Friday, January 10, 2020


The demands of walking the right path of salvation appears so difficult for many a man. Therefore, it is easy to subscribe to the belief that man can only be saved by the grace of the Almighty alone. Can this be true? Is this view an attempt by man to avoid the responsibilities of working relentlessly for his own salvation?

Yet, grace plays a part in our salvation. The grace here is that which is bestowed on us through the knowledge and adherence to the Laws of our Creator.  It is indeed GRACE that we are permitted to know of the laws of God which have been explained fully to us by many blessed Prophets of old and later by the Son of God Jesus.

In addition, our faith plays a role in that when we come across the Word of Truth and embrace it even if at first through faith and belief, our subsequent decision for what is good will establish the good in us leading us to a clear understanding of the Word of Truth. Thereafter follows full conviction. Our initial belief which has grown into CONVICTION then leads us to conscious, continuous and victorious adherence to the laws of God. This adherence to the Word of Truth are the deeds or the works which saves us!

Let us note carefully that we are not saved by deeds or works arising from a blind faith in the dogmas imposed by men and their religions! Such religious dogmas are familiar: we must fast, we must not celebrate birthdays nor eat certain types of food and so on. These types of work cannot save us and are not to be compared to the works of repentance and works based on an adherence to the Word of Truth. For example, obedience to the Law of Love as explained by Jesus is real work. However, such work will save us! Imagine giving so much love to our neighbour to the extent that such a neighbour then changes for the better. That is pure love and service. That is living in accordance with the Will of God. Such works of love redeems us, saves us and leads us back to our Creator, Who is Love!

Salvation and redemption will come to us only in the Word of God which we must absorb, so that by
living in accordance with It, we may release ourselves from the bonds of wrongdoing and false beliefs that holds us down through misunderstanding and distorting the true concepts. 

Let us therefore constantly stand in prayer to God to grant us the power to carry out ourselves the works that count towards our salvation and our redemption!

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