Wednesday, January 30, 2019

THE POWER OF THOUGHTS (PART 4) (c) What to avoid

Let us start by gratefully acknowledging that the ability to form thoughts is a sublime gift from above!

With our understanding of the power of thoughts and how they operate, let us now consider those things which needs to be avoided so that we can make use of this gift aright since no one may trifle with gifts of the Almighty without harming himself.

First, we should be wary of confused thoughts and of all shallowness in thinking. Careless thoughts can debase us to the level of a playground for strange influences, through which one can very easily become morose, temperamental and unjust to his surroundings. Many for example are always thinking of enemies of all kinds and categories. Enemies emanating from their father’s family line, from their mother’s family line and enemies at the market place! If you proceed always with distrust and suspicion of everyone around you, the risk is that one draws things which are like these thoughts to oneself because thoughts too are subject to the Creative Law of attraction of all that is similar. Let us take a very simple example. False rumours spread that something is wrong with a bank which arouse the thought in many customers to rush to the bank to try to get some of their money out while they still can. The number of customers at the bank increases, as does their thoughts of annoyance and excitement, which in turn fuels the false rumours of the bank's insolvency and upcoming bankruptcy, causing more customers to come and try to withdraw their money. Really, the bank was not insolvent. But the rumour of insolvency caused a sudden demand of withdrawal of too many customers, which could not be answered, causing the bank to become insolvent and declare bankruptcy.  This is a classic example of self-fulfilling prophecies which come as harvest for those that sow negative thoughts. Negative thoughts simply attract negative results. Let us avoid it.

Again, many on realising the power of thoughts can be tempted to exploit it to serve their own selfish ends. Dangerous! Such are intellectual efforts and not the work of our spirit. Rather we are enjoined to let our spiritual intuition pervade our thoughts. We are to set free within us the urge for what is noble and good. This will then form that foundation for thinking which comes from the wish of our spirit. When we strive deep inside for only the good, and to live solely in accord with the Laws of God, this striving will affect our thoughts, and subsequently tame our intellect to obey our spirit and to do good as well. This way, even our intellectual plans and works will already be pre-influenced by the spirit and nothing wrong can develop!

The next essay is the conclusion titled:  LET US KEEP OUR THOUGHTS PURE!

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