Friday, April 12, 2024


If one subscribes to the belief that the Saviour sacrificed himself for the expiation of humanity's sins, it is imperative to delve deeper into the ramifications of such thought  by considering the following:-

It is often said that the wages of sin is death. However death in this context transcends mere physical death but means eternal damnation, a fate that entails being erased from the Book of Life! The bodies of those who have turned their backs on sin  and that of those who relish sin will undergo physical death. So, physical death is not a punishment for sins neither can an enforced killing of one person be a sacrifice for the sins of another. 

To atone for the sins of others, an individual would hypothetically need to endure not only physical death but also spiritual annihilation. However, such a fate is inconceivable for the Saviour, who remains eternally pure and in unity with the Divine. Moreover, the laws of creation forbid that a person dies in place of another. 

Therefore the Saviour could not have paid for the sins of humanity. His true mission lies in the dissemination of the Word of Life, which serves as the beacon of salvation for all.

For humanity, the path to redemption lies in genuine repentance and a steadfast commitment to doing only what is good. Embracing the Word of Truth and adhering to its teachings is the key to absolving oneself of sin and finding spiritual enlightenment.

In essence, the journey towards redemption is simple yet profound, requiring us to align our actions with the the laws of creation, living for the truth and doing only what is good. That is the path to the forgiveness of sins, the path to atonement, the path to eternal life!


Sin, at its core, is the act of going against the Divine Will, an infringement upon the Laws of Creation. It manifests when individuals stray from the path set forth by spiritual guidance, instead allowing their intellect to dictate their actions. However, discerning the Divine Will requires a spiritual awakening, where one's spirit becomes the guiding force over their intellect.

Historically, humanity has witnessed an imbalance in the development of intellect, leading to what can be termed as a hereditary sin. This inclination towards earthly matters, driven by the dominance of intellect, diverts attention away from God and universal laws. It encompasses thoughts, words, or actions that contradict the laws of creation, driven solely by selfish intellectual calculations to the detriment of others. These manifestations of sin include greed, excessive sensuality, falsehoods, gossip, lack of self-discipline, and more.

The consequence of this deviation is evident in the disparity of moral standards across different cultures and societies. What is deemed sinful in one region may be accepted or even celebrated in another. Such discrepancies are a result of prioritizing earthly intellect over spiritual discernment.

True adherence to the Laws of God necessitates listening to the spirit, allowing it to guide thoughts and actions. When spiritual principles form the foundation, there exists a harmonious consistency, fostering happiness and peace. The expressions of the spirit remain uniform across all boundaries, devoid of contradiction.

In essence, sin arises when individuals prioritize earthly intellect over spiritual enlightenment. By reconnecting with the spirit and aligning with the Divine Will, humanity can transcend the confines of sin and embrace universal laws that promote harmony and unity.

Monday, February 19, 2024


He was a formidable business tycoon, a London-trained accountant hailing from a prominent Lagos family. Known for his blunt demeanor and fierce ambition, he was nonetheless meticulous in his dealings, achieving great success in business without compromising fairness. Inheriting the family company from his late father, Chief Smart Owonikoko-Decency (Chief Smart) propelled it to unprecedented heights, with the business's value soaring to over N120 billion ($80 million) during his tenure as Chief Executive of the Owonifaari Group. Seizing opportunities in supporting services for Nigeria's burgeoning telecommunications industry following the country's return to democracy, he further expanded his enterprise's scope.

Chief Smart's passing at the age of 86, attributed to renal failure by his wife, Mrs. Jelenke Owonikoko-Decency (Jelenke), marked the end of an era for the business community.

To Chief Smart's utter surprise and confusion, as he departed from his physical body, he found himself observing his discarded form lying on the hospital bed, while simultaneously perceiving himself in a different, more refined body. It was a surreal experience, witnessing his wife Jelenke's tears and lamentations over his passing, as she knelt by the bedside. Two devoted nurses and the lead doctor/consultant, who had tirelessly strived to keep him alive, offered her solace.

In the corner of the exclusive private room in the highbrow hospital where he had spent the last month battling his ailment, Chief Smart's son, Ariwo-ola, stood calmly. Despite the gravity of the situation, Ariwo-ola appeared contemplative, his thoughts evidently drifting toward the future of the Owonifaari Group business, which he envisaged continuing from where his father left off. Chief Smart couldn't help but feel a pang of shock and disappointment as he realised that his son, unlike the others in the room, seemed more preoccupied with the business than with his father's passing.

In this transcendent state, Chief Smart found himself endowed with a newfound ability to perceive people's thoughts clearly, offering him some insight into their innermost feelings and intentions.

Meanwhile, Jelenke remained inconsolable despite Chief Smart's attempts. Drawing closer to her, he reiterated that he was still alive, urging her to cease her weeping. However, Jelenke remained unresponsive, her sobs unabated. Placing his arms around her shoulders in a gesture of solace, Chief Smart repeated his reassurance. Yet, Jelenke's demeanor remained unchanged.

Chief Smart was yet to fully come to terms with the fact that he was no longer working through his discarded physical body but that his finer body was the one making contact with his wife's finer form, rather than her physical body. Moreover, he remained oblivious to the fact that Jelenke, still in the flesh could not perceive his touch on her finer body. Frustrated and distressed, Chief Smart cried out to the others in the room, proclaiming his continued existence. Despite hearing his own voice and the voices of others, they remained oblivious to his presence, adding to his bewilderment.

In a state of utter despondency, Chief Smart collapsed to the ground, losing consciousness. Days later, he witnessed his own lavish funeral, astonished by the lack of compassion and the envy evident in the expressions of some attendees. Moreover, he observed with surprise how individuals he had once despised now extended well-wishes towards him in his transition.

Exhausted by the ordeal, Chief Smart drifted into sleep, only to awaken to a suffocating darkness. His attempts to call out were met with a chilling silence, devoid of the sound of his own voice. Bereft of sensation in his limbs, Chief Smart grappled with a sense of profound loneliness and hopelessness, signaling the onset of a long and arduous journey into the unknown realms beyond.

During his time on earth, Chief Smart rarely entertained matters of spiritual significance. When his son, from a tender age of seven, questioned him about life after death, Chief Smart dismissively asserted that upon his demise, his body would simply turn to dust, discouraging further inquiry into the topic. To him, such inquiries were deemed trivial and unworthy of attention, as he urged his son to focus on weightier matters.

In discussions among peers regarding the spiritual essence of life, Chief Smart's response was often laced with mocking laughter. He regarded such conversations as juvenile, asserting that his role as a businessman was solely to amass wealth for himself and his family, while also creating opportunities for the less fortunate. With an air of ambition, he expressed his desire to leave a lasting legacy as a successful entrepreneur and a benefactor to humanity.

The narrative of Chief Smart's departure unfolds as a tale of hardship and bewilderment in its initial hours. Yet, this narrative merely scratches the surface of a much deeper reality. The choices he made throughout his life on earth have led him to confront the stark consequences that now unfold before him. Despite his refusal to acknowledge the existence of an afterlife and his dismissal of spiritual matters as inconsequential, Chief Smart has no power to annul the continuation of life after his physical demise. Consequently, he now faces the daunting prospect of navigating a desolate and solitary existence in the realms beyond.

However, for those who have devoted their time on earth to acquiring knowledge about God and eternity, their awakening in the realms beyond shall be one of profound joy. The Hand of the Lord extends to us through His Word, readily available on earth today. This divine revelation illuminates the operation of God's laws in creation and offers a path to redemption from the entanglements of guilt. With a genuine comprehension of these divine laws, we can sidestep experiences akin to those endured by Chief Smart Owonikoko-Decency.

Now therefore is the time to concern ourselves solely with the Word of Truth and a clear understanding of the laws of God!


Life on Earth can often seem perplexing, especially when we witness the sudden passing of someone who seemed to have it all - education, wealth, fame, and position. We question the meaning of achieving material success only to leave it all behind without fully experiencing its benefits.

Perhaps our confusion stems from our narrow pe
rspective, limited to earthly matters. Yet, there is a broader picture that offers clarity and understanding.

Consider these five points:

1. The earth represents the lowest realm within the broader Creation. Beyond our earthly existence, there exist higher planes offering humans elevated levels of joy and peace. Hence, transitioning from this earthly life to a higher sphere of existence is not abnormal, is not necessarily a punishment or a tragedy no matter how sudden or the forms the exit takes. Being human, the occurrence itself may be shocking to us, may make us sad but this does not negate the fact that life continues for the departed and they are not consigned into oblivion. It may well be that the living soul of the departed is already abiding and experiencing life in sunny meadows of this wonderful Creation! Of course, a departed one will be attracted and held fast to the area in the beyond which is similar to how his life on earth was lived.

2. The purpose of life extends beyond material success; it is about aligning with the Will of God. Without a clear understanding of our purpose in life, then life loses meaning. Recognising our path beyond this life is crucial for understanding our purpose here.

3. Our experiences on Earth are meant to lead us to spiritual maturity and a deeper understanding of God's Laws. Through these experiences, it becomes natural for individuals to serve God by adhering to His Laws. Please note this point well as it already discloses the purpose of life on earth!

4. The Laws of God orchestrate our circumstances to provide the experiences necessary for us to attain spiritual maturity and truly recognize God. Keeping this in mind, we understand that our current conditions - be it wealth or poverty, health or illness, peace or conflict, joy or sorrow - are all avenues guiding us towards a deeper understanding of God, which is the ultimate purpose of life.

5. Understanding the purpose of our lives fills us with gratitude for every moment and experience. With this understanding, we will naturally gain profound insights and eschew the pursuit of material possessions solely for personal gain. Instead, we will dedicate each moment of our lives to spiritual growth, leading to a joyful existence and the purest form of happiness.

May we all attain clarity and understanding of these matters, and may we be strengthened to gain valuable insights from the numerous experiences we encounter throughout our lives on earth daily and hourly!

Friday, June 30, 2023



Do you know that if we are truly desirous of saying only what is useful, we will hardly spend 33% of the time we spend talking presently? Instead of noble silence, we indulge in talking about all things under the sun, what we understand, and what we know nothing about. We have an opinion ready on any topic. This talking epidemic suppresses our ability to perceive intuitively and observe things naturally. It does not promote clarity of thought; it causes inner turmoil instead of promoting inner peace. No wonder we have the saying: Silence is golden! We, therefore, need to cultivate silence. When we do this, then we can also benefit from the power of silence.

We will touch on three ways in which we can use the power of silence for our benefit. 

1. To nourish our thoughts and bring them to fruition:

When we think about something and retain the thought in silence, it begins to grow, it expands and other similar thoughts from the countless thoughts floating all around us are added to our initial thought. As we continue to stay in silence on the matter, we get more clarity and the thought is able to become deed with time having gained strength through silence. Everything we do starts from a seed; the seed of that first thought. It is this thought that grows into a visible manifestation when nourished. Silence is the nourishment our thoughts need in order to grow and mature into deeds.

2.   To attract what we need:

As mentioned earlier, the thought retained in silence will attract similar thoughts to itself, change and evolve into a new and stronger form. It will get to the point where this reinforced thought begins to break through your personal aura so that others notice it. They may say you have changed or that they are seeing a new you! This development then draws to you like a magnet, all the people and resources you need to bring into fruition that which you seek in your thought. This attraction is what people describe as good luck or being at the right place at the right time. But your nourished thoughts are really the cause of your attracting what comes to you! Please note that this works for good and for bad thoughts; hence the need to always think about that which is good so that we will attract only goodness into our lives. Furthermore, this thought which has matured can rise above the ordinary and go further into spheres of higher thoughts from where it can draw inspiration which then guides you into bringing the thought to reality in a much more advanced form.      

 3. To aid our earnestness when we pray and to foster our desire to do only what is good.

Prayer time is a time dedicated to God. If we are to pray at all then it must be sincere, serious, and solemn. When we pray in quietness, the power to express ourselves intuitively is increased through silence and our prayers can rise to the Luminous Heights and our petitions can rise to the spheres of grace. When in our life’s journey we have come to the point of making the firm decision to do only that which is good and turn our back to sin forever, the power of silence helps us to stay the course. This good volition mentioned here has the power to protect us from the repercussions of our former evil deeds. It is tantamount to the forgiveness of our past sins. This power of good volition, this great protection Is also nourished by the power of silence!

Clearly, the Lord our God in His mercy has endowed us with the strength for everything! May we have the courage to use it only for the good!



Thursday, June 29, 2023



Sometimes, profound discussions happen on buses. Years ago, a bus conductor in Lagos, Nigeria told his passengers that he does not buy the idea conveyed by the words: “olden days”. There is nothing like the olden days he said. The olden days are what have extended to this very day he affirmed. The young man spoke with courage. What he said is not in line with the popular view. The majority believe that time passes and that time changes.


But does time change? Does it pass? New knowledge available on earth today makes it clear to us that Time stands still! We are the ones that go through time to learn from it. Time never changes. It records all things and it is eternal. We, therefore, are the ones who go through time to learn from what has been recorded in it. We learn from this and we grow, we mature. It is just the forms of time that change and this is what we as men can relate to and which makes us conclude that time changes. Only the forms change but not time itself.


Again, when we observe ourselves we notice that we too remain the same inwardly. Our inner core the spirit remains what it is even when our body is manifesting outward changes. Our body can be young, it can be old, but our inner core remains forever the same. I am sure you too have noticed this.


Truth! This is the eternal unchangeable! It is Eternal. Again, as we reflect on this we see that what we consider as truth today we see later as error and yet again in this, we yet find grains of truth. Even then the Truth remains forever the same, it does not change. We are the ones who are getting to know more and more and growing and maturing in the process.


As we contemplate Truth we realise that it is Divine. It is well above our own origin. Closely linked to Truth are Love, Purity, and Justice. All are Divine. To be pleasing to our Creator, we as of necessity need to embrace and immerse ourselves in the spiritual forms of the Divine concepts mentioned here.


To live by Truth and Justice let us resolve to think, speak and act such that the Laws of Creation will bring back to us in reciprocity only peace, happiness, and the abundance of this Universe. When we align our thoughts words and deeds to their working, the Laws will also bear us aloft to the Luminous Gardens of our Creator eventually.


To serve Purity, let us embrace childlikeness, chastity in daily activity, a sense of beauty in all our actions, faithfulness, and acting with grace.


To live by Love, let us voluntarily respect and show understanding for our neighbours, help where help is needed and contribute only to healing and reconciliation.  We should also strive to live up to the high standards and pedestal on which our loved ones have placed us and not betray their trust.  


Above all, let us think of God at all times. That is our source of redemption, that is our salvation!


Tuesday, June 27, 2023


In her mid-twenties, Soyoyo is fun-loving, charming, and attractive. She can be described as decent, does not keep late nights, and is considered a reliable staff in the pharmacy retail chain where she serves as pharmacist and store manager. To unwind, she goes to the beach at weekends to relax with her colleagues, male and female.


At the beach, the ladies put on their skimpy bikinis and the gentlemen their swimming shorts. They swim, have their picnics, and party for hours. A female colleague once voiced her concern about this coming together of male and female in such a state of near nakedness. She was advised by the others that swimming with friends is totally harmless and that she must be the one with a corrupt mind to have a problem with the “clean fun” they were all enjoying. They told her: to the clean mind, all is clean!


On one occasion, a male colleague invited his friend Ojuri to join in the beachside fun. As it would turn out, Ojuri was not a man with a clean mind as envisaged by our group of friends and colleagues. Ojuri found Soyoyo appealing and kept looking at her as she swam and danced to the scintillating music. However, instead of thoughts of love, what arose in the mind of Ojuri was a lustful desire for Soyoyo! He said and did nothing outwardly. Throughout the get-together, Ojuri did not say one word to Soyoyo nor did he express his desires to the person who invited him to the party.


Now, thoughts are realities, and they have forms! The lustful thoughts of Ojuri took on form and moved towards Soyoyo. The effect is that these lustful forms defiled Soyoyo who continued to carry the forms with her even as she left the party. These forms are harmful and will most likely poison and confuse Soyoyo. Such a victim may start having desires of a lustful nature even if ordinarily such was not intended before the contamination aforementioned. No wonder then that we are told in the New Testament that whosoever looks on a woman to lust after her has committed adultery with her already in his heart. These are the physically unseen happenings associated with swimming between the sexes, erotic dance shows, and wild parties.


All who do not wish to be defiled need to be wary of such outings. There are certainly better ways to enjoy our time for recreation. It is time to discourage such gatherings which only promote immorality. In addition, let us respect and honour women. Let us from now begin to see in women what we really expect: noble womanhood. This will help womanhood to change for the better and we thereby uplift ourselves.


We shall succeed if we are focused on only what is good!