Saturday, July 23, 2016

And He rested on the seventh day!

In Scripture we read that by the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested from all his work.

Some have explained that this does not mean that the Omnipotent Lord of all needed to rest, but simply ceased creating on the seventh day as He will never be tired. Others link it to the Sabbath day: we also need to rest on one day of the week.

But we also see that many scriptural writings ascribe human characteristics to the Almighty! The Lord is portrayed as jealous, repenting of His deeds, angry with the wicked, and even walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and from whom the human couple could attempt to hide.

While all these might be able to bring partially to the level of human understanding the unfathomable Majesty of the Most High, the fact remains that human words and expressions remain inadequate to explain the Creator. The danger also remains that these attempts could form in man a totally incorrect concept of God.

The Lord can be seen in His Work of Creation in which we have our existence. He speaks to us through His Creation and thereby shows us His Will clearly. To recognize this Will is our duty. And before now, the Son of God in His Holy Word showed the right way to do so.

Remember that Christ Jesus did not concern Himself with creeds. Let us therefore wake up, look around us, and in listening to our inner voice, move away from shackling dogmas and wrong concepts! Only this can open the way to pure understanding!

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