Sunday, September 16, 2007


Diligence is a virtue that is worthy of our aspirations.It is easy to say that the spirit is willing but the body is weak.However it behoves us to see to it that what we feel deep inside is carried out .It is no excuse to say that our body is weak. The spirit has to take its place as leader and the flesh has to do what the spirit demands.

The spirit which has its origin in luminous regions cannot but wish that which is good and noble.The fact that there is so much ugliness in the world today only poiints to the fact that the spirit of man takes little part in world affairs.The flesh rules and alas what chaos is brought about!

Diligence must awaken the spirit to its duties and the flesh made surbodineate to the spirit.This way,progress and beauty will once more flourish in this troubled earth.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Where is the October or November posts? You need to keep me interested with some words of wisdom.

Fakhrul Anwar, Brunei