Sunday, January 08, 2017

Relating with our neighbours

The word neighbor in this discussion represents all those we relate with, be they parents, spouse, children, other relatives, friends and business associates. Neighbours at the home front may differ from those in the office. When we are in the shopping mall for example, the other shoppers at that moment are our neighbours. How are we to relate with our neighbours?

Since we reap what we sow, then it follows that what we do to our neighbours we actually do to ourselves! My work supervisor once instructed that over the weekend we are to get the person seating next to us at work a gift not exceeding one pound in value. Happiness filled my heart as I made the purchase and the happiness increased when my neighbour at work opened the gift in appreciation. From the happiness I felt before and after presenting the modest gift I realised that I was indeed the first beneficiary of the good deed. 

I have also come to the recognition that we are to give to our neighbours of ourselves and not necessarily with money and goods. Our neighbour will gain tremendously from the kind consideration and respect we give to them voluntarily. Do you know why? Because that way, our action speaks loudly and our neighbour will thereby gain the strength to change themselves! That is far more effective than any preaching you can do with word of mouth!

You and I have a lot to redeem from our past and it will stand in our favour and aid our spiritual ascent if we show our neighbours the smallest kindness, give them a friendly word, take care of them when sick, empathize and identify with them in times of need be they our children, family members or associates.

Finally, in dealing with those close to us let us not give way to our own weaknesses by engaging in envy, distrust, rudeness, and acting without restraint. We ought to at all times maintain harmony in our relationships as harmony is the basis of real progress for us and our environment in the material and spiritual sense!

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