Tuesday, May 22, 2012

God’s Commandment stipulates: THOU SHALL NOT KILL. How can God send His Son to be KILLED as sacrifice for the forgiveness of sin of mankind?

This question is tantamount to asking whether the Almighty can go against His Own Commandment. It also challenges the popularly held belief that the Son of God’s Mission was to descend to the earth so that He might be killed as sacrifice for the forgiveness of the sins of mankind.

The Commandments of God are the expressions of His Will and they remain perfect and valid for all times! The Commandment under reference clearly forbids killing. Therefore, the killing of Jesus cannot be in keeping with this Commandment. Neither did the Almighty authorize human sacrifice, torture and mockery nor the wicked and agonising method of execution meted out on the Son of God about 2000 years ago. 

Indeed, the existence of this Commandment should have been a warning to us all not to accept the view that Christ was sent by His Almighty Father as a slave to carry upon Himself the sins of mankind through a sacrificial killing. In addition to this, we can cite three scriptural accounts that should have helped us to put the gruesome murder into proper perspective.

1.      At His crucifixion, the Son of God asked the Father to forgive the offenders for they know not what they do. This prayer of intercession became necessary simply because what had been done was a sin!  

2.      The scriptural account of the baptism of Christ was to the effect that during the baptism, a Heavenly Voice proclaimed Christ as the Son of God and that humanity should listen to Him. Humanity was not directed to kill Him! 

3.      During the crucifixion, darkness replaced the broad daylight accompanied with earth tremors. The curtain which demarcates the Holy of Holies from mankind was torn into two. These ominous happenings when rightly interpreted suggest to us that there was revolt in Nature during the crucifixion. Unseen hands tore the Temple curtain because at the crucifixion, the symbolic Divine Presence in the Holy of Holies was withdrawn, rendering the Holy of Holies unnecessary! Certainly, these are no signs that sins are being forgiven but that the killing was an outrage against God!

The Sacred Mission of the Son of God however lay in His proclaiming the Word of Truth. It is adherence to the true Teachings of Christ that can lead man to redemption and the forgiveness of sins. We achieve atonement, forgiveness and salvation by turning from our sinful ways and abiding by the true Teachings of Jesus.

The killing of Jesus therefore stands entirely on its own and remains a transgression against God’s Commandment! 

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