Tuesday, January 29, 2019

THE POWER OF THOUGHTS (PART 3) (b) How Thoughts Operate:

The Son of God was reported in Mathew 5:27 & 28 to have said during the Sermon on the Mount: “You have heard… ‘You shall not commit adultery.’  But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart.”

This means that it is not only the external action that can bring about guilt. Thoughts too, as invisible as they are, counts as action! How can this be? The Grail Message explains to us how thoughts operate in a way that clears all doubt and in a way that brings to remembrance the words of Christ in this regard to the effect that a lustful thought is equal to a lustful deed with attendant consequences!

In the lecture of the Grail Message titled Morality, we see pictorially the danger posed even if just one person out of 30 pure minded people in a swimming pool for both sexes harbours impure thoughts.  If this 30th person stimulated by what he sees begins to nurture impure thoughts towards the object of his glances, then such thoughts will take on invisible forms, moves towards and attach themselves to the affected person and defiles the person even if nothing has been said or done by both parties! The person thus contaminated will carry this dirt away with the danger that this dirt can attract similar straying thought forms which are capable of poisoning and confusing the victim. Is this not scary? Of course, there is protection against the dangers posed by such thought forms, but that protection is for one who constantly strives for purity of thought and is inwardly anchored firmly to the centres of light-streams!

The visible deed, words and thoughts belong to the Realm of Gross Matter in this Creation! Thoughts operate in the World of Fine Gross Matter, words in the World of Medium Gross Matter, and visible actions take form in the World of densest Gross Matter. These three kinds of our activity are gross material!

Therefore, the forms of all three are closely connected with each other and their effects are interwoven. This means that a thought, automatically work­ing according to its nature in Fine Gross Matter, can strengthen words of a similar type in the World of Medium Matter, thereby producing more powerful forms. Going further, the thought gains more strength, continues to work on and eventually arises in a visible active form in the coarsest World of Matter, without the originator of the thought appearing to be directly linked to the visible action which may be carried out by someone else at another part of the planet!

No wonder then the Grail Message gave us a strong warning to the effect that not one single evil thought will remain unexpiated, even when it has not developed into a physical deed!

The next essay will discuss: What to avoid.

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