Sunday, June 30, 2024



In the vibrant tapestry of human languages, Pidgin English stands out as a colourful, if somewhat controversial, thread. Some argue that it’s a cultural treasure, while others see it as a linguistic shortcut. As someone who believes in the power of words, and the need for us to speak in all nobility, I find myself pondering the place of Pidgin English in our lives and communication.

A Gift from the Almighty

Language, the ability to form and share words, is a divine gift. It’s a tool given to us by the Almighty to express thoughts, convey emotions, and connect with one another. This gift comes with a responsibility: to use it with grace and nobility. No matter our level of education or social status, our words should reflect purity and a sense of higher purpose.

The Power of Words

Words are powerful. They shape our thoughts, influence our actions, and affect our surroundings. Imagine our words as seeds planted in the garden of our lives. They grow and shape our future circumstances. Hence, we must choose our words carefully. They should be simple and true, reflecting the best of our human nature.

The Nature of Pidgin English

Pidgin English, for many, is a fun and easy way to communicate. It’s often seen as the language of the streets, a bridge between diverse linguistic backgrounds. However, Pidgin is essentially a relaxed and sometimes careless way of speaking English. It lacks specific rules and structure, making it a hodgepodge of words and phrases used on the fly.

The Limits of Pidgin

Consider this: would you conduct a court proceeding in Pidgin English? Would you draft a serious business proposal or write an academic paper in Pidgin? The answer is likely no. When it comes to matters of importance, we instinctively revert to proper language. This is because Pidgin, while convenient for casual conversations, lacks the precision and clarity needed for serious discourse.

Striving for Nobility in Language

Here’s where the philosophical part comes in: if we recognize the power of words and the nobility of language, shouldn’t we strive to use them in the best possible way? While Pidgin English may have its place in casual settings, it’s essential to make an effort to elevate our speech. This means embracing the richness and structure of proper language in our daily interactions.

The Call to Action

Let’s take this as a call to action. Let’s strive to move away from the casualness of Pidgin English and embrace the beauty of proper language. This doesn’t mean abandoning our cultural roots but rather enhancing them with the grace and nobility that befit us as human beings. After all, the words we use and how we use them are reflections of who we are and who we aspire to be.

In conclusion, while Pidgin English may have its charm, it’s important to recognize the value of speaking with grace and purpose. Our words are powerful, and using them responsibly can lead to a more fulfilling and harmonious life. So, let’s watch our words, strive for simplicity and truth, and always aim to communicate with the dignity that reflects our true nature as human spirits!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you, for this.
The day Chief A.O.Lawson spoke about pidgin English was the day a thick veil got torn from my Face.I number myself among those (probably) who resolved to put a complete stop to the use of pidgin English and the pidgin (yes)of Yorùbá language.
Again, I say, thanks!