Saturday, August 27, 2016


A man goes and kneels before another. The one standing then tells the kneeling one what he ate last night, he goes further to tell stories about the circumstances of the kneeling one which are otherwise confidential. The kneeling one now assumes that the standing one is a man specially called to be a prophet, a man set apart to help mankind from their afflictions. He puts all his trust in him and in some cases practically becomes a slave to him. All decisions that concerns his life must first receive clearance from this “man of god”!

If the standing one has a gift to heal with the magnetism of his body which often can have a salutary effect by the laying of hands or other bodily contacts then he is proclaimed a miracle worker and followers will flock from home and abroad. He too will want to live up to expectations and begins to teach and preach many a times offering empty words…

But what really is the value of the ability to see the ethereal world which is on the same level with man? What also is the value of the activities of the many so called miracle workers and healers? Many of them are not even endowed with real and beneficial healing powers but are people with low level radiation, who make many words and mysterious gestures, and who imagine they are accomplishing great things.

All of these may be of interest to the individual, but they operate within low limits. Receiving healing for physical ailments on its own do not translate to the true healing of the soul. Being able to see, hear or feel the invisible world have little or no value when it is a matter of the spiritual ascent and maturity of mankind! However, to ascend spiritually, to inwardly grow and mature, and to seek God’s Kingdom is the real purpose of life. To be born anew is the real miracle!

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