Monday, April 13, 2020


Is the Antichrist a man or an institution? The prophetic number 666 which has always been linked with the Antichrist has also been associated with some human beings and even institutions over the centuries. Protestant preachers including John Wesley and Martin Luther have pointed to the Papacy as the seat of the Antichrist! Apart from this revered institution, another one that has been accused is the American Presidency. Every American President since George Washington has been suspected of being the one to usher in the end times. On the individual level, we have had Nero, Napoleon Bonaparte, Hitler and even Henry Kissinger. Obama and now Bill Gates have joined the group of those suspected of paving the way for the Antichrist.

But who really is this Antichrist? Can the Antichrist be a human being or an institution? Prophecy reveals that he will succeed in deceiving many.  If the Antichrist acts openly will he be able to get the majority of people to follow him?

From the prophecies, the Antichrist would have the world in his grip and would not be one man who can be mocked by people. He will not be easily found out as is the case with the past and present personalities who have just been victims of conspiracy theories. At the end-times the Antichrist would be at the zenith of his dominion with mankind gladly worshipping him. Those who hesitate face dire consequences! In connection with the activity of the Antichrist, the book of Revelations in the Bible speaks of a trio of the dragon, a beast from the sea and yet another beast from the earth also known as the false prophet and the three are aligned in opposition to God.  With these predicted paraphernalia of the Antichrist, it becomes obvious that no human being or human institution, no matter how powerful or wealthy, can have the strength and power to be the Antichrist!

Revealed spiritual knowledge holds that the Antichrist is none other than Lucifer, the only real enemy of God! He showed his antagonism as early as when he tempted man to damage his brain which is the fine and highest part of man’s physical body meant to help him on earth. How did Lucifer do this? Man was granted two brain parts; the frontal brain (intellectual part) and the back brain (seat of the intuition). Both parts of the brain should have been developed absolutely equally, for joint harmonious activity, like every other dual organ in the body. Lucifer enticed man to rely on his frontal intellectual brain more than the intuitive back brain. The intellectual brain is meant to execute on earth the intuitive decisions of the human spirit which is relayed to the intellectual brain by the intuitive brain. By suppressing the activity of the spiritually receiving part of the brain in favour of the intellectual brain, man became handicapped spiritually. The aberration makes it more difficult to understand spiritual things and anything pertaining to God. That is also tantamount to being cut off from spiritual recognition and ascent and being cut off from God! For example, the intellectual brain can see visibly that seeds of oranges can only yield more oranges. However, it would take the intuitive brain to come to the recognition that the same law that applies to the physical orange applies also to our unseen thoughts, words and deeds, which are also seeds that will produce fruits of a similar kind. Only the human spirit can understand this using his intuitive brain. 

Following from relying mainly on his intellectual brain, which in scripture is described as working with the flesh, man began to live based solely on material earthly concepts which is an error. This led to self-worship and wickedness in the extreme as we see today. All admonitions by prophets and many teachers failed to find a path to the inner core of man as all such teachings are first dissected by the intellectual brains of men and made into lifeless dogmas.

Lucifer earned the name Antichrist when he worked assiduously against Christ’s Work of Redemption. As soon as Jesus appeared on earth, the Antichrist set to work immediately. The earthly effect of this was seen with the wicked attempt by Herod to terminate the earthlife and mission of Jesus at infancy! Later, Jesus was unsuccessfully tempted by Lucifer all in bid to deal a heavy blow on his mission. Eventually, Lucifer, using the leaders of religion of that time attacked Jesus aggressively at every turn and eventually brought the Truth Bringer to the cross! Meanwhile, the people Lucifer used acted under the delusion that they were serving God by silencing Jesus who they saw as a troublesome blasphemer of the Father Who sent him. Ironic and sad! But that is the hallmark of the Antichrist. He uses mankind to achieve his sinister aims while deceiving them that they are on the right path. Even amongst those who listened to Christ, only a few accepted his teachings. Many others listened with a total lack of understanding due to the weakened intuitive capacity earlier described. Today, those who serve the Antichrist abound and they have no idea that they are already under his rule.

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