Saturday, September 28, 2019


When we are told that we are not saved by "works" it means that works emanating from a robotic adherence to the dogmas of our religions will not save us!

We may say: Oh,  in my religion we don't wear gold, we don't consume pork, we must not work at all on a particular day, we must convert others, we must pray till we sweat, we don't celeberate birthdays, we don't celebrate Easter, we must do pilgrimage etc... All of these are works linked to the dogmas of our religions and will surely make us shine before our religious leaders but not before our Maker!

Paul in his epistles referred to such works and was quoted to have  said that  the "righteousness" based on such works is like "filthy rags!"

This conclusion of Paul however does not apply to works arising from a  heartfelt obedience to God's Primordial Laws! For example,  the Law of Sowing and Reaping is a Law of the Almighty.  Obedience to it is a necessity and will definitely liberate us! In the operation of this particular law, no one can stand in the place of another as each will have to bear the responsibility for what they think,  say and do! There is no escape for anyone except  total repentance! There is  no other way!

We turn around, change  from our evil ways first and then we obtain forgiveness. Works of repentance and works based on obedience to the laws of our Creator are works which are pleasing to God and cannot be compared to a superficial following of  religious dogmas earlier mentioned. It is the dogma based works  which are described as similar to filthy rags.

A clear distinction is hereby made between works that redeem and works that are lifeless and of no effect.

May we all be strengthened to work out our salvation by turning our back on sin forever and adhering in all honesty to the redeeming laws of the Lord of all! Amen.

Friday, September 27, 2019


Women need not seek to be equal to men as they already stand higher than any man!

However, there is a need for woman to know her real vocation as a true guide for humanity. Her influence from the home makes her so influential and so powerful. For example it is usually the case that every man aspires to be what the woman in their lives take them to be! What a great influence to wield!

Therefore, competing with men is like going half a step down! Let woman remain at her post and fulfill her Heaven ordained task as Priestess of Purity and peace will reign on this heavily troubled earth!

May women and girls of this earth recognise their high office!