Sunday, January 27, 2019

THE POWER OF THOUGHTS (PART 2) (a) The Power of thoughts:

Our thoughts are our act of will. What makes thoughts special is that they are endowed with spiritual power if they are deep. This is because real thoughts are glowed through by the inner perception of the spirit. Where this is not the case, such thoughts are cold and feeble. Thoughts arise through the activity of the frontal brain (large brain). No doubt, the brain perishes at earthly death but the thoughts it had generated which had received the radiations of a spiritual nature take on form and outlives the body.

The true self of the departed will then have to experience the thought forms it brought into existence during its sojourn on earth. If these thought forms are of an evil nature it will hold the departed in gloomy areas just like the nature of these thoughts. In the case of good thoughts, they form a path for happy experiencing in lighter regions of the beyond.

Even in the here and now, we are builders of our lives and environments. When we think of forming our environment with the three well known states of matter then our deeds are like the solid, our words the liquid and our thoughts are like gas that form a part and parcel of our environment.

With our thoughts we can guide Divine Power which streams through all that exists to good or evil purpose! Of course, we are fully responsible for the consequences through the well-known inflexible law of sowing and reaping.

Instead of a negative use of thoughts or just frittering it away, let us be creative with our thinking. The author of the Grail Message charged us to do something very great with our thoughts when he told us to create out of our thoughts the Holy Spear which fights for the good, heals wounds and furthers the whole of Creation!

Let us wrap up on this first sub-topic on the power of thoughts by taking a special note: through our wishes, our thinking and our inner desire we can poison this world and the beyond, or we may purify and uplift them towards the Light. Therefore, the Grail Message tells us “direct your destiny so that it may lead upwards through the purity of your thoughts!” The next essay will be on- How thoughts operate.

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