Saturday, October 07, 2017


The man of the future will have normal brains which will work uni­formly and thus support each other harmoniously. The cerebellum, called the small brain because it is stunted in its growth, will now grow in strength as it attains to its proper field of activity until it is in the right proportion to the frontal brain. This way man will be able to receive impressions from above through his intuitive brain the cerebellum and pass it on to the frontal brain for visible implementation. Of course only the good can ensue thereby. On the other hand all the impressions from the outside which the frontal brain can gather from day to day experiences can be passed on to the back brain and experienced in a deeper way and kept for future guidance. Man will learn how to keep the Sabbath day holy. He will use his day of rest such that he looks intuitively at all his experiences of the past 6 days and draws lesson from it for his future. This way he will gradually mature inwardly as he lives soberly yet in deep gratitude.

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