Friday, April 12, 2024


Sin, at its core, is the act of going against the Divine Will, an infringement upon the Laws of Creation. It manifests when individuals stray from the path set forth by spiritual guidance, instead allowing their intellect to dictate their actions. However, discerning the Divine Will requires a spiritual awakening, where one's spirit becomes the guiding force over their intellect.

Historically, humanity has witnessed an imbalance in the development of intellect, leading to what can be termed as a hereditary sin. This inclination towards earthly matters, driven by the dominance of intellect, diverts attention away from God and universal laws. It encompasses thoughts, words, or actions that contradict the laws of creation, driven solely by selfish intellectual calculations to the detriment of others. These manifestations of sin include greed, excessive sensuality, falsehoods, gossip, lack of self-discipline, and more.

The consequence of this deviation is evident in the disparity of moral standards across different cultures and societies. What is deemed sinful in one region may be accepted or even celebrated in another. Such discrepancies are a result of prioritizing earthly intellect over spiritual discernment.

True adherence to the Laws of God necessitates listening to the spirit, allowing it to guide thoughts and actions. When spiritual principles form the foundation, there exists a harmonious consistency, fostering happiness and peace. The expressions of the spirit remain uniform across all boundaries, devoid of contradiction.

In essence, sin arises when individuals prioritize earthly intellect over spiritual enlightenment. By reconnecting with the spirit and aligning with the Divine Will, humanity can transcend the confines of sin and embrace universal laws that promote harmony and unity.

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