagine if the women of this country resolve that they will shun any man who cannot explain the source of his wealth. This alone will have a great and positive effect in reducing the compulsion to corrupt practices in our land. 

The role of womanhood is to be priestesses of purity wherever they are. Let us look up to our women and girls in this regard and they too will change to what we see in them and we will thereby uplift our nation! 

iii. Children and parents 

Many say that they work for their children! They work so hard, make deals, and if they are in public office, resort to outright stealing so that they can provide for their children and grandchildren yet unborn! 

Let us free ourselves from this unnecessary burden. Once parents have taken care of the child to the point where the child can take care of his own physical body, then anything done beyond that is a gift because the child is really an independent individual who is just a guest of the parents who have implicitly agreed by their voluntary act of love to accept this loved one. 

It is not true love to make everything easy for children. True love will allow them independence as soon as they are mature. The children just like their parents have a lot to do to become mature spiritually and to be materially independent and each should be allowed to work their way upwards freely. This way we curb corruption and unrest in our nation. 

In the next essay we will treat the question of peace and development.

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